Sunday, December 28, 2014

EPN is packed and transported as preparations wherein the carrier is a special type of clay, kaolin

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Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) is the most important pest of apples in our country but also around the world. Besides apples high damage is caused and the pears and almonds. The intensive cultivation of apples and pears this pest has traditionally been controlled by synthetic insecticides. Frequent use of these insecticides has resulted in the emergence of resistant codling moth on available insecticides, and the emergence of new pests such as leaf miners and mites. Hazard these pests is the result of the elimination of their natural enemies because they have become economically significant but before they had marginal significance. As a response to these problems was introduce Granulovirus smoker control codling moth. Granulovirus are beginning to have given satisfactory results in certain conditions of application, but was soon time and resistance to these drugs. In the last decade has done a lot of research on the application of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPN) in the control of codling moth. Defines the conditions of their application and took hold in their applications smoker in commercial plantations.
The application of EPN is based on the fact that certain types of EPN parasitize smoker the larvae codling moth. Even the commercial species of EPN Steinernema carpocapsae first described as a parasite codling moth. Application EPN control codling moth is done against larvalnog stages overwintering generation annually in the fall after leaf drop. Larva strudel after leaving the fruit seeks hidden place for overwintering in the bark crevices, under bark or in fallen leaves and soil pores. Applied EPN find larva strudel, enter through natural openings such as the trachea and expel the symbiotic bacteria that begin to feed on the larvae of internal organs and cause her death. Nematodes feed on bacteria and so close symbiotic smoker cycle of these two groups of organisms.
Since EPN living organisms efficiency of their application depends on a number of factors in relation to the application of synthetic insecticides. The application of EPN is made standard equipment smoker for pesticide application provided that it is necessary to set the maximum nozzle smoker and limit the pressure smoker to a maximum of 8 bar. The application is done with the maximum amount of water. The application of EPN is done late in the afternoon, at night or during cloudy weather, because ultraviolet rays act lethal to them. Environmental conditions smoker in the next 8 hours from the time of application EPN are key to efficiency. Also, the efficiency significantly influences and humidity so that the recommended application by light rain. The efficiency of the application depends on the temperature so that the minimum 8-10 C, depending on the expected temperature at the time of application and choose the type of preparation and EPN. Proper application of the preparation EPN combined with pheromone zbunjivačima apple growers in Europe and the United States successfully control codling moth with a single application. Research and experience have shown that certain types of mulch, irrigation and the use of pre-wetters smoker have a positive effect on the efficiency of the EPN.
EPN is packed and transported as preparations wherein the carrier is a special type of clay, kaolin, which allows them a longer life span. The manufacturer shall provide preparation packed in boxes where there is ice lowers the temperature and preserves the quality of the preparation. Preferably, the composition is kept at a lower temperature, but above 0 C, until the moment of application. Quantity nematodes applicable per hectare is 2.5-5 x 10 individuals. Price protection codling moth EPN compared to synthetic insecticides is still slightly higher but the difference is almost equal. However, fruit growers have developed European countries and were used in the EPN protection programs smoker apples and pears because they have other indirect benefits from their use, such as reducing the use of pesticides which creates less pressure on the agro ecosystem and beneficial organisms in such conditions to some extent be controlled other pests, then reduced smoker the number of applications, and the absence of resistance. smoker Here it should be noted and advantages of such production because it allows that during the harvest of the rest of pesticides in apple fruits to zero as demand very choosy EU market which soon comes into force.
In most EU countries EPN are not regulated by legislation or treated as such useful macro say ladybugs. smoker However, our legislation, regardless of the positive smoker experience of a number of countries smoker and even EPPO recommendation on the use of EPN, does not allow the introduction of species for which no history of code n

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