Friday, December 26, 2014

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ROGATICA - Potato carport production of resources is an important boričkog plateau carport and the municipality carport of Rogatica. In order to educate producers and to prevent the introduction and spread carport of pests and diseases, in the municipal hall of Rogatica took place, 11/27/2013. a lecture on the topic of "potato cyst nematode (Globodera)". The training was organized by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of Rogatica Municipality in cooperation with the Extension Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of Serbian.
According to the lecturer, master of Branimir carport Nježić from the Agricultural University of Banja Luka, nematodes carport are the largest group of multicellular animals on earth. They are so numerous that four of the five individual right - nematodes. They belong to the public and well-known parasitic species "Trichinella spiralis" that part of their life cycle carried out in the pig, and it can go over to the man who consumed infected pork.
Potato carport nematodes characterized by extremely specialized parasitic diet. The main host plant potatoes, carport but can be developed and the tomatoes, eggplant, and weed plants of the genus - Solanum. Once they occur in the soil is simply impossible to eradicate. The only way that gives good results in the control of potato nematode is an integrated approach that involves carport the use of all available measures depending on the conditions of production. Potato nematodes are not naturally present carport in our area, but can occur due to human activity. Infected plant material is the most important way of spreading these nematodes to uninfected areas, explained master Nježić at a lecture in Rogatica.
Although potentially interested in this lecture notified via message carport boards, web-media and Radio "303", and even personally invited by telephone, from a hundred producers of potatoes at a lecture appeared only about twenty of them.
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