Thursday, December 4, 2014

Originally just want a summary about the Adobe Digital Editions 4 e-book reader how to secretly gat

Originally just want a summary about the Adobe Digital Editions 4 e-book reader how to secretly gather relevant reports, "the reader behavior information", bonzai by the way appeal to everyone not to use flash Adobe's other products. I did not expect the Internet began in earnest after the search bonzai for information, read his chin almost fell off. You know this is the third time peeping Adobe users read privacy? Do you know the toxicity of pdf files can be stronger than docx / xlsx it? Adobe deliberately let you know you have to compare the flash setting safe? Professors computer, you still insist to continue for this black-hearted endorsement supplier plant it? (Text long! Hurry may skip directly bonzai to the last paragraph of practical recommendations.)
Many libraries using Adobe eBook software Digital Editions 4. Digital Reader reports (arstechnica confirmed): DE4 will quietly record what readers read books, which a few pages, reading order. Moreover, when such information is transmitted back to Adobe, on the Internet unencrypted plaintext transmission. Etc., is not finished. DE4 will search the computer searches, which you did not turn on the hard drive of the other e-book reading DE4 "meta-data" (title, author, etc. "something other than Information") back to Adobe's website See also iTHome Chinese reports. Adobe said: simply collect this information in order to implement copyright protection; and had been pressing the "Agree" when the user installs the software.
Of course, we all know that the world record for the user to read rapidly press the "Agree", eager to play the game then agreed to sell his soul to the game makers is how it goes. As for the "copyright protection" refers to the "remote digital DRM shackles." Simply put, the object DE4 services not read the e-book reader, but the copyright owner. For reading the listener is concerned, it is a pair of handcuffs. Translated into the vernacular of the Adobe response is: "We bonzai invade your privacy, purely in order to protect the interests of copyright holders, no other meaning." It really made the remarks after listening to his mind at ease ah ...... but why even those public areas or "Creative CC license" works - those that should not or do not need to impose DRM shackles of work - have also been included in the scope of surveillance Adobe listener read it?
It is interesting: From a technical point of view, whether it is to protect users' privacy or prohibit the use of DRM technology piracy, are blocked information. Basic information bonzai blockade first move is encrypted. Adobe transmitted in clear text user privacy, encryption did not even do, directly Audience streaking privacy on the Internet, which means that Adobe simply bonzai lacks the ability to block information. Even if you naively believe that "people can not see DRM algorithm" can really block information, the protection of copyright holders, but also support the use of it to protect copyright, then at least you should have the ability to change the selection of other comparative information blockade DRM technology provider providers.
More generally, in many manufacturers were, Adobe's information security bonzai technology is indeed particularly unflattering. Any software products - contain linux and other free software - information security vulnerabilities appear to be normal. But Adobe product information security vulnerabilities often do not have time to fill up at the first. While I do not entirely agree with Steve Jobs criticized flash article, but he talks about security part flash, bonzai has indeed been present. CNN money this "Adobe has an epically abysmal security record," lists the large-scale attacks by the collapse of the six passengers Adobe products widely utilized; I helped him make up Link: 2007: sending malicious .pdf drilling bonzai off collapse Adobe Reader vulnerabilities, get control of the computer. [1, 2] 2008: the collapse of the fall-off thousands of sites, and then using social engineering techniques to trick users: "You do not install the (fake) version of flash will not broadcast news Oh!" 2009: Adobe Reader in February with Each October, the first package, collapse off the invasion bonzai by malicious .pdf reader's computer. 2010: Aurora China collapse software used by many passengers - contains Adobe Reader - vulnerabilities, intrusion Google, Adobe and so two or three large companies, resulting in google consider bonzai withdrawing from the Chinese market. 2011: China collapse passenger information security vulnerabilities in Flash to invade US officials and domestic dissidents. 2012: the collapse of the invasion of Adobe passenger inside servers, successfully obtained the right signature, can counterfeit Adobe software signature for authentication. [1, 2]
One will focus on: public bonzai (including me) have a serious wrong impression: But is reading a (inconvenient modified) pdf files only, of course, very safe. But in fact, in 2013 the Black Hat hacker conference, an offensive and defensive analysis pdf newsletter (! Technology) states: The easiest way to invade your computer is IE, Java, PDF, Flash. Adobe's two products topped the top four. Even if you turn off javascript, or are there other intrusion path. It sounds contradictory, "No exploits" (1, 2, 3) the crux: pdf file format itself is allowed to execute an external program, bonzai so any real work of complete pdf viewer, bonzai even if there is no flaw in itself, but also let users exposed at the risk of intrusion into pdf. Back in 2001, experts have warned that the risk of information security; it was not until 2010, a large outbreak, Adobe has not to deal with. Such vulnerabilities Adobe face attitude, causing the user at risk, which is the focus of the two. Microsoft and Adobe also has a high market share, but the two companies face a positive degree of security vulnerability is very different. Such cultural differences may explain why "the number of targeted attacks on the (targeted attacks), the use of docx / xlsx pdf exploit loopholes in lower than the number of vulnerabilities."
2005, Linux users find the pdf file reader, bonzai Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 users to read the information bonzai will spread Remote Approach this company. This peeping user privacy, share to a third party acts only limited linux version? It seems not. PC Magazine's "Are Your PDFs Spying on You? "The report did not mention the operating system, Tech Recipes of" Adobe replacements "and Mac World's" Use Adobe Reader 7 with JavaScript disabled "were taught how Windows and Mac OS users to protect themselves. In fact, perhaps because bonzai linux user privacy and information security for high sensitivity, Remote Approach advertisements found very suspicious ("We help pdf file of the track who is reading your files," how could it?) So it the first to analyze the behavior of Adobe's peeping.
Even if you trust in Adobe, so the joint trust company Omniture with Remote bonzai Approach to cooperate bonzai with it, even if you can accept these third party secretly monitor your reading habits, at least you'll want to set some flash security, let the real bad guys can not invade your computer, right? But apparently Adobe does not want you to do. "Adobe Flash, The Spy in Your Computer," a series of articles (1-4) in the first chapter of a culture bonzai and education on how you set the Adobe Flash in order to protect your privacy. The original flash player privacy settings can not be done directly on your PC! Must be wired to the Adobe website to set the privacy of your own computer. Fortunately, Adobe is not selling clothes, or else we would like to change underwear had to go to Adobe's office, but also worried that Adobe has not installed a pinhole camera in the locker room voyeur passed to third parties. Moreover, its interface and design vocabulary everywhere misleading, very deliberately do not want you to shutout flash player on your computer that opens the collapse of passenger convenience possible invasion entrance. Until 2011, Adobe finally announced: a future version you finally can be replaced without having to connect underwear set flash player in your own home privacy.
Thirteen years ago, the right to maintain access to information, I talk about, as well as six years ago to talk about the black sheep refers to Office bonzai 2007 to be careful not to mistake on this pirate bonzai ship, so as not to become a free marketing these inferior pawn vendors also encourage bonzai piracy. For a modern generic term, this strategy is more easily explained: the black heart design plan of scrap plus the expense of consumers mistakenly pirate ship under the head count to the next stop, so vendors can use this strategy to Consumers anything and everything. On the other hand, was kidnapped consumers, more helpless than the addicts - drug addicts, at least you can try to find another drug traffickers to talk a different price. bonzai
Edible black heart event, let Aki division kneel, even a decade ago endorsements Wu also harassed by the media. (I ask the media to help guide NG: You checked yet a decade ago There are no problems it identified the fact that I let you interview??.) On the other hand, many computer graphics professor at various universities in the country for many years collar a salary from student tuition (but not from the Adobe endorsement fees), and playing software bonzai maker Adobe campus endorsement unpaid volunteers (if it is compulsory, it does not just speak, but forced to sell), to help promote their infringing Adobe products, bonzai to help promote their licenses Adobe to rush for the schools to the Ministry of Education to see results. Adobe did not think this one turned out to be black-hearted company, has repeatedly violated the initiative directly or indirectly assist passengers collapse violation of consumer privacy. Professor, bonzai in the past, you might like me to Adobe this company does not understand, so you speak on its behalf in the knowledge of the situation, you are one of the victims. I do not know who innocence. But now you know, I hope you come up with a conscience, issued a statement condemning Adobe, bonzai from complicity structure, refused to continue as a hard ripper Adobe assist blind earthworms. The license addiction vs Taiwanese professors conscience and ethics, in the end who will win it? We'll see.
As a general user, you can refuse to swallow bonzai water and fertilizer to nourish the fertile soil collapse passengers. Your future lies in your own hands, rather than with the professor's hands Adobe. You do not need to pay while Adobe, while being laughed at it with action: "You see, I know you will not betray me." Acknowledge the existence of the problem, confront it, and learn to use "alternative" search alternatives , or simply use the Adobe product name with "open source" to search for an alternative version of the free software, you can also retrieve your privacy, security and autonomy. Victims awakening, refused when pig!
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PanSci Pan Taiwan Science Digital Culture Association to promote scientific literacy and new media content plan all content, including text, images, audio and video, are all original author, please contact the author or reproduced by asking on behalf PanSci newsroom. Counsel: Ann international law firm lawyer Wu Qing sulfonamide

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