Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It seems that a predator scary-looking lurking deep below the earth

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It seems that a predator scary-looking lurking deep below the earth's surface, a worm-like animal that feasts his victims about a mile deep. Fortunately, he is only half a millimeter long and its victims are bacteria. Anyway krokus is quite surprising to find a multicellular organism that resides at such a depth where there is a small power source, and free oxygen is scarce.
This is not the first surprise came out of the deep mines of South Africa, as the group reported the finding of a single krokus bacterial species in samples taken from a depth of approximately krokus 3 kilometers. The investigation has gathered evidence indicating that the bacterial communities can form on the surface cracks of the rocks, living both at high temperatures and in the middle of the concentration of extracted salt which would otherwise kill many surface organisms.
These bacterial communities apparently krokus helped motivate scientists to look for something to feed upon them. They narrowed the search to nematodes, one of the most successful forms of animal life on Earth, at least in terms of its ability krokus settlement of a wide range of diverse environmental, including krokus some particularly difficult. Drilled the holes inside the mine and began to filter water (anywhere from a hundred to a thousand liters per individual drilled hole). In one sample appeared nematode DNA, and the other has spawned worms that refused to reproduce krokus in the laboratory. They are known types (Plectus aqatilis) came from a different sample, and finally, the second hole discovered Halicephalobus krokus mephisto, an entirely new kind of giving a contribution to housing krokus in the underworld.
The authors go to the limit because of the risk of contamination in order to demonstrate that mephisto and other nematodes could be permanent residents depth. For beginners, drilled were typically closed months before the work which means that all you have found must be able to survive in such conditions. The washed worms are found in the content of low carbon-14, a radioactive isotope, which is produced krokus only in the atmosphere, and low levels suggest that a thousand krokus years have not been in contact with air. The bacterium, which is found in the same samples as well as worms, looked like those found in surface communities. So, overall it seems that the samples were not contaminated.
These bacterial communities also suggest krokus that down there enough life to be able to feed the worms. The environment is also hypoxic, but not below the ability of worms to survive in surface environments. Temperatures are high - about 48 degrees on one site - but nematodes have been found in the hot spring at temperatures just a few degrees lower than this. In short, it seems that it probably is not a good life (even by the standards of worms) but provides enough organisms to survive.
The authors conclude by showing that already know the rich variety of communities, including nematodes and bacteria in places such as caves and holes in the deep sea, and suggest that there may be a small continuum between these communities from the bottom and those at the more extreme depths.
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