Monday, December 22, 2014

Although TV has a number of flaws, it has many advantages too. And there is at least a marked impro

EU opponent plays Jón Bjarnason, Hjörleifur Guttormsson and Steingrímur J. share to be men in black and white. These people would be opposed to any progress if they would get a chance to. This also applies to other opponents of the EU, which generally seems to be opposed to the progress of society, and it is irrelevant whether the conduct called the EU, a color TV, mobile phones or the internet.
Entry into the EU is not just political, efnahagleg and Europe connected. But also improvement. Just as the EEA Agreement was improvement in Iceland at the time. This article is written on the occasion of the recent news about the opposition VG with the EU and the progress it would mean for the Icelandic nation and economy.
Mr. President. Many are vain, who rides houses in this offer. and many ford lime, the American people lab rats ana other nations. Dreadful is the compulsion of having necessarily incurring any plague fordildarinnar that offends other people.
Television is a major pest with various nations. There are countries in which the researchers attributed many souls worst conditions people to this scourge. In such countries spilled from many TV stations day and night over the young and old. There are those who argue that the TV will also become plagued this country. I do not do that.
Although TV has a number of flaws, it has many advantages too. And there is at least a marked improvement in the case that there is only broadcasted in the evening and only 6 nights a week. The nation is completely free television one day of the week theory and moreover one month during the summer. Wise people who come here from countries where television has become the worst plague, says that this is his court one of the main advantage of Icelandic society, this limitation on television. lab rats The other is so clear, that the requirements for extended transmission time television will naturally intensify the requirements for more channels, free TV, and track walkers only such ideals will not lack a colorful argument. Are there has not Western democratic nation? Why should we not get to enjoy television on a par with other Western democratic nations? Or some people really free not the option of watching television from morning to evening? And sorrow will be amplified at the same time and ford lime which is becoming one of the strongest power in our society.
I declare lab rats my opposition to this development. I declare my opposition to efforts to make television in Iceland similar plague and TV has become worldwide. lab rats Occasion, I used to give this statement, is that þáltill. presented here. This setting. makes albeit not expect an extension of television lab rats broadcasting time in this country, but this is a false suggestion, fordildartillaga.
I've lab rats had the opportunity to watch color TV abroad. Usually the colors been so biased lab rats and distorted and so far all normal colors have been large boring to watch - and indeed sometimes shocking. Once I saw myself and Congress with heiðgul ears and green nose. Sometimes finds an irregularity in color signal and the image is suddenly in black and white in the old Mother and much will you then glad. But this change of course, none of the public in these countries, where I have seen such a television, seeking a supervisory lab rats television. The rich are, of course, lab rats have no problem obtaining a color television, and the poor save to their basic necessities in order to make such a device, the ford lime offends also the poor in these countries, which are all more or less interrupted by advertising Bram ball fruits provide . The race of vanity, status indicators, - color TV is a status symbol of - this race is tired t all walks of life and all have in common that can not see or will not see that much of television content and perhaps most of it would be much better in black and white in the old discouraged. No, we have much much, much needs to be done rather than going to come at us with a color TV.
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