Tuesday, December 16, 2014

If the fish are brave then a week without food easily. Are your lamps have become quite old? I had

is there any magic solution to this? with 360 l cage and this is beginning to cover a large part of the glass and make from plants anubis terminix my light time is 8 hours .. is not quite clear lamp that is .. if anyone is expected to this filth is the the same share wisdom Return to top
you get SAE and turn off the light in the week ... the risk to give your fish to eat at that time was at least my solution is this something that worked for you? like this quite a long time without food gift Return to top
This is probably too much light if this is the only algae rich in. Think it is normal to have a little of it, very few get completely 100% with him, I think, always one and one spot somewhere I've managed to hold by reducing terminix the light and add carbonation. He completely terminix disappeared but that the Anubias but disappear there too, Anubias are slow-growing and not henntugar in cages with strong light and low carbonation, what I did was move the floating vegetation of other Anubas terminix plant but had the in bright light . This in the "shadows" is smaller, slower growing but is almost þörgunga available while the other one is bigger but more GSA does. So in my case, it was light, but it also helps to conduct regular vatnskitpi and all that. I have 2 pcs 54w bulbs for 240l cage. Maybe this helps anything. Return to top
thanks terminix for this. I'm a very efficient water exchange, 30-50% weekly. does not have a co2 system and I'm really not to be so (you can add anyway without being a system ?? eg a bottle or something?) I took me and grrysjaði ljótustu plants from the cage and put more ancient plants, a shaded place. I am also ready to test my way through the light time .. fell completely in 6 hours and did not deliver any results. see what happens otherwise patience with anubisinn expired Return to top
I've been reading me only one council is residual algae finishing lífshlaupið .. ie, where he is in fact fully free swimming after the start and sit in the glass, he must get to the finish lífshlaupið where, apparently becoming a mud and algae eaters will finish the case, the process should terminix take 4-6 weeks. He must be allowed to die Annas sit it again if you just scrape it away. Return to top
If the fish are brave then a week without food easily. Are your lamps have become quite old? I had a GSA epidemic terminix when I was old t5 bulbs. terminix When they get older it changes color and GSA seems to take advantage of it. So the question is a water change. SAE bite little GSA, they are more to eat hárþörung. Otocinclus and ancistrus pick only this, but Nerite snails are certain of the greatest of the GSA. They understand, however, behind terminix the white egg everywhere should irritate many. The eggs hatch out not because they need brackish / salt to it.
If the fish are brave then a week without food easily. Are your lamps have become quite old? I had a GSA epidemic when I was old t5 bulbs. When they get older it changes color and GSA seems to take advantage of it. So the question is a water change. SAE bite little GSA, they are more to eat hárþörung. Otocinclus and ancistrus pick only this, but Nerite snails are certain of the greatest of the GSA. They understand, however, behind the white egg everywhere should irritate many. The eggs hatch out not because they need brackish / salt to it. I think the lamps has become a bit old .. yes you need to examine it more closely, Nerite snails would benefit me a little terminix since my trúðabótíurnar would slafra them themselves. thanks for your help Return to top
http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?/to ... g-BBA-GSA / here is a forum where people are discussing the use of Flourish Excel to work on these algae, people have some experience that? I have to try to scrape all the glass and make a large water change three times, but it has nothing to say mud just comes back. for lamps, they are become a year old but have only been used for about 7 months, so they should not be the case or what? Return to top
Algae grows best when the plants grow little or nothing. I would test plant nutrition is mixed with gravel and try to get the plants terminix to grow, he keeps algae at bay. I feel rather unlikely that this is just the lamps on all sides grows algae on well with you. Return to top
Algae grows best when the plants grow little or nothing. I would test plant nutrition is mixed with gravel and try to get the plants to grow, he keeps algae at bay. I feel rather unlikely that this is just the lamps on all sides grows algae on well with you. thanks for this, I'm going to have me out of nutrition and testa it, I am also ready to add power head to improve water flow and routing inside this "spread" the nutritional terminix value that is in the water much better ... or what I read somewhere with the help of google terminix Return to top
little update I do not put any plant nutrition in the cage, I did

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