Sunday, December 21, 2014

2009 (4) October (2) May (2) 2007 (46) May (9) April (20) March (7) February (4) January (6)

When I was younger and lived in Siglufirði did the kids sometimes the game to throw stones (or other rough) in gulls soaring over. It was great sport to meet certain types of seagulls, fishing bell favorite. Themselves, and thus coming from the big city, seemed to me rather cruel practice. But svosum took part. I was even met. This summer has me sometimes wanted to review old rhythms
There's gartner a difference in opinion. I might be: A husband to the most sensationally beautiful redhead ever to grace the surface of this world, and father of two magnificent and energetic boys, creative Beyond measurement gartner (there excuse for not comp lying with a given set of orders is to confirm bands creativity ). or A writer, editor, translator and cultural critic; I flesh a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy from the University of Iceland and Master's Degree and Contemporary gartner Culture from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. or A content creator and manager, currently working as a Language Specialist for in Denmark, Translating and sing local content for the English version of the website, gartner newsletters, etc. If nothing else, I musts be an amalgam of the above. View all my profile
2009 (4) October (2) May (2) 2007 (46) May (9) April (20) March (7) February (4) January (6) 2006 (641) December (42) November (61 ) October (38) September (41) in August gartner (52) July (54) June (83) May (79) April (69) March (69) February (51) January (2)

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