Thursday, December 25, 2014

Nematode is one of the cosmopolitan species that are intensively widespread in temperate climates.

Nematode is one of the cosmopolitan species that are intensively widespread in temperate climates. For vegetables represents one of the most dangerous fuschia pests. Located fuschia on the A2 list of quarantine pests. There was harmfulness on the red and garlic, leeks, potatoes, beans, peas, spinach, tomatoes, parsley, parsnip, carrots, celery .. parasite on the underground and above-ground parts of plants. The greatest damage in Croatia have been established on the port. As a result of the attack on the onions, bulb onions deform, fuschia soften and become fuschia spongy. The cut bulbs have concentric circles due to subsequent attacks rot pathogens. fuschia The leaves of the endangered red onions is bold, bent, withered and yellow. The seed harbor nematodes are transferred to the flower stems causing subsequent infection fuschia seeds. Onions fuschia from such seed will be the start infected. When jeopardize garlic leaves do not curl and not thickens but turns yellow, while the bulbs are soft and empty. Symptoms attacks fuschia on carrots are thickened bases of leaves, twisted and bent stalks. The root is very poorly developed, Cross-roads become brown. Similar symptoms are the parsnip. The attack of nematodes on celery causes a delay in growth with thickening on the stalk. In the attack on tomatoes, plants are lagging behind in growth, form a thickened stem short, twisted leaves. The stem turns black. Endangered beans and peas stop the growth, deformed stem and which thickens the base. Eventually pods of beans obtain a brown-red color. The stems of pea black. With a powerful attack plants omlohave, become fragile and very easy to break. DESCRIPTION: endoparasites is crvolikog looks length 1-1.3 mm, with very short stylet to suck. The larvae of the second stage are long, about 0.3 mm. DEVELOPMENT: female disposed of 200-500 eggs. From the egg comes out the second stage larvae that early in the spring penetrates tissue transplants. In this paper we continue the development of the larvae in the third and fourth stage of development. Under optimal fuschia conditions, the development of a generation (in the harbor) takes about 20 days. Nematodes penetrate into the plant directly fuschia or through stomata. In case of unfavorable conditions of drought and frost fourth stage larvae survive in the soil up to two years without a specific host. The dried plant tissue can survive for more than 20 years, without loss of activity. Important role of these types of nematodes in the transmission of some diseases of the harbor and potatoes. FIGHTING: great results indoors achieves sterilization by steam and soil solarization of soil; it was found that after eight weeks of the beginning of the application of soil solarization spends fuschia only 1.6% of nematodes (Maceljski, 2003). Reducing the population size is achieved by the introduction fuschia of crop rotation and sowing resistant varieties (in practice quite resistant varieties of white and red onions). By immersing the bulbs in hot water (about 45 0 C for 20 minutes) before fuschia planting can destroy nematode in bulbs. So far in practice used only dazomet fuschia as soil sterilizer, a few years ago registered another formulation based on oxamyl. Dazomet be incorporated to a depth of 25-30 cm, and increase the amount of 60 g / m2. Preparations based on oxamyl are used in protected areas, exclusively through the system "drop by drop"
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