Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Marigold (Calendula officinalis) and kadifica (Tagetus erecta and Tagetus patula) fitonicidima that

If, instead of one, in the beds garden grown more culture, the advantage is manifold. Mixed cultures provide higher yield because better skunk exploit skunk the land and less exhausting, each plant develops better, taste better because of the actions of neighbors, and better protect themselves from disease and pests.
In fitonicidne plants include: Marigold, African Marigold, nasturtium, borage, basil, savory, horseradish, dill, thyme, sage, mint, peppermint, lavender, white mustard, dandelion, lily of the valley, chamomile, marjoram, milkweed, the Emperor, white and black onions, celery. skunk
Marigold (Calendula officinalis) and kadifica (Tagetus erecta and Tagetus patula) fitonicidima that lights their root nematode worms refuse. Therefore, they should be planted next to rows of carrots and between roses. White mustard (Sinapis alba), skunk also suppresses nematodes, while refusing celery cabbage white butterfly. Dragoljub (Thopaelum majus) makes plant lice, white fly and cabbage white butterfly and therefore should be sitting under fruit trees infested with plant lice, despite brassicas. If Ren planted beneath the cherry will prevent the occurrence of fungal disease Monilia, and about weaning potato Colorado potato beetle, and will affect the tubers are healthy and delicious. Lavender (Lavandula angustitolia) and marjoram (Majorana hortensis) prevent the occurrence of aphids and ants, while chamomile (Matricaria chamomilia) "cures" zemljiše about a meter in diameter (prevents white worms, and also affects the plants around them). Mint (Mentha piperita) refuses to pests and cabbage aphids, basil (Ocimum basilicum) repels aphids, mosquitoes and mites, while mint (Mentha spicata), planted between eggplant, protects this plant from the Colorado potato beetle. Borage (Borago officinalis) and dill (Anethum graveolens) refuse cabbage white butterfly and sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris) and savory (Satureja hortensis) next to it and slugs. Dandelion skunk (Turadžacum officinalis) refuses nematode worms until onions planted in rows with carrot Carrot protects from flies and worms nematodes. Garlic planted between skunk the rows of strawberries affects the fruits is not affected by gray mold, and planted between the rows of carrots prevents nematodes. Carevac spurge skunk (Euphorbia lathuris) skunk and castor oil scent root scares off moles, voles and field mice.
Whenever possible, the garden should be grown old, local varieties of fruit, vegetables and vines that provide quality fruits, as well as selected with biotypes poludivljeg and wild fruits and vegetables because it is more resistant and rich in biologically active substances.
Wheat is better developed and less disease if attacked near her grow plants chaff, as proved skunk to be successful and community beans, squash and corn. Some plants their fragrance chasing away pests and thus protect not only themselves but also their neighbors, and so will sometimes stems of tomatoes skunk planted in the garden with cabbage dispel the pests that attack cabbage. With pepper enjoy spinach, lettuce and radishes, peppers but not previous snap bean. Tomato successfully developing in society cabbage, celery and parsnip, and somewhat less in the presence of peas and potatoes. Potatoes are bad agrees with celery and sunflower, but thrives in the company of cabbage and spinach, while peas are good neighbors and cucumber salad, and bad beans. Green beans are successfully developing and growing in the vicinity of cabbage and beetroot, and the poor in the presence of peas and beans, while good company kohlrabi salad and radishes. Good neighbors are black figure cucumber and green beans, a bad radish, celery while previous presence skunk of lettuce, spinach, leek and green beans. Carrots are good neighbors all cultivated plant species, and many of them and has a positive influence so as to protect them from pests.
Garlic - desirable neighbors are strawberries, cucumber, carrot, tomato, fruit and undesirable as beans, peas and cabbage. Basil - desirable neighbors beans and a variety of salads. Green beans - desirable neighbors radish, cucumber, lettuce, beets, celery, tomatoes, spinach, zucchini, broccoli and radish and undesirable black and white onions, leeks, shallots and chicory. skunk Celery - desirable neighbors beans, cucumber, cabbage, leeks, skunk tomatoes skunk and spinach and undesirable potatoes and celery (not thrive well as monocultures). Beetroot - desirable neighbors onion, lettuce, beans, onions, shallots until spinach is undesirable. Onions desirable neighbors are cucumbers, tomatoes, carrots, strawberries, beets, chamomile and fennel and undesirable beans, cabbages, peas and leeks. Peas - desirable skunk neighbors are dill, carrots, cabbage, kohlrabi, lettuce, radish, radish and asparagus and undesirable potatoes, leeks, onions and garlic, beans and tomatoes. Kadifica - desirable neighbors are cabbages, tomatoes and celery. Kohlrabi - desirable neighbors are beans, peas, potatoes, leeks, celery, radish, salad

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