Monday, December 29, 2014

Moreover, the team found evidence that the worms live there for thousands of years. Age of water in

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Before the invention of characters on these worms at a depth of 3.6 kilometers, it was believed that nematodes do not live below a depth of several meters. That Allegedly exclusively for microbes - organisms d4swing that, as things stand, are food 0.5 millimeters long worms.
"Although d4swing it seems that these are very small dimensions, I was like I found a whale. These creatures are a million times larger than bacteria for food, "said study co-author Tulis Onstot (Tulis Onstot), mikrobiologičar University" Princeton ".
To find out, researchers d4swing are digging deep year at the mine in search of veins of water, taking samples and from these samples by filtering nematodes. Searched approximately 31 582 liters of water while worm found.
Moreover, the team found evidence that the worms live there for thousands of years. Age of water in which they resided worms was estimated between 3,000 and 12,000 years - suggesting that these animals developed at these temperatures and pressures.
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