Friday, August 8, 2014

There is probably more destructive plagues the world than a plague of locusts. Locusts seen by John

With smoke coming out of the abyss came the terrible wave of locusts. Locust is asking people to unbelievable torment. Throughout the Old Testament, leaf locusts always been a symbol of destruction. Apparently, the destruction is described in the first two chapters of the book of Joel. It is possible that the chapters of the John took a lot of material. The raid of locusts leaf devastated the vineyard, leaf disappeared leaves on the trees, cereals were eaten away, deserted fields, all the trees of the field wilted and withered, and the herds of sheep and cattle przymierały hunger, because the pastures ran out of green grass (Joel 1,7-18). These insects, like some giant obscure the sky, destroying leaf like flames of fire, nothing can oppose them; they are similar to horses and carriages fly as war, while accompanied by a crackling leaf like a fire of dry grass; They wander in the ranks of the soldiers, split the rocks, squeeze into homes, the earth itself shudders in front of them (Joel 2,1-11). Should read the entire two chapters of Joel and compare them with the description in Revelation.
GD Driver in his commentary on the book of Joel Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges gathered all the facts about locusts and clearly showed that Joel and John does not exaggerating in her descriptions.
Locust breeds leaf on desert places, and later on farmland leaf looking for food. The individuals may be five inches long, and the wing span is over ten inches. They belong to the same family as the domestic cricket and grasshopper. They wander swarms leaf of having thirty feet thick and up to ten kilometers in length. When you are such a swarm of locusts, sun ceases to shine like during an eclipse, collapses almost complete dark.
Destruction caused by it passes all comprehension. After its passage does not remain leaf green grass, the trees are completely bare. Areas infested by locusts look like after the fire, are converted into lifeless desert. No wonder that when in 1866 swarms of locusts invaded Algiers, farmlands were so badly damaged that as a result of 200 thousand. people leaf died later of starvation.
The sound of a million leaf wings is variously described, is similar to the noise of water moving mill wheel or the roar of a great waterfall. When millions of these creatures devouring the vegetation, the sound caused their jaws is similar to the crackle of burning grass and the sound of their march like heavy rain falling on the distant forest.
Locusts, as the military has their commanders, and inexorably moving in the intended direction. Trying to stop her, people were digging trenches, rekindled the fire, and even fired their guns, but, unfortunately, the column passed up, squeezed into the houses, everywhere leaving behind destruction and death.
There is probably more destructive plagues the world than a plague of locusts. Locusts seen by John came from demonic abyss, quite different from terrestrial insects, and therefore even more remarkable was the result of her actions.
The Hebrew language has many different words to describe the locusts, highlighting the strength of its destruction. It is called the cutter, cutter or clipper, what he says about ostrzyganiu earth with greenery; It is also called Arbel, swarm, indicating the huge amounts; it is also said of her as Hasil ending, this indicates that caused its destruction doszczętne; it is defined as solam, swallower or destroyer; it appears as hargol jumper (move quickly) and tzelatzel, fiddle (issued by its sound).
Ordinary locusts destroy vegetation, but does not harm people, and the demonic locusts leaf of Revelation has the sting of a scorpion, one of the plagues of Palestine. From the look of the scorpion is similar to a small cancer, having the same tongs for gripping prey. It has a long tail, curled on the rest of the body; the tail end is terminated spike venom, which asks the scorpion hitting his victim poison. Scorpio can be up to sixteen inches long. He climbs into the corners of the walls, you can expect it in almost every stone, so tourists say that the place where you want to set up the tent, check all the stones. Scorpion sting is worse than a hornet leaf sting and is dangerous to human life. The demonic locusts additionally has the sting of scorpions.
Attack of the locust lasts for five months. This period is equal to the life expectancy from birth through locust larvae until death. Otherwise we could say that one generation becomes a plague of locusts on the earth.
The sufferings inflicted people will be so painful that they will long for death, but will not be able to die. Job speaks of the unique misfortune of those to whom, despite their expectations, death does not come (Job 3:21); Jeremiah speaks of the day when people will prefer to die than to live (Jer 8.3). Latin writer Cornelius Gallus says: "Worse than any wound them

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