Monday, August 18, 2014

In this way, officials want to protect Hong Kong from overcrowding. Pregnant women from mainland Ch

In this way, officials want to protect Hong Kong from overcrowding. Pregnant women from mainland China en masse come to the island to have a baby, and thus give him the right to permanent residence - Reuters explains.
According to the latest available data, in 2010 the number of children born to women from mainland China accounted for almost half of all 88 thousand. births in Hong Kong. However, from 2013 all the places on the labor wards in public hospitals are to be reserved for residents of the city.
These women, who are not our rezydentkami, but has already waterfalls registered and wish to give birth in Hong Kong next year, they must reckon waterfalls with the fact that we refuse a child the right to permanent residence - said the new governor of Hong Kong Leung Chun-ying.
Chinese women want to give birth mass in Hong Kong, because only in this way can escape the one-child policy. Besides, they want to provide waterfalls their children a better life in one of the most developed cities in the world by allowing them permanent residency. Author: BB http: // waterfalls -...
It is supposedly the prediction waterfalls that the yellow race will flood świat.Ja I'll just add that for his stupid permission, here it is ALREADY Chinese sklep.Kiedy other fall it what to keep the Chinese? Then another application, if not a mafia locusts .. Or maybe it's a political V column?
Egg yolks will not shoot anybody. overwhelm waterfalls us, "peaceful" people, waterfalls and then the whole world will colonize. in a few years we will be going to work in a tasteful uniforms, and in the morning before work will sing all the songs of praise to our great Chinese leader
It is supposedly the prediction that the yellow race will flood świat.Ja I'll just add that for his stupid permission, here it is ALREADY Chinese sklep.Kiedy other fall it what to keep the Chinese? Then another application, if not a mafia locusts .. Or maybe it's a political V column?
Egg yolks will not shoot anybody. overwhelm us, "peaceful" people, and then the whole world will colonize. in a few years we will be going to work in a tasteful uniforms, and in the morning before work will sing all the songs of praise to our great Chinese leader
i.e., what means. In a country where hunger is that you eat everything that you will not be able to escape, one-child policy not only allows families to survive, not to burden the government that still would not help, and prevent children's farms (help yourself how healthy waterfalls and desirable in the Chinese underground is soup of fetuses - supposedly increases potency) As further do not understand, then apply the policy nieoddychania, shame on you because the air :) Guest what it means one-child policy ?! Trez may soon be allowed to speak when to breathe and when not to.
where you're wrong - just average income of Chinese factory is 3.2 usd, or more than 10 zł, my friends are working in the shop for $ 5 on black - who's worse? Besides, this policy waterfalls does not restrict counts poverty - as you can afford to pay cash, you can have more than one child but the state does not take any responsibility for, has paid health care, school, etc. Guest it means what it means. In a country where hunger is that you eat everything that you will not be able to escape, one-child policy waterfalls not only allows families to survive, not to burden the government that still would not help, and prevent children's farms (help yourself how healthy and desirable in the Chinese underground is soup of fetuses - supposedly increases potency) As further do not understand, then apply the policy nieoddychania, shame on you because the air :)

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