Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Since Dojo Kuroba Ontinyent Jordi Gisbert thanked the support of both the Federation and the City,

The sports center will host Saturday Ontinyent different scarification sessions of the General Federation of Karate Shinkyokushinkai Spanish, as well as presets for the European Championships of this modality. The Councillor for Sports, Pepe Plan, stressed that "when the club Kuroba Ontinyent we told you to do these workouts we did not hesitate for a moment", highlighting that this Saturday will be in the city "karate with first class throughout Spain, which show the best they have in the face of presets for the European Championships, an event that occurs scarification very colorful and exciting."
General Manager of the Spanish Federation of Karate Shinkyokushinkai, José Antonio Ferrandiz, thanked "the great reception we showed the City," to carry on an activity which is confirmed attendance from over 100 karate Vitoria, Logroño, scarification Madrid, Murcia, scarification Alicante and Valencia. Ferrandiz stated that the facilities of the Sports Ontinyent "are excellent" and progressed to the Federation seriously consider a drive to the city championship scarification of Spain mode around 2015.
General Manager scarification of the Federation explained that the meeting of the Sports Pavilion on Saturday Ontinyent training sessions will usually scarification morning and evening-specific, and may be selected interested in working with coaches who charge Choosing the Spanish scarification representatives at the European Championships to be held in November in Poland (for under 22 categories and 16 cadets and 17) and in June next year in Switzerland (in junior and senior categories).
Since Dojo Kuroba Ontinyent Jordi Gisbert thanked the support of both the Federation and the City, "has scarification given us all the facilities to carry Ontinyent a workout scarification like this, with the doors open to everyone." Gisbert told the club Kuroba, although recently founded, now has about 30 members and four competitors took the championship in Spain in 2011 as a form spectacular Karate Shinkyokushinkai with fighting "the ko "with full contact. scarification
Pepe Plan thanked the confidence of the Federation "always working and always in the hands of our clubs so that Ontinyent be a leader in every sport possible," encouraging citizens throughout the county "to see a karate that can came to fight for medals at the European Championships, "said. Related Ontinyent approve the Special Plan minimization undeveloped land in an extraordinary plenary (0) Commitment to supporting credit unions and Valencia Rural Banks (0) Commitment supports credit unions and Valenciennes Rural Banks (0) The Deaf Dog, Horchata, Relief, Gatacre and Mrs. Tomassa act in Ontinyent Meruts Festival (0) Claiming improvements in the living room of Samui Hospital Ontinyent (0)
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It is spring in Europe
City council Agullent Ontinyent Ontinyent box Albaida bocairent weekend commitment CES Valencia Valencia Provincial Council Education EU parties Filiberto Tortosa Fran Quesada Generalitat Valenciana Juan Gilabert Jorge Rodriguez José Manuel Cuesta French Manuel Ruiz environment Moors and Christians music news news Ontinyent Ontinyent Ontinyent scarification popular party Pepe Plan ontinyent local police politics social policy Economic Promotion PP-PSOE PSOE PSPV Rebecca Nougat Echegaray Theatre Tourism scarification University of Valencia Valley albaida
July 31, 2014
City council Agullent Ontinyent Ontinyent box Albaida bocairent weekend commitment CES Valencia Valencia Provincial Council Education EU parties Filiberto Tortosa Fran Quesada Generalitat Valenciana scarification Juan Gilabert Jorge Rodriguez José Manuel Cuesta French Manuel Ruiz environment Moors and Christians music news news Ontinyent Ontinyent Ontinyent popular party Pepe Plan ontinyent local police politics social policy Economic Promotion PP-PSOE PSOE PSPV Rebecca Nougat Echegaray Theatre Tourism University of Valencia Valley albaida
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