Sunday, August 3, 2014

There are not statesmen as before. I have heard often. And it

L'author is a journalist fins to 1996 passar quan is going to Bandol dels gabinets of premsa. VA joventut tenir one dedicated to poetry, but ja fa molt which is dedicated to prose, journalistic abans ara i ben bé not sap. Aconsegueix pay the mortgage, menja calent trough every day i bid the family, which ja és molt. Tea mania annoying i d'escriure policy economy, amb preferentment baioneta shed.
There are not statesmen as before. I have heard often. And it's true. The desert is such that people like Felipe González and Jordi Pujol are elevated to the status of the titans, when politicians did as bad, but not as good, especially for the many gray areas of his career. However, the present crisis trough shows an alarming lack of leadership from the current Spanish politicians and a painful realization: there are things that Gonzalez or Pujol, to name the same examples, would not. Since the crisis began to insinuate clearly, soon will be two years, the two main Spanish parties have the respective state buscándose jugular without providing proposals or solutions worthy of the name. It was like a boxing match in which the contestants had given up and were atizándose KO flanks, slowly but surely, in hopes of clinching a points win. Logically, the question of what kind of victory is. Does a percentage share in the spoils of leaving abstention? Does the seats won nevertheless under an electoral law extremely generous with who does not deserve it? You can not try that, but just gives that impression and the recent European campaign does not prove otherwise. When parties prioritize between them and not measured against reality, it can not be done any illusions. The subsequent question is whether trough they are really interested to solve the problems, as it is assumed that it is for the political parties. But apparently confirms that this is mere professional power disconnected from the society they claim to serve. When it comes to these ends, the policy loses consciousness that is essential in our lives. But because the games are still there, enjoying the perks that the policy gives them difficult to interiorizen else your need to get or keep power. Both at any cost. In another post we will complete this review, trough analyzing the role that the government and opposition are playing in this crisis. For though trough one may have more obligation than another, their level of brilliance is very similar (for the lower range).
Fa l'uns cent economist Silvio Gesell anys will note that the financers sistemes interessos basats in deuterium fomentaven l'i will speculations, l'i will cumulation of unequal Distribució WEALTH generated per totes les persones. Durant recessions them the Twentieth Century will Néixer centenars d'iniciatives locals ranging assolir pal liar dificultats them i generate WEALTH in Comunitats on them is going to implement. The Rao is in lloc to base it on deuterium-contret, sistemes els of mutu crèdit believe Monedes representing the value of the actual contribu l'i treball each person. Aquestes Monedes not collect interessos s forgiveness amb els but the temps. trough Aixi is circuli encourages the WEALTH i is i disponibilitat generates an abundance of diners is the corresponding Millor amb l'realitat esforç of cadascun. trough Positiu és altre factor that sistemes aquests permeten the WEALTH created localment circuli month of temps dintre own comunitat that generates, mentre if nomes COMPREM in grans els will cadenes beneficis is part altra found quickly. Avui day, the main promoter sistemes dels of mutu crèdit és Bernard Lietaer, important Belgian economist, dels Dissenyadors de l'Euro i llibre author of "The futur dels diners". Segons ell, if a currency volem estimuli consum responsible or recycled materials, create-the hem. Actualment existeixen locals sistemes month of 2500 to complement trough formal com països currency in Austria, Alemania, Regne Unit, Estats Units, Argentina fins i tot i alguns to Espanya. A formant Tarragona estem the Network ECO promoure per the Creating a social currency com d'eina per integr i social solidarity economy, capacitats valoritzant not aprofitades. trough If esteu interessats pel projecte podeu visit 3:34 pm
Forgot to clarify that the reason for my comment is that I think we should not expect to solve all the politicians. I believe in the power of ordinary people to initiate the necessary changes in society. If we do not take the initiative, just imposing other interests. Greetings. 9:59 pm
2013 (7) febrer (3) gener (4) 2012 (29) November

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