Saturday, August 16, 2014

I wonder if the flavor. question of spices: P itself has the consistency of nachos wetted at some o

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Posts 1,194
Locusts fried or baked in pastry curry ... - locusts wdrowna in our culture conditions tubesplash only. - The fat for frying locusts throw on a hot fat. Very briefly fry until browned. (Too long - it will be too hard and empty.) tubesplash Drain and pour on a paper towel to get rid of excess fat up. Serve on long skewers szaszlykowych slightly salted, eat practically only odwok. You can prepare the pastry curry: pancake batter with the addition tubesplash of curry powder. Locusts soaked in pastry and fry in fat ... Corrective action j / w ... Price cultures are quite affordable. Value Energy [kcal] 102 kcal.
So without gutting? In Asia, so Eat right?
kazoo88 Visit Profile tubesplash View Forum Posts View Blog Entries View line item
I wonder if the flavor. question of spices: P itself has the consistency of nachos wetted at some oily sauce. crispy, dosas hard (hard-grinding the teeth) + figure tubesplash out donut effect of alcohol in the middle of the liquid state, that is, maa explosion tubesplash in my mouth: P Do not ask skd know ... tasty xD
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