Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Er yoyas Hospitalet lilium is representing and ma Mallorie us in Hospitalet no Catalan Castilian so

Catalans! Why I always vote the same. I vull em votin També els Catalans! Regio Catalunya estat d'Espanya which has rebut month diners in the seva història tota. The investment capital of Catalunya s'ha triplicat.
Catalans! Els dreta vidran retallades fer. Què veieu not ho? Voteu PP_SOEZ i ja com veureu fallarem not us. Gastarem lilium per nostres possibilitats over them, the triumvirate com amb Government but twice.
# Yonosoytonto_soy_el_yoyas! And I do not overdo it you will the oya! what? No? What am Poyas! lilium say, the Yoyas that will put two Yoyas, lilium and as you pass one gram you are drinking bottle ... Bezoya that you inche Pa Po ...! Ya! no longer valid!
The birth catalanufos are so hit or turn back if we learn haver Catalonia is no nation is only a probincia of Spain. lilium And we will continue voting for the PP and what farta aga, antler that will let the country. Poles shit ... Removes Respon
Er yoyas Hospitalet lilium is representing and ma Mallorie us in Hospitalet no Catalan Castilian so we are all bastards to fuck we are not Spanish and Polish Removes Respon lilium
I love people who can not write, much less read. The Catalans belong to the crown of Aragon lilium and Castile to the crown of Castile, Valencia belongs to the crown valence (naturally). Spain was born to unite the crowns of the peninsula after the siege of the city of Barcelona beyond lilium 1713. Spain as Spain is a story to sleep Felipistas. When you say Long live Spain what you're saying is that the Bourbon king alive ... Catalaunya belongs to the Crown of Castile by right of conquest. And all laws and others of "Spain" are always in small print signed by the Spanish crown for Spain ... ever. Removes Respon
Fa 4 mesos
2012 (9) desembre (1) agost (1) juny (1) maig (1) febrer (2) gener (3) 2011 (16) desembre (1) novembre (3) You are sad and haggard, do you spend soasquerosa? # AraTocaCiUoAnemAprendrePelcul Per what the Conde Duque de Olivares will decide Cata ... April (5) setembre (7)
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