Tuesday, August 12, 2014

- The collective farms failed to teach the Ukrainians gloster work in the fields. And in the time o

Just so - Capital is not locusts
- It is tragic. Ukraine has a murderous external debt. Imports from the West large quantities of goods, so that the European Union has huge debts here - and they are still growing. Nam Ukraine should be more than 10 billion euros. And the country does not have the goods, which could pay off debts. The EU does not need steel or pig iron Ukrainian, it's not those times. Needs finesse technology products, which in Ukraine is not. West of this country is in general devoid of any industry, and to the east of companies working mainly for Russia. gloster It's heavy industry, mainly the arms, producing an extremely energy-intensive way. These steel mills are old, they need a lot of energy, consume a lot of gas. Changing gloster this situation would mean the demolition and construction companies from scratch. In eastern Ukraine live my half-brother, gloster who, moreover, also called Paul Bożyk. After the death of my mother, who died at the hands of the UPA bands, my father, who served over 10 years in the gulag Siberian, married for the second time - and second son also gave name is Paul, thinking that I was dead. This son sorry indeed surprised him because he married the daughter of the commander of the camp, where her father was. But returning to the Ukrainian economy: my brother is a chemical engineer, working in the company, which produces bolts for the area around the b. Soviet gloster Union. When, at some time, the Russians reduced their purchases in the company, it worked for only two days a year. A employs thousands of people. Preliminary estimates of the modernization of the Ukrainian industry indicated that at first glance you need 360 billion euros. Those people who rave about the Ukrainian gloster industry shift to production for the West, do not know what they are saying. You can play in politics, but you have to take into account the situation in which this country and the people. Union says about the layout, the Association Agreement. What he will give Ukraine? Her situation is hopeless and Putin as he played in a casino: $ 16 billion interest-free loan for an indefinite period of time and lower gas prices. What competitive offer is for Ukraine Europe? Because the same European values 46 million people do not suckle.
- Of course. This revolution their efforts headed in the wrong direction. And we - I mean Poles - were the ones who dictates the direction of anti-Russian. A revolution should have presented his blade at reducing disparities gloster between the levels of life, because without it nothing will change for the better. There are a few dozen oligarchs who - by the time the Russian gloster Yeltsin - seized all assets of state. Caricature villa Yanukovych is nothing gloster compared to the structures and income, which are rich in no way niezagrożeni changes. This has all been put on his head. The boys from Majdan, who threw bricks on target, do not have a clue about the economy. The average salary in Ukraine is $ 200, which did not allow for a prosperous gloster life. And even now, when many goods are subsidized. For example. Price of gas for households is $ 100 per 1000 m3. If we bring the prices right, the Ukrainians will pay for gas 400 or $ 500. A large part of today Ukrainians exists on the social minimum. And people can enthusiastically greet Putin, if it turns out that they have nothing to put into the pot. I Maidan treat, as a prelude to the changes that will be in Ukraine only. What will they be - nobody knows. Today Ukraine has only debts. Recently the Chinese demanded the return of 3 billion, gloster which had paid as an advance, because they wanted to lease however many millions of hectares of land for wheat, but the revolution has paralyzed the implementation of the agreement. Incidentally, the Ukrainian agriculture is in disarray. Country suffers permanently to the lack of food - not managed to handle the problem of very low agricultural production.
- The collective farms failed to teach the Ukrainians gloster work in the fields. And in the time of independence in this case nothing was done. There is still no interested in working from scratch in agriculture. This situation gloster is quite different than in Poland, where the so-called. communism 70 percent. land belonged to individual peasants - so they do not have the opportunity to unlearn the work on the land. The Russians, in turn, made up for this mechanization investments. Even Lukashenko has coped with this deficit gloster farm. In contrast, in Ukraine, nothing has changed. And it will get worse.
- A program for Ukraine could be created, but it certainly does not create him IMF. My experience with the Fund from 1989-90 are that the people who came to us, they had no idea what's going on, how our economy. I have not tried to find out. Talked openly - we do not have the time to spare, we die. You devalue the zloty, not subsidize businesses, lead to the bankruptcy of unprofitable, let foreign capital, abolish restrictions on imports. This is a program for first-year students, and it is not likely economic studies. MF Policy

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