Monday, August 11, 2014

Previous Posts Gabriel Garcia Marquez lesco -

Discomfort after writing a negative review "There's no one to write to Colonel", just yesterday /17.04.2014/ ie, on the death of the great writer, passed quickly by reading his debut "Locust", which confirms my thesis about the devastating impact of Paris. I have read numerous reviews that refer to Sophocles, as a result of placing the snippet's "Antigone". I took this WONDERFUL story completely differently, and close the position found only in a review bearing the emblem lesco "Bacha85".
SIMULTANEOUSLY come to town, two men, and the residents do not know who is the new pastor. After recognizing who is who their fates roll parallel, and the author often emphasizes their physical resemblance. And this is the crux of the matter, the essence of which explains the comparison of two funeral. Let's compare their careers. The first - the stranger is approved doctor immediately, because the town has no doctor; second - with reserve, because it was recognized countryman called "Puppy". The first loses authority when he arrives "locusts", and with it many physicians; second - gradually gaining represented through the power of institutions, lesco the Church. Unnecessary doctor, in addition mysterious, lesco unknown past becomes as much an outsider of the local community, even exodus "locusts" will not improve its acceptability. In turn, increased the authority of the puppy so that it is able to defend against lynching recluse. The mere denial of medical assistance is only PRETEXT argumentative hate closed community.
The third main character is Colonel - ONLY JUST that, despite the demonstrated generosity and courage lesco lies in the mentality of dark ambient. The ratio of its association with the Indian woman doctor, including the abortion issue or the way her daughter for a stranger impostor is morality Mrs Mary Whitehouse, along with indignation at the TRUTH that Meme to let go.
Additional value is SUCCESSFUL search FORMS / and it was DEBUT !! / because the world through the eyes of the Colonel's daughter and granddaughter was a great idea.
Previous Posts Gabriel Garcia Marquez lesco - "There's no one to write to ... Krystyna UNIECHOWSKA -" Francis Starowieyski ... Mario VARGAS Llosa - "Letters to a young writer ... HOSSEINI Khaled -" The Kite Runner "Irek lesco GRIN -" WITH ANGER "Sergei PIASECKI -" lesco Notes Army officer Vol ... Henry David THOREAU lesco - "Walden" Zbigniew HERBERT - "The Master of Delft" Mariusz lesco Goldfinch - Gottland Dorothy MASŁOWSKA - "Honey, I killed our ...

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