Thursday, August 14, 2014

I just read

Locust is a widespread insect species prostoskrzydłego family szarańczowatych. Their characteristic feature is the boating long walks, during which inflict huge losses to crops, especially cereals. These pests are moving extremely quickly and in large groups, which significantly affects the degree of their harmfulness. No longer think we can say that some people exhibit behaviors similar to those that characterize the locusts. For this reason I wanted to see if Gabriel García Márquez, the Colombian writer and Nobel Prize laureate, guided in his book Fri Locusts.
Narrators in the Locust are: 11-year-old boy, his 30-year-old mother of Isabella and grandfather being respected colonel in Macondo. The reader gets to know them on the day of the funeral of a physician, to whose inhabitants cobb Palali hate, because once this doctor cobb refused to help needy people. Residents do not agree to bury the doctor. However, the colonel can not afford it, so on your own takes a funeral. Locusts clearly refers to the ancient tragedy of Antigone by Sophocles is - in both works to the fore emerging disagreement to bury a man who does not yield to the pressure of the crowd and objected to his entreaties and persuasions. I must admit that the prototype much more to my liking, and the locust was not very thrilling reading, too chaotic, and at times quite monotonous and tedious. Gabriel García Márquez allowed to look at some things from the perspective of three characters, which gave the peculiar nature of this book. I like it when the author presents various aspects of data events, which allows a more complete analysis of the specific incidents that appear cobb in the novel. To taste coincided with me also look at the title locusts, which appears as a population blinded and despising everything that was once seemingly valuable, uncontrolled instincts and rozsmakowująca in debauchery, using all the goods that only has a range of hands. cobb
That reading is quite specific and, at least for me, quite difficult to describe or assess unambiguously. Certainly appeal to lovers of prose Márquez - Locust was my first encounter with his work. Colombian writer did not stole my heart this reading, but it certainly will give him another chance, probably reaching for Love in the Time of Cholera, The thing about my sad whores or One Hundred Years of Solitude.
Tags: 3.6, Book Lovers, Book-Trotter, read novels custom, home library, e-book, Colombian literature, fiction, Muse, under the slogan, I'll read enough ..., Z shelves
I read a long time ago and I do not remember much, unfortunately ... I love Marquez's "100 Years of Solitude" is the best book I've ever read, breathtaking. As for the "Love in the Time of Cholera" is a disappointment for me. Reply Delete
It seems to me that every book this author is difficult, difficult in terms of plot structure and way of writing, and the same problems that moves. And although I've tried a few times, it does not have enough perseverance to by any of them go ... Good to know that in the first place do not reach for this item :) Reply Delete
I just read "One Hundred Years of Solitude", which I totally did not like, so I do not understand the phenomenon of the author. I also have plans yet, "Love in the Time of Cholera", but "Locust" unless I forgive myself ... Reply Delete
My favorite songs Marquez's "Love in the Time of Cholera" and "survivor story". "Locust" also read and enjoyed. I'm glad I have a lot of songs Marquez me that on the shelf waiting for "Autumn of the Patriarch" :) Reply Delete
I know his "Love in the Time of Cholera," but only from the movie. I wonder what would be the book ... Reply Delete
I love Marquez, but just that I have not read his position. I do not recommend "Things of my sad whores" is much weaker than the "Love in the Time of Cholera", "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Autumn of the Patriarch" - to me it is these three items top the list of books by this author. Regards hot! Reply Delete
About "The Autumn of the Patriarch" I did not hear, but I had the title in mind. In that case, first try to reach for "Love in the Time of Cholera" and "One Hundred Years of Solitude", but I think, and so once I read "The thing about my sad whores". Remove
I wanted and I still refer to "Love in the Time of Cholera", but I do not know if reach for the novel, quite possible cobb that once so, but as it is, that the "Locust" did not reach for. Reply Delete
Marquez probably give me some characters because as I met no reviews of his books so in the ki

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