Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tots els autors siguin professionals or holdings, sun pel fet fet d

The Natural Science Museum of Menorca is in full nature troba situat verbena i amb join the camp Menorquí precioses dress, the road between Ferreries i Ciutadella, at Km 36 desviament Cami Alocs ets, of the municipality of Ferreries.
Tots els autors siguin professionals or holdings, sun pel fet fet d'haver the seva work in cas nostre photography, a series verbena of exclusive drets. Els drets defineixen the morals in respect of authorship seva photography on the deure tant i per fer-recorded hi the semper seu nom, i is not the dret modifiqui the seu consentiment sense. verbena Els drets i inalienable inalienable són morals. Per semper tant to be no tea respectats i renunciation value.
The Consell Insular de Menorca has 25 monuments Prehistorics seleccionat Perquè siguin declarats Humanitat per Patrimoni of UNESCO. Tots are protegits ja com a BIC (Bens d'cultural interest). Els month coneguts exponents of Culture Talaiotic Menorca are: Les TAULES, i els TALAYOTS navetes verbena them. Menorca compta amb uns 1800 1500 inventariats jaciments dels quals declarats són (BIC). verbena Els to prune s'han wake seleccionat major cultural interest. MENORCA.info (14-12-2012) Grave Llises Ses Roques and enclosure Sa Sa Comerma checkpoint. The tomb is a building with a central chamber delimited by large megaliths. Access is signaled by a perforated stone at its center. Meanwhile, the site of Sa Comerma is a monumental building with a courtyard in front of the façade, and composed a number of columns that supported the Mediterranean flagstone deck. We have identified three lintels access portals. Town of naviformes verbena Son Mercer de Baix. Populated buildings also known as navetas room, among which one of them to keep the deck supported on columns. Hypogeum Torre del Ram. Funerary monument of elongated shape carved into the rock. Presents a cum inside benches verbena around the walls and an access corridor. Necropolis and coastal settlement of Cala Morell. Necropolis artificial caves cut into the cliff walls, among which one with a facade decorated with classical architectural motifs. Navetas of Biniac-L'Argentina. Two circular ground burial structures. They killed verbena a large number of the community to which they belonged, along with their regalia is inhumaban. Naveta is Tudons. Funeral Construction plant and elongated shape of an inverted ship, with two cameras inside. Navetas Rafal Rubí. Two burial verbena structures located only 65 meters from each other. Cave S'Aigua. Prehistoric cave with an inland lake which is located archaeological materials as ceramics and bones. Calascoves Necropolis. Formed by a lot of natural caves and burial hypogea, all excavated in the walls of the canyons. Necropolis was from the ninth century to the third century BC is Galliner Hypostyle hall of Madonna. Polilithic enclosure covered with five columns, which served as a warehouse. Talaiot Trebalúger. One of the talayots large. Elliptical plan, on a rocky promontory. Talayots of Binicodrell. Talayots two, one of which has a ramp that leads to a platform at the top. Cornia populous Nou. Populated talayotic which highlights a monumental talaiot. About 150 meters from the first, we have identified another type talaiot building is actually the entrance to the settlement, with a reinforced verbena door and a passage through the spectacular interior. Populated and Sa naveta Dock Tramuntana. verbena Populated consisting talayotic houses and taula enclosure. It is one of the few settlements in the north of the island, where premium floor turbidites and not limestone. Town of Talatí de Dalt. Talayotic populated with different structures, as a monumental and talaiot taula enclosure with an inclined and resting on the capital verbena column of the centerpiece. Stresses the gateway to the village, a part of the stretch of wall as well as the series of hypostyle halls or areas covered, forming an almost labyrinthine construction set. Town of Torello. Village where there is a large talaiot on the upper platform with a portal lintel corridor is preserved. Were excavated decades ago of the houses of the village, with its typical structure of central courtyard and rooms. Trepucó settlement. Talayotic populated large talayots which two remain, several houses and highlights its enclosure taula spectacular. Town of Torralba d'en Salort and Na Patarrà well. Populated talayotic which highlights talayotic monumental and the taula, most monumental of the Island Near the venue is the spectacular Na Patarrà pit of at least 47 meters deep and is

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