Thursday, March 27, 2014

Braised zucchini with basil and cherry tomatoes

The only bad experience I have from the Italian inland, is the mosquito. I get many more bites than the other and I swell up properly. This time I quietly prepared and explored a bit. Normally, I am concerned vines that I lubricate my skin will be free from parabens and other nasty devices. Therefore it feels weird to suddenly be sprayed with something labeled fire hazard and a bunch of other questionable warnings. I have three different bottles like this, as I have found in drawers and cabinets, which we have not used. I bought mosquito vines light on Nille. vines The lady there recommended me to choose yellow rather than green, I already stood with hands, for it was the most effective. On health diet, I got another good advice. In a sunscreen vines or moisturizer, pour 1/4 bottle of Citronella and 1/4 bottle of lavender oil. Lubricate with this and you steer away from anything called bites from mosquitoes, horseflies, wasps and ticks. vines (Said the lady who had her research vines from a campsite at Gol) She also advised to use incense sticks, by the same two herbs. She stuck one of each in the holes in Crocksene and put them under camping table. Slut .... Last good advice is from Simpler life. There the mosquito bracelet. When you take them out of the package goods myggarmbåndet for 120 hours. You should not sleep with it but maintaining it in the box, when not in use. This I have not tried, but has bought three pieces, so now we'll see this summer if that helps. Are you bothered by mosquitoes in the summer? Note of Caution! See comments below. I rubbed under the arms with moisturizer I had mixed Citronella and Lavender oil in. It was not long before both eyes and throat itched. Not much, but noticeable. It quickly became so annoying that I washed forearms with soap and water and smeared me with another lotion. You should do your own mosquito protection, but use only a few drops of the oils in the cream. (And I'll take me a chat with the lady at the health food as recommended 1/4 bottle of oil ....)
Hello! Must say I was taken aback at the advice you received regarding mixing essential oils in cream. The mixing ratio can easily be completely wrong, since there is only a sunscreen or cream .. Typical vines proportions of oil is 1-6 drops in 10 ml. Moreover, one should be careful with citrus oils as these easily give reactions when sunbathing! Citronella is otherwise considered to be quite allergenic. Not meaning to puncture record your words :) Best Regards Cathrine N Reply Delete
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experience, for this I have never found. I have mixed approx. 5 ml of oil in 250 ml. moisturizer, and this is according to you all for the "strong". I have smeared me now and will see if I react. Maybe I just need bosse moisturizer and mix a new one. The point was the use which is better for your skin than synthetic sprays. Delete
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Braised zucchini with basil and cherry tomatoes
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