Saturday, March 8, 2014

Home News What is EUPV Organization? Greeting Coordinating Groups Local and Regional Bodies Institu

Deals Port Authority pays the Palace of Arts 222 300 euros for two seasons slide Marga Sanz: "The scandal should be clarified as soon as possible" Albiol: "comparisons with other infrastructure slide resemblance we can notice that the Castellón Airport fail "López Barceló:" slide Reforming Gallardón us retrotrae the era of nuestra historia más oscura "EU challenges Fabra make public the full results of private healthcare ATTACK AGAINST OUR RIGHTS slide disobedience white feminist (EU):" slide We explanations Pedro Garcia who protected him: Fields "United Left against cierre CEIP Ciudad de Oviedo Torrevieja Intervention slide Marga Sanz THE PRESIDENT ON THE POLICY Fabra social wellness" Catalan exceeds all limits by removing a line in Valencian CEIP Father Catalan "
Home News What is EUPV Organization? Greeting Coordinating Groups Local and Regional Bodies Institutional Management Areas of Performance Preparation programmatic Alea Welfare Culture Economics Education Feminism Youth Sports Senior Legal Environment, Peace and Solidarity slide Health Status and Documents Document Political Motions Municipal Initiatives Program Parliamentary slide Election 2011 Miscellaneous Affiliation Youth Links Portal Transparency # calatravatelaclava eldesconfidencial # # # retiremfranquisme RTVVNOESTANCA Foundation Institute for Policy Studies Contact Portal Transparency
The current regional member slide EUPV Marina slide Albiol, occupy fourth-IU-second on the list that the formation of the Left today has chosen slide to appear in the forthcoming European elections. Albiol will share the bill with Willy Meyer, who will head a list-77'3% of the votes backed by the Federal Political Council of the IU-ICV slide candidates also converges, Anova, Chunta Aragonesista and members of social movements slide and union.
Meyer's candidacy and Albiol pivots on the experience slide and good work on youth and institutional connections with social movements. In addition, IU offers a list of candidates slide is an important political and social convergence. Thus, Paloma Lopez (CCOO), representative of the trade union movement slide is second, third ICV, Anova fifth, Javier Couso, the brother of the camera killed in Iraq and member of social movements, ranked seventh, and Chunta the eighth.
Member of the Valencian Parliament
Alicante: EU Council and Exige in the Ayuntamiento that paralyzed the activities of an Immediate Vertedera Illegal Waste promovido by Commonwealth Alacanti Fontcalent in the game in that they have four ADVISED toneladas Waste peligrosos with asbestos Algemesí: Article BERCA February 2014 Almácera: clear and RAS No. 6 Alzira: THE LAW OF WOMEN TO DECIDE Calpe: EU and Ecologists in Action solicitan the Seprona the research vertidos Golf Morvedre: VENTE in Madrid 22 M Castellon: United slide Left denounces attacks on rights women Castellón de la Ribera: EUPV and CCOO urge to defend public education slide in Ribera Chiva: Work Guaranteed worthy or subsequent Elda: Young U.S. Elda Exige Measures regarding youth employment Elche: EU REQUESTS the Ayuntamiento clarify its positions on los servicios de Puebla proximity Vallbona: EUPV copayment against disability and dependence Valley: slide Acto de Izquierda Unida in the Valley by Los Montesinos Legislative Initiative: EUPV-LUT CALLS FOR A FULL recurring slide LOCAL REFORM Mutxamel: 8 March Day of Working Women Raspeig: EU requests slide the deployments to advanced level of English in the EOI San Vicente San Antonio Benagéber "Valencia without troika" talk Marina Albiol March 5 at St. John Benagéber: Left United held that union representatives acuerdo con conjuntamente slide Platform against Crematorio Lanza them a bell on Possible Effects on health Segorbe: United Left-Segorbe Exige Calvo that posicione against COPAGA to disabled and DEPENDIENTA. Torrent: Torrent EU-proposed a motion to Valencia March 8: Condemns the City to pay over 64,000 in late payment interest for late payment of invoices 15 Residence 'Our slide House' Villarreal: L City Council increases by more than 14 points municipal transparency over the past three years
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