Saturday, March 29, 2014

knowledge of plants garden food hobby natural health environment camelia reuse artifacts cultivate

"May be harmful camelia if used for a long time." "Do not use on children." Hereby revealed good alternative to toxic repellents. Gift for mosquitoes and humans problem with most mosquito-means is that the poison also attack us. Specifically, our nervous system. Toxins known as DEET or "N, camelia N-diethyl-meta-toluamide" as used in declarations. Scholars disagree of course about how bad this is. Meanwhile we make as effective repellents themselves but ours are completely harmless: Essential oils Mosquito shun certain scents like the plague, ergo we indulge in these essential oils. Best known is the lemon grass citronella oil. Mosquitoes also shuns LAVENDER, not to forget the catnip camelia that will be 10 times more effective than DEET! (1) Essential oils must be diluted for use on the skin: - 15 to 25 drops of any essential oil shaken out with - 2 tablespoons soy oil (or other oil) Apply frequently. Store in glass, shake well before use. Durable few months, dark and cool. Otherwise you can put scent potpourris and what you want. Other oils
Hooray for classic SOYA OIL: as effective as DEET according to reliable scholars (2). Simply smear soya oil on the skin, straight from the bottle. If you want to use something more exotic, the NEEM SEED OIL thing (Azadirachta indica). Garlic intravenously Eat garlic daily, pretty soon all you smell garlic and mosquitoes hate you! For acute attacks can also chewing a garlic clove, it camouflages the spirit so that mosquitoes fly off somewhere astray. Extra Bonuses galore Mosquito funds here have no scary side effects, on the contrary: camelia Citronella oil takes simultaneously kill the man might have lice, soy oil is moisturizing and inhibits hair growth, neem oil is excellent for all kinds of skin problems while garlic keeps ticks away in addition to to cure everything else ... But note essential oils can cause skin irritation. Sources:,, ref: 1) Iowa State University, 2) New England Journal of Medicine USEFUL KNOWLEDGE: Wise of coffee COMPLETELY USELESS: Fabled sandals
knowledge of plants garden food hobby natural health environment camelia reuse artifacts cultivate history drama economics internet wildlife decorations consumption celebrity cut-and-paste wellbeing be birds fast food drink crochet myth accessories

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