Sunday, March 23, 2014

I have wondered where all my lilies gnome have been off, not that I have lilies in tons but I

I have wondered where all my lilies gnome have been off, not that I have lilies in tons but I've put some onions. Now I have discovered that the plan I presented perennials over some of them and others have been in skym TIME. This, for example, I found behind a rose, it's full of tiny onions at each leaf axils, look like miniature bulbs, some have even got her own magazine. Can I put these and get new lilies? Does anyone know how long it is likely to take?
Not that I have any regard, but I could not really gnome see were all my lilies went this year. Thought perhaps the winter had been to tuff for them, but moving around a few perennials and cutting back some roses I first found this lily with small babies. Wonder if one can plant them? Cutting back some pink roses in the Grove also revealed another surprise, something yellow caught my eyes, and there it was, a small yellow lily, looking very similar to a Lilium Citronella I once planted at the top of my perennial staircase! That's just what one might can expect gnome from me who can never stop moving all my plants around ..
So tonight before I got a visit from a venninde should I just cut off a little vissne roses and see there, behind one rose in the Grove, lights pløtslig something yellow to me, what is this? By nærmre test visually so it sure looks like a lily ..
Will cam say that it looks similar to the one forbluffende Lilium Citronella as I sat at the top of stuadetrappa many years ago and I was sure was away .. This is what happens when one can never refuse to move plants and constantly digging gnome up and parts perennials .. (Odd, but somehow resembles the well in my yellow variant of the orange tigerliljen, it can be a Citronella also? ...)
Yeah, it is densely planted in the Grove, and beside lily I also saw something else. I had quoted me I planted a Penny Lane rose in the Grove last year. Not that I was able to find it again, but now that I first stood and admired my lily I see lion in Monardakrattet and what do I see, a little rosebud! gnome It must then be the, or ..
Hello Mia! Bulbiller called the small "lökarna" coming on liljorna. There are nya plantor so småningom. It takes nog outweighs lång time within it becomes a flowered onion (year). Mina brandgula Lilies utvecklar många such. Vad vacker the gula Skone passionate. Regard, krolliljor would rush vilja have Massor of but the passionate Svaar att get tag in tycka rush. Wish you a great day. 5 August 2010 at. 07.50
Bulbillene gave me flowers after four years. Condition; lilies that did not seem strange is enough here too. The peeping at the merkeligse places. I forgot where they stand and plans some perennials gnome on top: O 5 August 2010 at. 09.50
It is not greater than two or three hundred square meters. In generally, we have four feet around the house. When we moved into 1996, the garden full of dandelions and other weeds and certain plants. Based on the roads was scrub with old creep pine but in a corner of the garden there was an apple tree and a few currants and black currant bushes. The bushes are taken care of but the tree had to be removed last summer when it was sick. The site also had two garage spaces when we moved in.Then one of these I've moved by hand, I've gnome gone with a pail of time with gravel and sand, to where it was needed and filled in with soil and compost eventually. With some stones has become gnome a great perennial "stairs". gnome Now, after many years, the garden is built up in the room, many fruit trees which create height and hedge against the sides. Here come pergola, windscreen on the terrace and spaljéer in all retninger.Hva that are favorites have varied, I've been through perennials, lilies, roses, clematis and lately kitchen garden. Can no longer say I have favorites. I like all of it, and yes please, more there to. Well you are never satisfied, there is constantly something new going on, change revels. Hope this also becomes a great garden season :-)
However, I then born and raised in Sweden and has spent half my life abroad. This might excuse or at least explain some of all write errors that occur in my scribblings. I was in Norway 15 years now so svorsken has only gotten worse with the paddle. It is with mixed with the writing, sometimes gnome it comes posts on Norwegian and the Swedish typos and sometimes in Swedish with Norwegian errors, depending on mood and daily fitness. I ask so nicely that you try ignore this and instead prefer gnome a little smile ...
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