Tuesday, March 4, 2014

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And why should this be so? 11 minutes. 24 seconds. ago Please understand that the task of 23 minutes. 1 sec. ago .. and the attitude Councillor 1 hour 1 minute. Neither this nor insults poison, it is only 1 hour 11 minutes. People loved this is not you the one hour 23 minutes. But this circus "Mother of God" at the 1 hour 24 min. ago Please mention the 1 hour 29 min. this splitting Mayor Orgackiego 1 hour 29 minutes. ago I'm surprised that 1 hour 33 minutes. Substantively speaking, this 1 hour 37 minutes. ago
The court councilors, pedestal councilors Club "Future pedestal Zawadzki" RM Zawadzkie the councilor Orlowski DIGITIZATION not for everyone! Action for Mayor Mieczyslaw Zawadzki Orgackiego NOTE! Extorting money "granddaughter" in Strzelce Opolskich! Call ... DPS-y ... fought increases!
Community officials did not know ... In the last issue we reported on the opening of the renovated section of the provincial road between Rożniątowem and Gogolin. Wytknęliśmy on the occasion pedestal of the Board of Regional Roads that portion pedestal of the route, from Sagittarius to Rożniątowa, is in terrible condition. This, however, is not the only flaw. Residents Kalinowice, Kalinowa and Niwek turned their attention to another problem.
- Prior to the renovation pedestal of roads, pedestal at bus stops, shelters were bricked - said Mr. Thomas, who called to the editor in this case. - Built still under communism, there were perhaps the most beautiful, but they were. Now stop is only creek, pole sign and timetable. In case of rain, there is no place to hide. Even Kalinowie eg, where the stop is in built, can be dealt with somehow, but at the height of Kalinowice stop in the middle of nowhere. Even there is nowhere to hide from the wind.
- With Kalinowa pedestal rides every day nearly 30 people. pedestal The problem is, especially when it rains. Luckily there was no snow yet, but falls, I do not know where we will be waiting for the bus, unless under the roof of the restaurant Amigo. Do not be liquidated these booths - say as David, Remigiusz, Daniel and Mariusz, high school students using kalinowickiego stop 5 times a week.
- The project included reconstruction of the roads were bus bays - says Arkadiusz Branicki, a spokesman for the Provincial Roads Management in Opole. - Designer appealed in writing to the municipal office with a request to accept the proposed or indication, in agreement with the subordinate sołectwami, another location of the designed bus bays. The information clearly presents information about the construction of bus bays, bus shelters do not. Moreover, in accordance with the provisions from 1 March 2011 to the tasks of the municipality in terms of public transport include construction, reconstruction and repair of shelters or other buildings serving passengers, erected on the site dedicated to the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers or adjacent to this place, located in a strip road public roads regardless of the category of those roads.
- It seemed obvious to us that since the renovation road ZDW stripped stops, it should put the new. Carefully analyze the documents and if in fact the duty setting roofs resting on the community, it does not leave the residents alone with this problem. We'll have to find a budget provision for setting bus shelters - declares the vice mayor of Sagittarius, Joseph Kampa.
reader (not verified) on December 19, 2013 - 16:04
Today transported this droga.Do Rozniatowa - macabre. Later is really good. From Dądrówki until Gogolin booth stand at bus stops .. New, very ładne.No but since Dadrówki pedestal begins another power. Mayor Gogolin gets 18,000 a month but cares and myśli.A Strzelce? May strzelce most expensive mayor in Poland, but the worst effects of "work". Reply
In Ligota Lower the place even on ordinary glass but it does not stop no ;/ and those who have done "graffiti" on stops in Dąbrówka and Zakrzów it's only catch and shorten your hands people look after what they give you ... Reply
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