Monday, March 17, 2014

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Adecco has wanted mole to find out who these professionals are fortunate that openly declare the happiest labor market and what they need to achieve the Spaniards in their jobs. So the company mole has launched the fourth Adecco Survey on Happiness at Work to establish comparative analysis of this variable.
The company has interviewed more than 2,000 people (workers and people looking for work) and has established two ankings r: the professionals declare happier and professionals believe that the Spaniards are the happiest.
In 2013, professionals were reported happier in their work were those belonging to the field of education (94.32%), representatives of bodies and security forces of the State (92.59 %), the professional branch of humanities and social sciences (87%, 18%), professionals in the health sector (86.89%) and engineers (85.17%). For the second consecutive year are relegated officials who move from the eighth to the tenth position in the ranking dropping the first place occupied in the first edition of the survey.
The survey results reveal that a year regardless of the profession they exercise almost 8 out of every 10 Spaniards are happy in their work, specifically 79.7% of respondents said so, 1.8 percentage points higher than in 2012 where 77.9% claimed to be happy with their jobs and a point and a half below the 81.2% declared that happy a year earlier, in 2011.
By region, the new Navarre are leading the ranking with highest levels of happiness. Behind him Asturias, Extremadura and the Basque are workers who have a higher rate of professional happiness. Conversely, canaries, Islands mole and Murcia, are at the opposite end of the table.
Down retail professionals who are happiest are those who declare practitioners firefighter, as 100% of respondents claiming to be engaged in this activity so. Like other professions belonging to sector bodies and professional security forces and emergency, where 92.6% declare that it is happy as activities related to altruism, with a strong commitment to public service help people. The relationship between this social vocation and the high level of fulfillment of these professional ranks as the happiest.
39.3% of workers surveyed think that the secret to happiness is about enjoying the labor of the work is done, then have a good working atmosphere and camaraderie (17.6%) and receive a good salary (13.3%). mole Unemployed agree on the first two factors of happiness but thirdly indicate job security as the most important to be happy (17.4%).
Measured from 1 to 10, the factor most highly rated by the Spaniards to be happy at work is the work environment, you get 8.4 points, closely followed by job security (8.39), the realization (8.2) and the development of personal skills (8.19). Above 8 points are also enjoying a good schedule mole and salary.
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