Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The current baptistery of the church of St. James Mollerussa will be a place of prayer open to the

The current baptistery of the church of St. James Mollerussa will be a place of prayer open to the public. The remodeling involves the installation of an external gate and provide a place of spiritual retreat when the church is closed.
As explained in VilaWeb Mollerussa Reverend George Orobitg, rector of the parish, nectarine is to offer a place where parishioners can go to pray outside the hours that the church is open for worship. It takes advantage of a space that in recent years no longer used for its original function of place for doing baptisms.
Father Orobitg also said that the space will chair a Blessed and will be installed benches and chairs to sit on. Everything should be ready and open before Easter.

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