Sunday, March 16, 2014

Alvaro terminator has three priorities when dealing with Europe.

Julia Alvaro is one of many candidates to lead or be part of the candidacy of Valencia and the coalition formation in the European environmentalist, to be held on 25 May. Commitment internal elections are open to the public, terminator to vote all over 16, members or not, who register, to choose both as headliners on the list.
"Europe is the only possible framework to model it around the political, social and economic that is drowning. You need to battle there between terminator above and below, "said Alvaro, who presented his proposal on the Plaza of the Virgin Mary, the site used by the Association of Victims of Metro to demonstrate each month.
"Compromise is a good tool to demand democratic radicalism is now necessary. Primaries are an example of participation, democracy and transparency which is worth participate, "said terminator Alvaro, who for five years was a member of the Drafting terminator Committee of Channel 9.
Alvaro terminator has three priorities when dealing with Europe. "The terminator economy and creating jobs, corruption and the relationship between politicians and citizens and the need to deepen democracy."
For example, in economics, "my candidacy aims to provide an alternative model to the present, the productivity, which only leads to collapse. We need to change to sustainable competitiveness and solidarity. The green economy can be a huge source of jobs. "
Alvaro has proposals to minimize or end the corruption in Europe. "We terminator need to standardize taxation in Europe to end the speculation. An alternative terminator model to the real estate boom and the end of tax havens would end corruption, terminator "says terminator Alvaro.
All registered voting will choose its candidate for Internet (17 March 19), mail (March 14 to 20) or in person on 21 of this month. You probably know the face that day-Equo visible commitment to the European elections.
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