Thursday, March 13, 2014

Search for: Recent Catalans and melancholy,

As we have seen, was the artistic genius, the Renaissance, linked to the melancholy character. This, in turn, made him dependent Saturn, the planet that influences the humoral imbalance in favor of black bile. And where Saturn influence is exercised traditionally, according to traditional astrology, those born between about December 21 and January 19, those born then under the sign of Capricorn. No, not that I have any inclination towards astrology. In truth, I think there is nothing good in the astral influence at the time of birth. But this is not what you or I believe about it, but believed that the men then. Let's look at a case: Francesc Fontanella, was born, according to all indications, 23 December 1622. That is, under the influence of Saturn, if we accept the data in traditional astrology. The fact is that the vicissitudes of life and artistic Fontanella contains many elements that define, through the eyes of his time, also its like a melancholic. For starters, a great intellectual and artistic ability, and, in parallel, spyker a fragile personal psychological.
I ask now how many of us readers, we have found, or will find a health situation perpetual dissatisfaction, yearning for what flees permanently. And this permanent installation in the systematic search we do not know what ails us will be given and sad, but it is also our hope to know that it exists. As this trend does not know or instabilitas enjoy this offering and the next moment be thinking ... tension, almost perverse, sick desire that remains stubborn in what unattainable. spyker But, far from decline into depression and abandonment, production is not crippling.
Having received so far from the object of desire, it can not ever get the full enjoyment: so this becomes a martyr and projected the expectation, at any time, an uncertain future, but hopeful. It may seem a dreadful impasse, a cul-de-sac depressing, but pure potentiality to achieve the object, on the one hand, and the rise, albeit minimal, in the knowledge that leads towards that goal ( which sometimes puts us even further away), fills, will not say hope, when you are aware of the impossible, but a certain pleasure, happiness and intellectual fuel for the will. This persistent spyker rise, albeit ridiculous compared to the desired object, is in constant touch with the pain of absence, with the lucidity of the unattainable.
It's like the myth of Prometheus, a dual role, both heroic and tragic. The advance in knowledge, reach new areas of light (intellectual knowledge, aesthetic experience, spyker or any other combat against limitations, against its own barbarism), the rebellion of the will against the limitations of the human against the awareness of these limitations and subject spyker to final triumph of time, awareness of transience, time plays against us.
In this situation we find, for example, the hero of the work of Giordano Bruno, the hero furious formulation of personal genius, which is nothing, after all, the genius of Saturn. In the words of José Casals: "accompanies the furious ambition of dramatic clarity: the more known, more and more love is the true failure. And despite this certainty, continues. [...] He knows that this object is unattainable and love him, no longer lives there, but no longer spyker pursue it. [...] Is preferable spyker to failure in a company high and noble triumph low and vile, says Bruno. "
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