Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Robbie Williams Live - Me and my monkey: pjesma posve ena mojoj mami: love you!!! :) Britney Spears

My death waits like an old roue' so confident, I'll go his way whistle to him and the passing time... my death waits like a bible truth at the funeral of my youth we ploughed for that - and the passing time.. my death waits like a witch at night as surely as our love is bright let's not think about the passing time But whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do... angel or devil, I don't care for in front of that door... there is you. My death waits like a beggar blind who sees the world through an unlit mind throw him a dime for the passing time... my death waits there between your thighs, your cool fingers will close my eyes lets think of that and the passing time my death waits to allow my friends a few good times befor it ends so let's drink to that and the passing time..but what ever lies behind the door, there is nothing much to do angel or devil i dont care for in front of that door.. there is you my death waits there among the leaves in magicians mysterious sleeves rabbits and dogs and the passing time my death waits there among the flowers where the blackest shadow, blackest shadow cowers lets pick lilacs for the passing time my death waits there,in a double bed sails of ablivian at my head so pull up the sheets against the passing time but whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do angel or devil....i dont care for in front of that door there is........................ thank you. dugo me nije bilo na blogu pa evo ovo je samo da se pojavim... meni jako draga pjesma s jakim liricima i jos jacom pojavom Davidom Bowijem ... obozavam njegov glam rock... jednostavno tesko je objasniti tu kemijsku pojavu koju mi njegove pjesme izazivaju... nadam se da uzivate u pjesmi bar upola koliko ja... pozdrav svima... sve vas kissam....
My death waits like an old roue' so confident, I'll go his way whistle to him and the passing time... my death waits like a bible truth at the funeral of my youth we ploughed for that - and the passing time.. my death waits like a witch at night as surely as our love is bright let's not think about the passing time But whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do... angel or devil, I don't care for in front of that door... there is you. My death waits like a beggar blind who sees the world through an unlit mind throw him a dime for the passing time... my death waits there between your thighs, your cool fingers will close my eyes lets think of that and the passing time my death waits to allow my friends a few good times befor it ends so let's drink to that and the passing time..but what ever lies behind the door, there is nothing much to do angel or devil i dont care for in front of that door.. there is you my death waits there among the leaves in magicians mysterious sleeves rabbits and dogs and the passing time my death waits there among the flowers where the blackest shadow, blackest shadow cowers lets pick lilacs for the passing time my death waits there,in a double bed sails of ablivian at my head so pull up the sheets against the passing time but whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do angel or devil....i dont care for in front of that door there is........................ thank you. dugo me nije bilo na blogu pa evo ovo je samo da se pojavim... meni jako draga pjesma s jakim liricima i jos jacom pojavom Davidom Bowijem ... obozavam njegov glam rock... jednostavno tesko je objasniti tu kemijsku pojavu koju mi njegove exclusive pjesme izazivaju... nadam se da uzivate u pjesmi bar upola koliko ja... pozdrav svima... sve vas kissam....
samo jedna pojedinost o meni: Ovako itaju i ovaj blog, sjetila sam se ljudi koji e me biti u stanju prokomentirati kao egocenti nu isfrustriranu ku ku... e sad: egonentiri nu mo da; no stvarno ne vidim razlog da se o sebi najvi e marim... a isfrustrirana exclusive nisam uop e jednostavno dr im da se sasvim dobro dr im, ali... dr im da za to bi ostala na samo dobrom kad uvjek mo e bolje... i upravo to bolje ja tra im... Usput hvala to me itate...
Robbie Williams Live - Me and my monkey: pjesma posve ena mojoj mami: love you!!! :) Britney Spears - Everytime Ovo je za jednu osobu koja mi je puno zna ila, i jo mi zna i... ali vi e ni ta nije isto. Ok, znam da sam sada kao rockerica poznatima izvala u enje odabirom glazbe. Ali dovraga ovo je jebeno dobra pjesma exclusive a i spot zakon. Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine: Ovo je za tebe mala moja, da mi ne bude tu na vi e... Stvarno je pjesma prejebena... "Cold was my soul Untold was the pain I faced, when you left me A rose in the rain... So I swore to the razor That never, enchained Would your dark nails of faith Be pushed through my veins again" Aerosmith - Crying: Ovu pjesmu posve ujem jednoj djevojci koju sam nekad poznavala, i naglo negdje izgubila u pro lost... Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow: Ok, ovo nema nikakvu posvetu, hvala Bogu ali je spot pre jeben pjesma isto savr ena i na neki na in strastvena. Ajd u ivajte... Si

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