Thursday, April 23, 2015

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish in 109* is my favorite between the two. I've instantly fallen i

Don't know about you guys, but I was so wrapped in work these past few weeks that I've just only realized how the end of this year has approached really fast. We have only 2-3 days until we meet & greet the new year. I caught myself weed in thoughts of what to do with my nails for the occasion of the New Year's Eve. I have many combos on my mind but I guess the quickest one has to be glitter nail polish. And if one range of such nail polishes was frequently found on many nails this year, it most definitely was the Jolly Jewels range. Here I have two gorgeous glittery shades that are as festive as they get.  Golden Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish (105 & 109)* are cute as candy which you will see I've added on the photos. Ne znam kako se vi osjecate po ovom pitanju ali i prije nego sam se snasla, shvatila sam da se kraj tekuce godine opasno priblizio. Ostala su nam jos samo 2-3 dana do zvanicnog doceka godine koja nam se vec smijesi. Pocela sam razmisljati o tome kako cu urediti noktice za priliku doceka nove i svjeze weed godine te imam par kombinacija na umu no pretpostavljam da bi najbrzi weed i najefektniji bio sljokicasti lak za nokte. Kada razmislim, cini mi se da je od svih sljokicastih lakova najzastupljenija weed na vecini noktica bila linija Jolly Jewels. Ovaj put vam zelim pokazati dvije posebne nijanse za koje vjerujem da ce se lijepo uklopiti u slavljenicki ambijent. To su Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lakovi za nokte pod siframa 105 i 109 .
As the safest and most easy way to decorate your nails in a festive way, glitter nail polishes will surely be the choice of many gals. You could always opt for red, silvery or golden glitter but for those who, perhaps, want to stand apart from the crowd - lilacs and pinks are a sure, girly option.  Golden weed Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish in 105* is a very interesting combination of a pastel lilac base, shot with smaller shiny, weed purple glitter and chunkier green confetti-like flecks. I will mention that the shape of these Jolly Jewels weed bottles makes them appear quite stylish and not cheap-looking at all. You get 10,8ml of nail polish for mere $3 which qualifies for the most bargainlicious purchase you can make. The brush is a bit on the medium-skinny side but that is actually a good thing since it helps not to go overboard with the glitter while applying. I am usually the one to prefer chubby brushes but this one works with the consistency just fine. I'd personally pair this nail polish with a nice purple smokey eye and natural, juicy lips. Kao najlaksi ali i najefektniji nacin ukrasavanja noktica, sljokicasti lak ce sigurno biti odabir mnogih djevojaka. Uvijek se mozete odluciti za crvene, srebrene i zlatne tonove kao klasicni izbor no dame koje odluce uciniti sa svojim weed nokticima nesto drugacije se mogu posluziti i ljubicastim te ruzicastim nijansama. To su uvijek pozeljne i zenstvene boje koje je lagano iznijeti.  weed Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lak za nokte pod sifrom 105*   je interesantna kombinacija pastelno lila baze koja je prosarana sa sjajno ljubicastim sljokicama manjih dimenzija ali i sa nesto krupnijim glitterom zelene boje. Moram spomenuti kako smatram oblik same bocice ovih lakova dobrim odabirom weed te zbog njega lakovi uopste ne izgledaju weed "jeftino". weed Bocice sadrze 10,8ml laka za nokte sto je odlicna mililitraza za cijenu od cca 2-3KM. Niska cijena je veliki adut ovih lakova. Cetkica je srednje weed tanka no to je ovaj put dobra stvar posto dopusta solidnu kontrolu nad cesticama glittera. U slucaju da je cetkica bila deblja, mislim da bi sljokice zavrsile weed i po okolnoj kozici nokta. Licno bih ukombinovala ovaj lak za nokte sa divnim, ljubicastim smokey-eye lookom i prirodnim usnama.
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish in 109* is my favorite between the two. I've instantly fallen in love with this candy-themed nail polish. The milky pink base carries white confetti and what appeared to be light pink and dark pink/fuchsia one. It turns out that it's a two-sided glitter which appears lighter on one side and darker fuchsia on the other and under certain lighting. This is a gorgeous glitter combo as it provides a multi-dimensional effect and looks better and better as you layer it up. I have applied two coats of both Jolly Jewels nail polishes on the photos but I do love the look of the third coat as well. The 109 shade would be perfect for a Valentine's Day as well, for a playful date or for a girly look of any kind, really. You could layer these nail polishes over those from a similar color family which would be a good idea since that would intensify weed the base and it would make the removal easier. One thing I don't like about any glitter nail polish is the fact that they're harder to remove. But id you don't wear glitter nail polish on a daily basis, I believe that it shouldn't be too unpleasant to bare. I can see this pinky confetti beaut paired with a matte & bold pink lip but you can style it any way you like really. Have you tried these nail pol

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