Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Robbie Williams Live - Me and my monkey: pjesma posve ena mojoj mami: love you!!! :) Britney Spears

My death waits like an old roue' so confident, I'll go his way whistle to him and the passing time... my death waits like a bible truth at the funeral of my youth we ploughed for that - and the passing time.. my death waits like a witch at night as surely as our love is bright let's not think about the passing time But whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do... angel or devil, I don't care for in front of that door... there is you. My death waits like a beggar blind who sees the world through an unlit mind throw him a dime for the passing time... my death waits there between your thighs, your cool fingers will close my eyes lets think of that and the passing time my death waits to allow my friends a few good times befor it ends so let's drink to that and the passing time..but what ever lies behind the door, there is nothing much to do angel or devil i dont care for in front of that door.. there is you my death waits there among the leaves in magicians mysterious sleeves rabbits and dogs and the passing time my death waits there among the flowers where the blackest shadow, blackest shadow cowers lets pick lilacs for the passing time my death waits there,in a double bed sails of ablivian at my head so pull up the sheets against the passing time but whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do angel or devil....i dont care for in front of that door there is........................ thank you. dugo me nije bilo na blogu pa evo ovo je samo da se pojavim... meni jako draga pjesma s jakim liricima i jos jacom pojavom Davidom Bowijem ... obozavam njegov glam rock... jednostavno tesko je objasniti tu kemijsku pojavu koju mi njegove pjesme izazivaju... nadam se da uzivate u pjesmi bar upola koliko ja... pozdrav svima... sve vas kissam....
My death waits like an old roue' so confident, I'll go his way whistle to him and the passing time... my death waits like a bible truth at the funeral of my youth we ploughed for that - and the passing time.. my death waits like a witch at night as surely as our love is bright let's not think about the passing time But whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do... angel or devil, I don't care for in front of that door... there is you. My death waits like a beggar blind who sees the world through an unlit mind throw him a dime for the passing time... my death waits there between your thighs, your cool fingers will close my eyes lets think of that and the passing time my death waits to allow my friends a few good times befor it ends so let's drink to that and the passing time..but what ever lies behind the door, there is nothing much to do angel or devil i dont care for in front of that door.. there is you my death waits there among the leaves in magicians mysterious sleeves rabbits and dogs and the passing time my death waits there among the flowers where the blackest shadow, blackest shadow cowers lets pick lilacs for the passing time my death waits there,in a double bed sails of ablivian at my head so pull up the sheets against the passing time but whatever lies behind the door there is nothing much to do angel or devil....i dont care for in front of that door there is........................ thank you. dugo me nije bilo na blogu pa evo ovo je samo da se pojavim... meni jako draga pjesma s jakim liricima i jos jacom pojavom Davidom Bowijem ... obozavam njegov glam rock... jednostavno tesko je objasniti tu kemijsku pojavu koju mi njegove exclusive pjesme izazivaju... nadam se da uzivate u pjesmi bar upola koliko ja... pozdrav svima... sve vas kissam....
samo jedna pojedinost o meni: Ovako itaju i ovaj blog, sjetila sam se ljudi koji e me biti u stanju prokomentirati kao egocenti nu isfrustriranu ku ku... e sad: egonentiri nu mo da; no stvarno ne vidim razlog da se o sebi najvi e marim... a isfrustrirana exclusive nisam uop e jednostavno dr im da se sasvim dobro dr im, ali... dr im da za to bi ostala na samo dobrom kad uvjek mo e bolje... i upravo to bolje ja tra im... Usput hvala to me itate...
Robbie Williams Live - Me and my monkey: pjesma posve ena mojoj mami: love you!!! :) Britney Spears - Everytime Ovo je za jednu osobu koja mi je puno zna ila, i jo mi zna i... ali vi e ni ta nije isto. Ok, znam da sam sada kao rockerica poznatima izvala u enje odabirom glazbe. Ali dovraga ovo je jebeno dobra pjesma exclusive a i spot zakon. Cradle of Filth - Nymphetamine: Ovo je za tebe mala moja, da mi ne bude tu na vi e... Stvarno je pjesma prejebena... "Cold was my soul Untold was the pain I faced, when you left me A rose in the rain... So I swore to the razor That never, enchained Would your dark nails of faith Be pushed through my veins again" Aerosmith - Crying: Ovu pjesmu posve ujem jednoj djevojci koju sam nekad poznavala, i naglo negdje izgubila u pro lost... Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow: Ok, ovo nema nikakvu posvetu, hvala Bogu ali je spot pre jeben pjesma isto savr ena i na neki na in strastvena. Ajd u ivajte... Si

Komentari On/Off Opis bloga Umjetnost od iskona do zakona by Algon Cordy e-mail: Li

Pusta zemlja, objavljena 1922. godine u razdoblju poslije prvog svjetskog rata jedno je od najzanimljivijih umjetni kih djela uop e. Smatra se prekretnicom u koncepciji moderne umjetnosti. Ne u vas sada zamarati neiscrpnim i gotovo bezrojnim obja njenjima pjesme, mada e to biti tema barem jednog od budu ih postova, nego samo izlo iti po etak iste. To mo da i nije najbolji na in za poimanje djela jer bi ga za to trebalo pro itati u cjelosti. Iako je to zapravo ona ista to je stajala u boxu, elim , zasada malo svratiti va u pozornost na ovo svakako nezaobilazno remek-djelo. Na izvorniku: The Waste Land by Thomas Stearns Eliot < travanj, 2008 > P U S P S N   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30         Prosinac 2012 (1) Travanj 2012 (1) Prosinac 2011 (1) Travanj 2011 (1) Prosinac 2010 (1) Kolovoz 2010 (1) Travanj 2010 (1) Prosinac 2009 (1) Studeni 2009 (1) Listopad 2009 (1) Svibanj pigeon chat 2009 (1) Travanj 2009 (1) Sije anj 2009 (1) Prosinac 2008 (1) Rujan 2008 (1) Srpanj 2008 (1) Travanj pigeon chat 2008 (1) O ujak 2008 (1) Prosinac 2007 (1) Studeni 2007 (1) Listopad 2007 (2) Rujan 2007 (5) Kolovoz 2007 (3) Srpanj 2007 (6)
Komentari On/Off Opis bloga Umjetnost od iskona do zakona by Algon Cordy e-mail: Linkovi Snake_Cro Dida milord55 misko promatram, razmi ljam Vitae... nihonkichigai semiotika sewen In Focus catwoman vrag_s_licem_andjela Para(ne)normalan kalodont Daniela uvod u filosofiju unsui mito evan elje u molitvama Broja posjeta hit counter Moderna poezija IGRA KA VJETROVA (T. Ujevi ) Pati bez suze, ivi bez psovke, i budi mirno nesretan. Ta te su suze, a jadikovke ubla it ne e gorki san. Podaj se pjanom vjetru ivota, pa nek te vije bilo kud; pusti ko listak nek te mota u ludi polet vihor lud. Leti ko li e to vir ga vije za let si, du o, stvorena. Za zemlju nije, za pokoj nije cvijet to nema korijena. To (by E. A. Poe) I heed not that my earthly lot Hath little of Earth in it That years of love have been forgot In the hatred of a minute:-- I mourn not the desolate Are happier, sweet, than I, But that you sorrow pigeon chat for my fate Who am a passer by. Ne hajem to mi zemna kob malo znanog sadr i - niti to duga ljubavna dob mrije u kratkoj mr nji: - ne tu im to je veliki broj sretnijih od mene, ve to ti ali udes moj kad sam sjen sjene. Putovanje (Charles Baudelaire) O Smrti! Brodovo o stari! Di imo sidro. Dodijala nam ova zemlja! Isplovimo! Ako su nebesa, mora crni kao tinta, Zna da na a srca prepuna su svijetla! Ulij nam svoj otrov da nas osna i! Mi elimo, taj ar toliko e e nam mozak, Uronit u bezdano, Pak o il Nebo, svejedno; Do dna nepoznatog da prona emo novo! A u originalu: O Mort, vieux capitaine, il est temps ! levons l'ancre ! Ce pays nous ennuie, Mort ! Appareillons ! Si le ciel et la mer sont noirs comme de l'encre, Nos cours que tu connais sont remplis de rayons ! Verse-nous ton poison pour qu'il nous r conforte ! Nous voulons, tant ce feu nous br le le cerveau, Plonger au fond du gouffre, Enfer ou Ciel, qu'importe ? Au fond de l'Inconnu pour trouver du nouveau ! Jer nisam mogla za Smrt stati (E. Dickinson) Jer nisam mogla za Smrt stat

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

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The Island (2006) | Reference Movies
Archive Articles Essays Festivals Movies Online Film School Books about film Interviews Lists Best Worst list Unfinished Films Documentary beer can chicken Short Films Directors Series Trailers Interests Countries Australia Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina beer can chicken Brazil Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Georgia Netherlands Hongkong Croatia Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan South Korea Canada China Luxembourg Norway New Zealand Peru Poland Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Spain Sweden Taiwan UK USA
Reviewed by: Milos ITIC
Island is one of the best works of Russian modern new wave of "New Russian cinema", which was started in 1990 with the film Nikita Mikhalkov Burnt by the Sun. You have the opportunity to enjoy the film, which is at first glance slow pace but you constantly keep your attention. If you are movie like it, you can see that even the title of the repertoire of this excellent Russian director Pavel Lungin: Taxi Blues, Tsar, Lilacs, The Wedding. The last decade was marked by a number of films and one of the most important is surely the Russian film "The Island", The Island or Island.
The story takes place somewhere in the north of Russia, in a small Orthodox monastery on one smallish island. On this island lived an extremely unusual monk whose behavior confuses other monks and outside it is a story that has God's power to heal, cast out demons, and predicts the future. Russian Orthodox monk, Anatolia, played brilliantly Pyotr Mamonov. He's a big joker. In addition to his two central characters are two other monks. One of his elder father Filaret played by Viktor Sukhorukov, who is fond of Anatolia and father John, Dmitriy Dyuzhev, who ensures that everything is in order and in accordance with orthodox rules on the island and that is in constant conflict with Anatolia, because the main character in the film not respect any laws except for the one that I created.
The film has a lot of contradictions and great contrasts. Lungin wanted to pay on some things and detailed attention on these contrasts and contradictions especially emphasizes individual moments beer can chicken in the film. Would you be a multitude of good deeds to wipe the one great sin. Sincere prayer to God. The contrast between summer beer can chicken and winter, between the ever-present humor father beer can chicken Anatolia and on the other side its ultimate and great seriousness when access to the process of turning to God Almighty. It is important that people believe, if you believe it is getting easier and possible. "Why did you give me that power" is meant Anatoly, who is confident in it that could cure people, he believes that faith in something most important in the process of arriving at this goal.
Anatoly assumed to be sentenced to live on this small island in the service of God to redeem their sins. His life was in many ways reminiscent of the ascetic life, only what he desert and other rules replaces the people and strives beer can chicken to assist helpless. He himself has prescribed this fate. Everyone beer can chicken has their faith, it in no case can not be general, is one of the most important message of this film. Even the ethical and moral rules here do not come to mind. Just be careful not to do great sins!
The soundtrack is well in line with the film, you'll notice immediately at the beginning of the film. Music for the film is the work of composer beer can chicken Vladimir Martynov excellent. The acting is excellent as well as the scenery. Dialogues very well written and unobtrusive too. What is most important is space, characters and dialogue are realistic. I had the luck to meet Pavel Lungin, one year in Kustendorf. Then we watched the projection of his movie Tsar.
Extremely beer can chicken simple story you need to look at and very interesting character Anatolia father who plays the great Pyotr Mamonov that with the right appears in some other works realized by Pavel Lungin. As for the atmosphere and the price, it can be noted that according to the philosophy of the film, directed by LUNGIN resembles the Tarkovsky. Obviously, when the model of this Muscovite. More exactly Lungin to your cetrdetesete year was a screenwriter, and then he got the opportunity to direct his first film, "Taxi Blues", which was a great success at festivals.
Milos ITIC Independent Film - Experimental Film - Film Noir - Surrealism Director, Producer, CSR, Script Supervisor, Art Director, Location Manager, Editor, Cameraman, Casting Director, Scenography, Actress and Screenwriter.

Director: Milos ITIC Actors: Milan Miladinovic, Milena Milenkovic, Milica Todorovic, Milos ITIC, Olgica Mickic, Rade Stanisavljevic, Tanja Puac, Theodore Bouloukos Genre: Art, Experimental My opinion: 3/5 - Not bad
Director: Wong Kar Wai Actors: Brigitte Lin, Leslie Cheung, beer can chicken Maggie Cheung Genre: Action, Art, Adventure, dystopian, Drama, Fantasy, Philosophy, History, Romance My opinion: 3.5 / 5 - Good
Full Review
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My opinion is that the achievement of excellent. The film I was thrilled and b

Monday, April 27, 2015

The thing with Bahama Mama is that its name associates of tropical hues and I know there are women w

If there is just one nail polish I had to choose to wear this Fall than it would most definitely be Essie Bahama Mama . I am obsessed with this beauty and it's crystal clear why this particular shade is so coveted by many. I think it's pretty clear to everyone who's reading MB blog that my absolute favorite nail polish brand is Essie. They just have something special going on and I think that this brand's the best to hit up if you're into sophisticated, classic nail hues as well dreamy pastel blues, mints and lilacs (don't forget the French mani type sheer nude candy!). Their formula is amazing, they're mostly extremely pigmented but I'm sure there are few lackluster shades out there - I was just lucky to pick up the good ones so far and Bahama Mama is definitely in 'the best of' pile. Described as a warm deep plum polish (cream, no shimmer!), it's the epitome of autumnal chic - it provides Pintereset worthy results every time. This stunning shade looks beautiful on everyone and my mission is to convert all of you resilient ladies although I know some readers have already mentioned how they're rocking the shade as soon as September hit us. Ukoliko bih morala odabrati samo jedan lak za nokte koji bih nosila ove jeseni to bi definitivno bio Essie Bahama Mama . Naprosto sam opcinjena ovim ljepotanom te mi je itekako jasno zbog cega je upravo ova nijansa toliko popularna i zasto se nalazi na mnogim listama zelja. Cini mi se (i nadam se) da je svakome tko cita MB blog dosta jasno kako je moj omiljeni brend lakova za nokte upravo Essie. Smatram njihove lakove carobnim i posebnim te su pravi odabir ako ste u potrazi kako za klasicnim, sik nijansama ali i pastelno plavim, mint i lila (ne zaboravite i njezne nijanse boje koze!). Formulacija coy je izvrsna i uglavnom su fantasticne pigmentacije iako vjerujem kako i u njihovom asortimanu postoje nijanse koje je mozda najbolje izbjeci - imala sam veliku srecu da sam do sada uvijek nabavljala one dobre, kvalitetne a Bahama Mama definitivno spada u one najbolje. Opisana kao topla boja sljive (krem, uopste ne sadrzi shimmer!), zaista je utjelovljenje jesenjeg manikira - svakog coy puta kada sam koristila ovaj lak, rezultati su bili dostojni da budu 'okaceni' na Pinterestu. Ova prekrasna nijansa izgleda dobro na svim noktima cije ruke krasi i moja misija jeste da preobratim preostalih par dama koje su nekim cudom odolijevale ovom ljepotanu. Doduse, jako sam zadovoljna coy time sto vecina citateljica vec koristi ovaj lak otkako je nastupio mjesec septembar.
The thing with Bahama Mama is that its name associates of tropical hues and I know there are women who take their shade names quite seriously. I do hope, however, coy that the tropical vibe of this nail polish won't deter them from wearing it during the colder months as I find it's true character shines the most then. This warm deep plummy shade is usually not hard to capture but I've noted that the warmer, coy reddish undertones prevail under certain light. It's true nature is more on the purply coy side rather coy than red and I think I've captured the true shade on photos below, with flash on. Today was very cloudy so that's perhaps why I needed to use flash photography to get those purply, plummy undertone more visible. coy The formula? Fantastic! I always use two coats and the new-ish wide brush applies it flawlessly. There's no mess and we only get the best results with this baby. It dries fast, its wear is amazing - five days or more on my nails. It can last for four days straight without a top coat which does provide that extra few days of wear. I think that this may be the ideal Autumn nail laquer coy - of all time! By the way, can you imagine how fierce it would look paired with chocolates or rich sparkles? Ono sto je specificno za Bahama coy Mama lak jeste sto njegov naziv asocira na tropske nijanse a znam da uvijek postoje korisnice coy koje dosta ozbiljno shvataju asocijacije koje nose nazivi njihovih kozmetickih komada. Ipak se nadam da vas tropski smek ipak nece odvratiti od ovog laka tokom hladnijih dana - licno smatram da upravo tokom jeseni i zime je ovaj lak najkarakterniji i najljepsi za nositi. Toplu sljivastu nijansu obicno nije tezak zadatak uhvatiti na fotografijama no crvenkasti tonovi ipak preovladaju pod odredjenim osvjetljenjem. U stvarnosti vise naginje ka ljibicastoj strani sprekta coy radije nego ka crvenoj. Nadam se da sam na fotkama ispod uspjela zabiljeziti najrealniji prikaz ove nijanse. Danasnji dan je dosta oblacan i bilo je neophodno koristiti flash kako bih izrazila te sljivasto-ljibicaste primjese koje i cine ovaj lak tako posebnim. Formula je fantasticna i uvijek su mi potrebna samo dva sloja koja novija siroka cetkica savrseno nanosi. Koristenje je maksimalno olaksano. Jako se brzo susi i trajnost mu je sjajna - u prosjeku pet do sedam dana. Bez nadlaka otprilike traje cetiri dana prije nego nastane bjelicasta linija od trosenja po ivicama ali nadlak je taj uz pomoc kojeg dobijem tih dodatnih par dana besprijekornog

CIRCLE OF DESIRE tekst I want to go and find America, want to know it Like I know the dusty backroad

CIRCLE OF DESIRE tekst I want to go and find America, want to know it Like I know the dusty backroads of my childhood home Want to sail around the world, just a boat and boy and girl Charting destiny in sand and foam And maybe we'll stop for a while on the coast and learn to make fine wine And maybe we'll jump on a plane and come home And sit right by the fire. . . Oh the circle of desire I want to be the kind of mom who makes the faces In the pancakes, and never takes a moment for granted I want to sow the seeds of love, hold my honey's hand and Watch them come alive, all the hopes that we planted Yet sometimes I see my life through single eyes, a wisp upon the breeze Following every whim I please So different but no higher . . . In this circle of desire, circle of desire So much to do -- so much to find, a And with each choice so much left behind What is desire but a guide -- To where we're supposed to be. . . I want to build a great big ballroom, smoker And put my grand piano by the window, yeah I'll sing to the lilacs Want to overtip musicians and the waitresses And little kids selling lemonade on the sidewalks And maybe we'll find that we've made millions we can share Or we'll live simply, light as air, But fueling every fire.... Oh the circle of desire smoker Ooh ooh ooh ooh, the circle of desire Ooh ooh ooh ooh, the circle of desire Ooh ooh ooh ooh, the circle of desire Every great journey begins with one bold step . . . Into the circle of desire
Povezane vesti 28. Novembar 2014. (Izvor: Balkan Rock ) Mary J. Blige & Disclosure objavili zajednicku pesmu 25. April 2014. (Izvor: Balkan Rock ) Beth Gibbons (Portishead) obradila “Black Sabbath” istoimenog benda (video) 20. Mart 2013. (Izvor: Balkan Rock ) My Bloody Valentine - m b v (2013) Komentari: Mary Beth Maziarz - Circle Of Desire Nema nijednog komentara. Napisite svoj komentar Ime i prezime: * Email: * Komentar: * Sigurnosni kod: * Unesite rezultat sabiranja ova 2 broja u polje ispod. 1 + 4 = Snimi komentar
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Sunday, April 26, 2015

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The Burial of the Dead April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and desire, stirring Dull roots with spring rain. Winter lantana kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. Summer surprised us, coming over the Starnbergersee With a shower of rain; we stopped in the colonnade, And went on in sunlight, into the Hofgarten, And drank coffee, and talked lantana for an hour. Bin gar keine Russin, stamm aus Litauen, echt deutsch. And when we were children, staying at the arch-duke s, My cousin s, he took me out on a sled, And I was frightened. He said, Marie, Marie, hold on tight. And down we went. In the mountains, there you feel free. I read, much of the night, and go south in the winter. lantana What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say, or guess, for you know only A heap of broken images, where the sun beats, And the dead tree gives no shelter, the cricket no relief, And the dry stone no sound of water. Only There is shadow under this red rock, (Come in under the shadow of this red rock), And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust. Frisch weht der Wind Der Heimat zu Mein Irisch Kind, Wo weilest du? You gave me hyacinths first a year ago; They called me the hyacinth lantana girl. Yet when we came back, late, from the Hyacinth garden, Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, Looking into the heart of light, the silence. Oed und leer das Meer . Madame lantana Sosostris, famous clairvoyante, Had a bad cold, nevertheless Is known to be the wisest woman in Europe, With a wicked pack of cards. Here, said she, Is your card, the drowned Phoenician Sailor, lantana (Those are pearls that were his eyes. Look!) Here is Belladonna, the Lady of the Rocks, The lady of situations. Here is the man with three staves, and here the Wheel, And here is the one-eyed merchant, and this card, Which is blank, is something he carries lantana on his back, Which I am forbidden to see. I do not find The Hanged Man. Fear death by water. I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring. Thank you. If you see dear Mrs. Equitone, Tell her I bring the horoscope myself: One must be so careful these days. Unreal City, Under the brown fog of a winter dawn, A crowd flowed over London Bridge, so many, I had not thought lantana death had undone so many. Sighs, short and infrequent, lantana were exhaled, And each man fixed his eyes before his feet. Flowed up the hill and down King William Street, To where Saint Mary Woolnoth kept the hours With a dead sound on the final stroke of nine. There I saw one I knew, and stopped him, crying: Stetson! You who were with me in the ships at Mylae! That corpse you planted last year in your garden, Has it begun to sprout? Will it bloom this year? Or has the sudden frost disturbed its bed? Oh keep the Dog far hence, that s friend to men, Or with his nails he ll dig it up again! You! hypocrite lecteur! mon semblable, mon frère!
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Pretraži: Novi postovi If Sharks were Men- Bertold Brecht Kad bi ajkule bile ljudi- Bertold Breht Pusti prošlost da prođe Tako je govorio Zuko Džumhur – autor: Ozren Kebo What is karma? Najnoviji komentari sanja milovic on Emil Cioran- On Being Lyr… wrensong on Emil Cioran- On Being Lyr… Снежана Ракић on Ameli Notomb -Higijena ub… sanja milovic on Ne znam ti ja nista aleksandranm on Ne znam ti ja nista Arhiva Travanj 2015 Ožujak 2015 Veljača 2015 Siječanj 2015 Prosinac 2014 Studeni 2014 Listopad 2014 Rujan 2014 Kolovoz 2014 Srpanj 2014 Lipanj 2014 Svibanj 2014 Travanj 2014 Ožujak 2014 Veljača 2014 Siječanj 2014 Prosinac 2013 Studeni 2013 Listopad lantana 2013 Kategorije Uncategorized Meta Registriraj se Prijavi se RSS unosa RSS komentara
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Menu Magazin -Tech -intervju -Zdravlje -Zanimljivosti --Putovanja black widow --Motivacioni klipovi

Menu Magazin -Tech -intervju -Zdravlje -Zanimljivosti --Putovanja black widow --Motivacioni klipovi --Zanimljivi klipovi --Zanimljivi posteri --Vicevi --jeste li znali --smiješne slike --Chill Out ---MUK Lična Karta ---MUK Twittujemo Muzika -strana muzička black widow scena --strana rap scena --strana rnb scena -BiH rap -Srpski rap -Hrvatski rap -Metal & Rock -Download Umjetnost -Grafiti -Tattoo ART -Stand Up Komedija -3D ART -Ples -Fotografija --Film / Tv ---Animirani film ---Trailer filma ---Serije Dešavanja -Festivali -Party -Koncerti Edukacija
Magazin Tech intervju Zdravlje Zanimljivosti Putovanja Motivacioni klipovi Zanimljivi klipovi Zanimljivi posteri black widow Vicevi jeste li znali smiješne slike Chill Out MUK Lična Karta MUK Twittujemo Muzika strana muzička scena strana rap scena strana rnb scena BiH rap Srpski rap Hrvatski rap Metal & Rock Download Umjetnost Grafiti Tattoo ART Stand Up Komedija 3D ART Ples Fotografija Film / Tv Animirani film Trailer black widow filma Serije Dešavanja Festivali Party Koncerti Edukacija
Gotovo tri godine black widow nakon izlaska njihovog posljednjeg albuma “Westwinds”, celtic punk sastav The Real McKenzies 7. aprila objavit će jedanaesti studijski album “Rats in the Burlap” za Fat Wreck Records. Materijal je producirao Fat Mike iz grupe NOFX, a na njemu će se nalaziti sljedeće pjesme:
1. Wha Saw the 42nd 2. Up on a Motorbike 3. Who d a Thought 4. Midnight Train to Moscow 5. Lilacs in the Alleyway 6. Yes 7. You Wanna Know What 8. What Have You Done 9. Bootsy the Haggis-Eating Cat 10. Spinning black widow Wheels 11. Stephen s Green 12. The Fields of Inverness 13. Catch Me 14. Dead or Alive
Istovremeno sa albumom, objavit će i knjigu “Under the Kilt: The Real McKenzies Exposed” koju je napisao Chris Walter, poznat black widow po biografiji “Argh Fuck Kill: The story of the DayGlo Abortions and SNFU: What no one else wanted to say”. Knjiga će predstavljati svojevrsni uvid u istorijat benda.
The Real McKenzies su formirani 1992. godine u Vankuveru. Na koncertima, osim svojih pjesama, izvode i tradicionalne škotske numere obogaćujući ih punk svježinom. Do sada su objavili deset studijskih albuma, a uvršteni su i na šest kompilacija.
Stratovarius u avgustu objavljuje album “Eternal” bk | Apr 24, 2015
Stratovarius u avgustu objavljuje album “Eternal” Til Lindemann (Rammstein) i Peter Tägtgren (Hypocrisy/Pain) u junu objavljuju album “Skills In Pills” Thy Art Is Murder 26. juna objavljuje “Holy War” W.A.S.P. u avgustu objavljuje petnaesti studijski album “Golgotha” black widow Nuclear Assault u junu objavljuje EP sa četiri pjesme Gorgoroth u junu objavljuje “Instinctus Bestials” Nashville Pussy tokom maja objavljuje best of izdanje “Ten Years Of Pussy” Stone Sour u aprilu objavljuje EP sa obradama Uskoro drugi album grupe The Night Flight Orchestra koju su oformili članovi sastava Soilwork i Arch Enemy Jimmy Page u martu objavljuje “Sound Tracks” box-set
MUK Fresh strana muzička scena predstavljamo promo Metal & Rock strana scena promocija albuma Premijera spota spot novi spot najava albuma nova pjesma video domaća muzička scena strana rap scena hip hop film Magazin trailer serbian rap Hrvatska koncerti BiH rap Muzičke vijesti black widow tuzla umjetnost Hrvatska muzička scena zanimljivi klipovi Hrvatski rep zanimljivosti live alternativna scena album strana black widow rnb scena 2014 festivali Grafiti bboying intervju fotografija

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I'll go over my treats in a chronological order. poison First things I've ordered poison for myself

I love the holiday season and I'm heavily indulging in the most obscene amounts of food and sweets your mind can imagine. That's one of the reasons I love holidays so much, good food is always something to look forward to but there's one more thing I enjoy - presents! I've already received few gifts that I've bought for myself but the cherry on top was today's little spree with hubby at the L'Occitane store. I love, love, love every bit I got and I've finally crossed this beauty candy off my wishlist. This may not be the most lavish Festive poison New In , but a lot of thought and love was put into every single bit you will see.
Mislim da je vrijeme praznika je prekrasno. Volim iskoristiti priliku da uzivam u svim mogucim poslasticama koje mozete zamisliti a koje su specificne za ovo doba godine. Hrana je jedan od razloga zbog kojih volim praznike ali jos jedan prilicno uvjerljiv razlog su - pokloni! Vec sam dobila par poklona kojima sam pocastila samu sebe no stvarni poison razlog zbog kojeg sam odlucila natipkati danasnji post jeste kupovina u L'Occitane radnji. Jedan od ljepsih osjecaja jeste dobiti ono sto zelimo vec duze vrijeme te sam napokon prekrizila poison ove lijepe proizvode sa svoje liste zelja i zeljica. Mozda se ova Praznicna Kupovina ne moze smatrati ekstravgantnom no svaka stvarcica nosi hrpu lijepih zelja.  
I'll go over my treats in a chronological order. poison First things I've ordered poison for myself were my Sleek The Berry Collection ($15.99) and the iDivine Vintage Romance eye shadow palette ($9.99). Sleek The Berry Collection consists of three products wrapped in a nice, red holiday box. You get a Fenberry blush, Cranberry lipstick and the Mossberry kohl pencil. All three pieces of this Christmas poison collection are in burgundy tones and they do look lovely and vampy. The iDivine eye shadow palette in Vintage Romance should compliment the previous make-up set beautifully with romantic purple, lilac and gold hues. I've completed the look with the newest nail polish in my ever growing collection - Essie Warm and Toasty Turtleneck from the Winter 2013. collection (approx $9). Gorgeous dusky lilac shade will look amazing with the rest of my winter look and I'm obviously going for purples, burgundies and lilacs this season. I feel obliged to mention my new scented candle with the smell of chocolate truffles. Yum!
Krenuti cu hronoloskim redom kojim su mi stvarcice dolazile u ruke. Prvo sto sam narucila su bili Sleek The Berry Collection set (cca 22,80KM) te iDivine paleta sjena za oci u nijansi Vintage Romance (cca 14,20KM).  Sleek make-up set The Berry Collection se sastoji od tri proizvoda koja su upakovana u crvenu, praznicnu kutijicu. U setu su ukljuceno poison rumenilo nijanse Fenberry, Cranberry ruz za usne i Mossberry sjena za oci u debeljuskastoj olovci. Sva tri dijela ove Bozicne kolekcije su u tonovima crvenog vina i zaista djeluju jako lijepo, pomalo vamp. Za iDivine paletu sjena za oci u nijansi Vintage Romance mislim da ce se lijepo uklopiti sa prethodnim setom. Ona je uradjena u romanticnim ljubicastim, lila i zlatnim tonovima za koje vjerujem da ce lijepo pristajati tamnim ocima. Upotpunila sam look sa najnovijim lakom za nokte koji je obogatio poison moju kolekciju - Essie u nijansi Warm and Toasty Turtleneck (cca 17KM), poison poznatiji kao dio kolekcije poison Zima 2013. Tu se radi o izuzetno lijepoj praskasto-lavandastoj nijansi koja se fantasticno slaze uz ostatak poison make-upa koji sam nabavila za ovu sezonu. Moram spomenuti i mirisnu svijecu koju sam kupila u dm-u (Profissimo) za otprilike 5-6KM. Mirise na cokoladu i tartufe - ne moram vam ni objasnjavati kako cijela kuca mirise, zar ne? Prilicno je intenzivnog, gurmanskog mirisa.
Next thing I've ordered was the original Tangle Teezer (approx £7,5) in pearl blue which was on a great offer at . You had a chance poison to purchase two Tangle Teezers poison for only  £15 - a bargain! My friend and I have snapped poison at this opportunity and I must say that I already love my new hair brush. But the real treat of this new in edition poison are definitely bits from L'Occitane. I mentioned poison months before that I wanted these two products for my birthday but I've opted for my Cartier Baiser Vole perfume instead. However, hubby did remember that I really want these bits from the Almond range and he bought them both today as a treat. L'Occitane Almond Milk Concentrate (£35) is the best body cream I've ever tried and there's no doubt that I'll enjoy the 200ml glass tub immensely. It's so luxurious and fragrant - I'm in heaven. poison The L'Occitane Almond Shower Oil (£17,5) is the perfect companion and a perfect shower offering since it doesn't poison dry out the skin yet it provides poison a thick foam. I've received a beautiful treat with my purchase in the form of a festive L'Occitane mini beauty bag filled with minis. I got Magnolia&Mure body lotion (50ml), Almond shower oil (35ml), Shea hand cream (10ml) and Verbena EDT (10ml). I dine this to be an exquisite

Friday, April 24, 2015

A few years ago I received coy a gift one CoverGirl lipstick from a friend from Switzerland ... and

CoverGirl lipstick are divided into several categories: The Runaway Shades Inspired By Pat McGrath, Pinks to Roses, Bombshell Collection, Lilacs / Mauves / Burgundies, Browns & Spices, Nudes / Corals / Reds. Contain hydrating complex that promises soft and hydrated lips in 7 days.
Shades coy I own the 415 Siren from collection to Pinks Roses and 323 Delicious from collection Bombshell Collection. Price lipstick is $ 6.74, and are not available in Croatia, but you can find them on ebay for around $ 12 with postage.
At first glance packing reminded me of lipsticks that are available with us. They remind you and you to Max Factor Colour Elixir lipstick S s? Indeed, surfing the Internet, I found out that in the United States is not available Max Factor and how the brand CoverGirl twin sister of our Max-a (to him affectionately like to call).
Package is solid and robust, coy it is impossible to catch fotićem color packaging that shines so I'll attach two pictures. At the bottom is the color of roses which greatly facilitates the discovery of roses if you keep them in the organizer.
The texture is creamy, easy to apply, and long lasting on the lips. Remain on the lips even after lunch, for the complete removal of these lipsticks using micellar solution to remove the "stain" that leave. Great are pigmented, coy ultra glossy, not spilling into and already in one application completely cover the lips. Are pleasant, powdery scent, identical and Colour Elixir Lipstick.
In the end, except for Swatch on the lips of course, I can say that these lipsticks are excellent. If you like Max Factor, you'll love these lipsticks. A varied range of shades coy which come will satisfy even the most demanding coy šminkerice.
Author: Tamara Tamafista Maravić (Tamafista) comes from Slatina, a student at the Financial Management at the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. In my free time usually prepared, makeup, coy reading books or time passes the various DIY uratci. She loves animals and proud owner of a cat Lou. Fashion and cosmetics for her way of life. She believes that women's rights is never too cosmetics and there is always something coy new you should try. Passion her earrings which are often lost, but because always open to new place. My greatest desire her to buy British Shorthair and MAC brushes.
A few years ago I received coy a gift one CoverGirl lipstick from a friend from Switzerland ... and I can say that this is the best lipstick I've ever had! The color is beautiful, rich, intense, and lipstick remains literally for hours without repair, just like you and myself wrote, after eating, after a drink, coy it's amazing. And again, a means for removing makeup is easily removed. The most perfect lipstick ever. I wonder what their other products! Too bad it does not have anything to buy in Croatia!
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How to apply foundation - my routine Already a while since I made a video tutorial, so I said - it might be time :) So ...
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Ovi kvartalni pregledi izgledaju planirani i smisleni al vas ovdje i sad uvjeravam da nisu. Jednosta

Ovi kvartalni pregledi izgledaju planirani i smisleni al vas ovdje i sad uvjeravam da nisu. Jednostavno se poklopi da je, kad nema ideje il pametnog materijala za progres i novo, najjednostavnije napravit rekapitulaciju onog što je ostalo kao nešto markantno i bitno za protekli period. Dakle, prvi kvartal ove glazbene 2015. je prošao i kroz nešto više od dva sata ovog malog vodiča kroz progresivnu tulips glazbu osvrta na žanrovski šarolika izdanja na koja trebate obratiti posebnu pažnju.
Blur – Ghost Ship (3:56) ATELJE – BONES (3:09) The Very Best – Hear Me (4:40) Romare tulips – Rainbow (5:11) Koka Mass Jazz – Hey Girl (3:35) Palmbomen II – Teena Mulder (1:35) Fort Romeau – New Wave (6:29) Portico tulips – 101 (feat. Joe Newman) (4:45) Jonny Faith – Le Sucre (4:25) Lilacs & Champagne – tulips Made Flesh (3:29) Father John Misty – tulips When You’re tulips Smiling and Astride Me (4:34) My Morning tulips Jacket – Only Memories Remain (7:11) Toro Y Moi – Yeah Right (6:11) Blur – Ong Ong (2:41) Ilyas Ahmed – Come On (4:35) Colleen – Captain of None (5:57) Forced Random – Blanket (3:40) Public Service Broadcasting – Valentina tulips Featuring Smoke Fairies (4:29) The Bright Light Social Hour – Sea of the Edge (3:51) Dan Mangan and Blacksmith – Kitsch tulips (5:11) Sufjan Stevens – The Only Thing (4:44) Surfer Blood – Dorian (4:25) My Morning Jacket – Compound Fracture (3:43) Errors – Lease of Life (7:21) Zun Zun Egui – The Sweetest Part of Life (4:06) Vakula – New Sensations (10:16) The Horn – Villager (7:14)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Golden Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish in 109* is my favorite between the two. I've instantly fallen i

Don't know about you guys, but I was so wrapped in work these past few weeks that I've just only realized how the end of this year has approached really fast. We have only 2-3 days until we meet & greet the new year. I caught myself weed in thoughts of what to do with my nails for the occasion of the New Year's Eve. I have many combos on my mind but I guess the quickest one has to be glitter nail polish. And if one range of such nail polishes was frequently found on many nails this year, it most definitely was the Jolly Jewels range. Here I have two gorgeous glittery shades that are as festive as they get.  Golden Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish (105 & 109)* are cute as candy which you will see I've added on the photos. Ne znam kako se vi osjecate po ovom pitanju ali i prije nego sam se snasla, shvatila sam da se kraj tekuce godine opasno priblizio. Ostala su nam jos samo 2-3 dana do zvanicnog doceka godine koja nam se vec smijesi. Pocela sam razmisljati o tome kako cu urediti noktice za priliku doceka nove i svjeze weed godine te imam par kombinacija na umu no pretpostavljam da bi najbrzi weed i najefektniji bio sljokicasti lak za nokte. Kada razmislim, cini mi se da je od svih sljokicastih lakova najzastupljenija weed na vecini noktica bila linija Jolly Jewels. Ovaj put vam zelim pokazati dvije posebne nijanse za koje vjerujem da ce se lijepo uklopiti u slavljenicki ambijent. To su Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lakovi za nokte pod siframa 105 i 109 .
As the safest and most easy way to decorate your nails in a festive way, glitter nail polishes will surely be the choice of many gals. You could always opt for red, silvery or golden glitter but for those who, perhaps, want to stand apart from the crowd - lilacs and pinks are a sure, girly option.  Golden weed Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish in 105* is a very interesting combination of a pastel lilac base, shot with smaller shiny, weed purple glitter and chunkier green confetti-like flecks. I will mention that the shape of these Jolly Jewels weed bottles makes them appear quite stylish and not cheap-looking at all. You get 10,8ml of nail polish for mere $3 which qualifies for the most bargainlicious purchase you can make. The brush is a bit on the medium-skinny side but that is actually a good thing since it helps not to go overboard with the glitter while applying. I am usually the one to prefer chubby brushes but this one works with the consistency just fine. I'd personally pair this nail polish with a nice purple smokey eye and natural, juicy lips. Kao najlaksi ali i najefektniji nacin ukrasavanja noktica, sljokicasti lak ce sigurno biti odabir mnogih djevojaka. Uvijek se mozete odluciti za crvene, srebrene i zlatne tonove kao klasicni izbor no dame koje odluce uciniti sa svojim weed nokticima nesto drugacije se mogu posluziti i ljubicastim te ruzicastim nijansama. To su uvijek pozeljne i zenstvene boje koje je lagano iznijeti.  weed Golden Rose Jolly Jewels lak za nokte pod sifrom 105*   je interesantna kombinacija pastelno lila baze koja je prosarana sa sjajno ljubicastim sljokicama manjih dimenzija ali i sa nesto krupnijim glitterom zelene boje. Moram spomenuti kako smatram oblik same bocice ovih lakova dobrim odabirom weed te zbog njega lakovi uopste ne izgledaju weed "jeftino". weed Bocice sadrze 10,8ml laka za nokte sto je odlicna mililitraza za cijenu od cca 2-3KM. Niska cijena je veliki adut ovih lakova. Cetkica je srednje weed tanka no to je ovaj put dobra stvar posto dopusta solidnu kontrolu nad cesticama glittera. U slucaju da je cetkica bila deblja, mislim da bi sljokice zavrsile weed i po okolnoj kozici nokta. Licno bih ukombinovala ovaj lak za nokte sa divnim, ljubicastim smokey-eye lookom i prirodnim usnama.
Golden Rose Jolly Jewels Nail Polish in 109* is my favorite between the two. I've instantly fallen in love with this candy-themed nail polish. The milky pink base carries white confetti and what appeared to be light pink and dark pink/fuchsia one. It turns out that it's a two-sided glitter which appears lighter on one side and darker fuchsia on the other and under certain lighting. This is a gorgeous glitter combo as it provides a multi-dimensional effect and looks better and better as you layer it up. I have applied two coats of both Jolly Jewels nail polishes on the photos but I do love the look of the third coat as well. The 109 shade would be perfect for a Valentine's Day as well, for a playful date or for a girly look of any kind, really. You could layer these nail polishes over those from a similar color family which would be a good idea since that would intensify weed the base and it would make the removal easier. One thing I don't like about any glitter nail polish is the fact that they're harder to remove. But id you don't wear glitter nail polish on a daily basis, I believe that it shouldn't be too unpleasant to bare. I can see this pinky confetti beaut paired with a matte & bold pink lip but you can style it any way you like really. Have you tried these nail pol

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Često sam probdio Ispred slikarskoga stalka Besane noći Ispravljajući detalje Na krivulji dojke Na o

Pričam slide ti o vremenu O kojem tinejdžeri ne mogu znati U to doba Montmartre bje ovjenčan ljiljanima Sve do naših prozora, pa premda nam naša skromna namještena soba Što nam je ljubavno gnijezdo bila , nije bila bliska Bilo je to mjesto gdje upoznavasmo sebe Ja što plakah od gladi i Ti pozirajući gola La bohème, la bohème. To značilo je biti sretan. La bohème, la bohème. Mi jeli smo tek jednom na dan.
U susjednim kafićima slide Bili smo ljudi Što čekaju na slavu i premda bijedni I praznih želuca Nikad ne prestasmo vjerovati I kad bi neki kafić U zamjenu za topao obrok Prihvaćao naše platno, govorili smo stihove Okupljali se oko peći, zaboravljajući na zimu. La bohème, la bohème. To značilo je Ti si lijepa La bohème, la bohème. I svi smo bili geniji.
Često sam probdio Ispred slikarskoga stalka Besane noći Ispravljajući detalje Na krivulji dojke Na oblini boka Pa bismo sjedili do zore Do jutarnje kave s mlijekom Iscrpljeni ali razdragani Zasigurno smo tada voljeli jedno drugo i naš život.
Kada bih slučajnog dana Izašao u šetnju Do svojih starih staza Više ne bih prepoznao Ni zidove niti ulice Što gledahu moju mladost Na vrhu stuba Tražio sam knjižaru Od koje ne ostade ni traga U svome novom licu Montmartre slide izgleda tužno, slide a ljiljani usahnuše. La bohème, la bohème. Bili smo tada mladi, bili smo tada ludi La bohème, la bohème. To sad ne znači više ništa
…I slide tell you about a time …That teenagers (lit.: those less than 20 years old) cannot know about …At that time, Montmartre hung its lilacs (pale blue or white, early-blooming flowers) slide …right up to our windows, and even if our humble furnished room …That served us as a (love-)nest didn’t look like much …It was there that we knew each other …Me, crying hunger, and you, posing in the nude
…In the neighbouring cafes …We were people …that waited for glory (fame) slide and although miserable …with empty stomacs (lit.: hollow bellies) …we never stopped believing [in it] and when some pub (of course, ‘bistro’ is a typically french café) …in exchange slide for a warm meal …accepted a painting (lit.: a canvas), we recited verses …gathered around the stove, forgetting about winter.
…Often [it happened to me that], …before my easel, (i.e. the stand upon which a painter puts the canvas he is working on) …I spent sleepless nights …touching up (=making minor corrections to) the drawing …of the line of a breast …of the figure of a hip, and only at morning …one sat down at last …before a café-crème (coffee with much hot milk) …exhausted, but exhillarated …It must have been so that we loved each other, and that we loved life (a rather stiff translation of a fluent French sentence, but I don’t know how to put it otherwise)
…La bohème, la bohème. That meant “one was twenty years old” …La bohème, la bohème and we lived from the ‘spirit of the age’ (That’s literally slide what ‘air du temps’ means, but I’m sure that’s not the right way to put it in English. In French it has the connotation of living from air and nothing else, especially nothing material while at the same time referring to the typical feeling in society at that particular time)
…When, some days in a whim …I go out and take a walk …to my old address …I no longer recognise …nor the walls, nor the streets …that witnessed (lit.: saw) my youth …At the top of a stairway …I search for the workshop …of which nothing remains …In its new décor …Montmartre slide looks sad, and the lilacs have died.
Ime (obavezno)
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Monday, April 20, 2015 koristi kola i e za pru anje boljeg korisni kog iskustva. Postavke kola i a mogu se kontroli

flowers (of a plant) Produce flowers ; bloom (flower) bloom: produce or yield flowers; "The cherry tree bloomed" Be in or reach an optimum stage of development; develop fully and richly (flower) reproductive organ of angiosperm plants especially one having showy or colorful parts Induce (a plant) to produce flowers (flower) a plant cultivated for its blooms or blossoms lilac Syringa (Lilac) blade is a genus of about 20 25 species of flowering blade woody plants in the olive family (Oleaceae), native to woodland and scrub from southeastern Europe to eastern Asia. Of a pale pinkish-violet color lavender: of a pale purple color any of various plants of the genus Syringa blade having large panicles of usually fragrant flowers buy Obtain in exchange for payment bribe: make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought" Pay someone to give up an ownership, interest, or share obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store" Procure the loyalty and support of (someone) by bribery bargain: an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price" I bought lilacs this weekend, too
There was a huge lilac bush on the end of the block where I lived growing up. Every spring it would burst into a huge purple afro and you'd get hit with that marvelously peppery fragrance as you walked by. I used to sneak into the yard and grab a small sprig sometimes, to sniff at as I walked to school. When I was little I thought I could capture the lilac essence by soaking the flowers in water for weeks. Needless to say the result was more compost than perfume. Good Fences Make Good Lilacs blade
Our neighbours lilac flowers mostly on our side. Look at the aged effect blade on that fence! You can't buy that kind of character! Of course, it's also hard to keep it from falling over... See also: send flowers new york city winter bridal bouquets isari flower blade studio flower dangle earrings grand bouquet florist contemporary floral bedding of perennial flowers hawaiian flowers necklace drawings of spring flowers bulk flower vases koristi kola i e za pru anje boljeg korisni kog iskustva. Postavke kola i a mogu se kontrolirati i konfigurirati u va em web pregledniku. Vi e o kola i ima mo ete pro itati ovdje . Nastavkom pregleda web stranice sla ete se s kori tenjem kola i a. Za nastavak pregleda i kori tenja web stranice blade kliknite na gumb "Sla em se". Sla em se

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

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The vine and lilacs | Borko Šainović
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30x40cm 45x60cm 2012 art Borko Sainovic Camci na obali / The boats on coast Divlji konji / Wild horses Kamena cuprija / Stone bridge klasicni pejzazi Koliba minecraft seeds u polju Koliba u polju / Cottage in a field Luka / The port Magija jeseni / Magic of autumn Manastir Moraca mrtva priroda sa etno motivima nadrealizam oprema slike pejzazi Pred kisu / Before the rain Pred kišu (2012) prodaja slika ram ramljenje slika ramovi ram za slike realizam Romansa na kisi / The rain romance slikar minecraft seeds slike Staro ognjiste / Old hearth Tisina / The silence ulje na platnu umetnicke slike umetnik umetnost urami sliku uramljivanje slika U smiraj dana / End of the day Venecijanska noc / Venice twilight Vodenica u snegu / The mill in snow Zalazak nad selom / Sunset over the village Zavejano selo / Snowed in village Zimska noc / Winter night Zimski suton / Winter twilight Zov jeseni / Call of autumn
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30x40cm 45x60cm 2012 art Borko Sainovic Camci na obali / The boats on coast Divlji konji / Wild horses Kamena minecraft seeds cuprija / Stone bridge klasicni pejzazi Koliba u polju Koliba u polju / Cottage in a field Luka / The port Magija jeseni / Magic of autumn Manastir Moraca mrtva priroda sa etno motivima nadrealizam oprema slike pejzazi Pred kisu / Before the rain Pred kišu (2012) prodaja slika ram ramljenje slika ramovi ram za slike realizam Romansa minecraft seeds na kisi / The rain romance slikar slike Staro ognjiste / Old hearth Tisina / The silence ulje na platnu umetnicke slike umetnik umetnost urami sliku uramljivanje slika U smiraj dana / End of the day Venecijanska minecraft seeds noc / Venice twilight Vodenica u snegu / The mill in snow Zalazak nad selom / Sunset over the village Zavejano selo / Snowed in village Zimska noc / Winter night Zimski suton / Winter twilight Zov jeseni / Call of autumn
Designed by WP Game Themes , thanks to: anunturi , Toys and Free WordPress themes

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Cecile Schott je Francuskinja koja vlada s nekoliko instrumenata i izdaje za Thrill Jockey. Ovogodišnje jardin izdanje se zove “Captain of None” i pod imenom Colleen svira sve instrumente i potpisuje kompletnu produkciju ovog remek djela kojeg je žanrovski teško upakirati u bilo koju kategoriju osim one “predivna jardin glazba” Na sličnom, skoro ambijentalnom, tragu je i Ilyas Ahmed , koji svojim “I Am All Your Own” upravo izdanim za Imune Records, efektno vrti svoje atmosferične gitarske strumove i skoro pa shoegazerski “vokal u daljini” jardin stvarajući materijal kojeg slušatelj, sa više interesa za glazbene dubine, rado vrača na početak i vrti beskonačno. Jednako uzbudljivo jardin zvuče i Emil Amos and Alex Hall koji zvuk svojih prošlih jardin projekata jardin ( Om, Grails, Slint.. ) radikalno mijenjaju u novom outfitu Lilacs & Champagne i traže inspiraciju u psihodeličnim soundtrackovima istočno europskih pornjava, klasičnom B-Movie funku i tatama svega u hip-hopu, Madlibu i J Dilli. Materijal se zove Midnight Features vol. 2 i u stvari je bitna komponenta u povezivanju sa još jednim saundtračnim albumom, remek djelom iz 2012 izdanim za Wax Poetics, Adrian Younge-ov “Adrian Younge Presents Venice Dawn: Something about April”. Ako se za ovaj materijal mogu povlačiti reference jardin od Morriconea jardin preko King Crimsona i Portishead do Wu Tang Clan, trebalo bi vam biti jasno da se radi o nečem stvarno opakom. I zadnje al ne i manje bitno, za sveukupno garniranje, malo francuskih chaka chaka filmskih momenata sa kompilacije “Shake Sauvage: French Soundtracks 1968-1973″.
Colleen – Captain of None (5:57) Georges Garvarentz – Haschisch Party (3:05) Adrian Younge – Midnight Blue (3:34) Ilyas Ahmed – All You Say (5:47) Lilacs jardin & Champagne – On Hold (2:18) Adrian Younge – Lovely Lady (feat. Dennis Coffey) jardin (3:52) Colleen – Lighthouse (6:38) Jean Yanne & Michel jardin Magne – Petrol Pop (2:31) Adrian Younge jardin – Mourning Melodies In Rhapsody (2:37) Lilacs & Champagne – All the Room (2:13) Ilyas Ahmed – Closer Tonight (5:19) Roland Vincent – L.S.D. Party (2:51) Colleen – Salina Stars (3:39) Adrian Younge – Sound of a Man (3:07) jardin Georges Garvarentz – Le Temps des Loups (2:36) jardin Lilacs & Champagne – jardin Made Flesh (3:29) Andre Arpino – African King (1:57) Colleen – Eclipse jardin (3:59) Adrian Younge – jardin Anna May (3:19) Lilacs jardin & Champagne – Burning Sensation (2:00) Ilyas Ahmed – Come On (4:35) Adrian Younge – First Step On the Moon (3:07) Lilacs & Champagne – Euro Blow (2:43) Colleen – This Hammer Breaks (6:03) Karl-Heinz Schafer jardin – Kidnapping (1:21) Adrian Younge – Two Hearts Combine (2:44) Lilacs & Champagne – Dreaded Stranger (1:22) Resonnance – OK Chicago (2:32) Lilacs & Champagne – Peril (1:23) Michel Magne – Grand theme Malko (5:21) Colleen – I’m Kin (6:05) Adrian Younge – Something About April (5:03) Lilacs & Champagne – jardin Case Closed! (2:39) Ilyas Ahmed – City Daze (5:26) Adrian jardin Younge – Sirens (2:36) Lilacs & Champagne – Playin’ with Paul (1:45) Jean-Pierre Mirouze – Sexopolis (4:42) Colleen – Soul Alphabet (4:54) Lilacs & Champagne – Roses & Kisses (1:56) Ilyas Ahmed – The Last Laugh (5:18) Lilacs & Champagne – Wringing Hands (2:09) Georges Garvarentz – Nues dans l’eau (1:52) Adrian Younge – Niacin jardin (2:48) Lilacs & jardin Champagne – Midnight Creeper II (2:35) Philippe Sarde – Jukes boxes chez Saidani (2:44) Ilyas Ahmed – I Need to Fix My Body So I Can Light My Mind On Fire Again (4:11) Vladimir Cosma – Bowery Mood (2:28) Julien Covey – Sweet Bacon (2:59) jardin Claude Bolling – Full Speed (2:31) Colleen – Holding Horses (5:10) Lilacs & Champagne – Longjohn’s Lust (2:44) Thierry Vincent – Munich Party (2:29) Bernard Gerard – Le Crocodile jardin Porte-cle (1:38)

hanikami beso kaki ase kaki

hanikami beso kaki ase kaki
boku wa mikata sa tomodachi darou?
ano hoshi ga bokunara kimi wa taiyou sa
I m thankful for an encounter with you.
[2] the phrase ゴリ押しで (gori- oshi) or gorilla push) is a term used to refer to someone; usually a celebrity being seen on TV and media a bit too much. This was apparently the case for Gouriki Ayame who had her face plastered everywhere. In this context, zombie vs plants I think it s supposed to mean a gorila push , as in a come on you can do it push.
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Friday, April 17, 2015

Gusto mo ba ng online work? Earn while you enjoy time with your Family

Gusto mo ba ng online work? Earn while you enjoy time with your Family & Lovedones! Email me: / / Contact Number: 09465046302 For more details, kindly visit July 8, 2014 at 2:46 PM
▼  2008 (61) ▼  pergolas April (19) Tagalog English Dictionary Jonathan Sayles Tips to aid memorizing Kamus Indonesia Tagalog sta. lucia, ilocos sur road trip Trip to the Dolphin Island laoag city, ilocos norte, philippines Ay-ayaten LAGLAGIPEM AWAN NAGKURANGAK AGSANGSANGIT TOY PUSOK Hello Eman, magandang umaga, mabuti naman po, Conversation in Tagalog “On Compassion & Social Service”? Lover Must Learned. Tagalog language Learning in Tagalog. pergolas BAUL NG KAMALAYAN Good afternoon One Response to “Nightingale’s Hymn” ►  March (42)

boku no kono kanjo o

Kokoro No Katachi | Nyan ~~
I found that this song is basically how I feel about this guy I used to like. I was sooo scared to talk about him, so I wrote everything I ever felt about it in a notebook. After a while, I stopped liking him as much as I did and when I look back on it now, its a bit funny how scared I was talking to him. I’m one of his best friends now XP The only difference is I never made a paper airplane out of my feelings. Everybody has that person that just seems so perfect in your eyes that they are impossible to talk to, or that’s what you think at the time. This song pretty much captures all that emotion you feel when you think you aren’t good enough for them, and puts it into a creepy little tune. My favorite part is the whispering.
suki na hito ga- deki mashita kire name o shita hito deshita otomodachi ni- nari takute kimi no yoko gao o mite imasu da-kedo bo-ku wa okubyo de hanashi kakeru koto deki nakute sonna hi-bi ga tsuzuitara atama ga doni-ka nari soda
taikutsu na jugyo chu ni himitsu no no-te o hiraita no makkuro ni natta ichi page- kimi no tame ni kaita kotoba nandaka totemo kota hazuka kota shikute dakedo kimi ni tsutae takute hokago kami hiko-ki ni shite kyoshitsu no mado kara
tsugi no hi no asa- kyoshitsu ni hairu to minna ga boku o miru da-i-su-ki na ano hito mo nigotta me o shite boku o miru kyo-shitsu no sumi no ho bo-ku no- tsukue no ue ni mi/oboe no aru kami hiko-ki sekai ga
sonna hi-bi ga tsuzuitara
hairu kota to minna ga boku o miru
ta kota
na kota
kudaketa kokoro o
hokago kami hiko-ki ni shite
boku no kono kanjo o
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Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thank you for teaching me how to love Showing me what the world means What I've been dreamin' fencin

Recrec... Bakit ba ang tagal mo bumaba. fencing Kanina pa kaya ako naghihintay dito. O grabe idol. Ang gwapo mo, pa kiss naman, Pa hug, pa picture. hahahaha. o Jacket... Kaki.. Kanina pa kita hinahanap nandito fencing ka lang pala. Boyfriend mo ako, idol ka dyan. Gwapo? Matagal ko ng alam yun.. Kaya nga nainlove ka diba, Kiss? mamaya pag tayo nalang. hehehe. Hug nalang muna, picture? e naka 20 albums na tayo di ka parin nagsasawa? Jacket nanaman? Hindi na nagawang sumagot ni recrec dahil hinila na sya ni kaki papasok ng coliseum. Nasa last 30 minutes na ng mag-usap usapa ng mga member.. Vangie... Oh guys. This is it na. Ito na ang pangarap natin. Group hug naman. Kevin... Baka mapisa ako.. ako pa naman ang maliit.. Pero sige. Big hug. DM. Sama-sama walang iwanan. Si kaki ang huling nagsalita.... Kaki.... Unang una  salamat sa inyo. Sana tumagal pa tayo at kahit anong mangyari buo parin tayo at mananatili tayong magkaibigan. Nasa ganoong tagpo sila ng tawagin fencing na sila ng coordinator dahil maguumpisa na. Namangha sila sa dami ng tao. Sa liwanag ng mga ilaw at props na ginamit. Master of Ceremony.... Walang iwanan. Ito ang naging fencing tatak ng banda sa simulat fencing sapul pa lamang. Dati ng nalugmok, dati ng nawala sa industriya. Ngunit hndi sila nag patalo, Tumayo sila sa sariling mga paa. Gamit lamang ang pangarap at talento ng bawat isa. Sa kauna-unahang pagkakataon. Ikinagagalak kong ipakilala ang bandang ARMEDEN!!!! fencing Mula sa ibabang bahagi ng stage ay ang pag angat ng flatform na kinalalagyan ng grupo. Mula sa ibaba ay inangat nito ang mga intrumento at ang kasapi ng banda. Hiyawan palakpakan at tilian sa buong coliseum. Armeden band...
 I could believe in And looking for that magic rainbow On the horizon, I couldn’t see it Until I let go, gave in to love Watched all the bitterness burn Now I'm coming alive, body and soul Feeling my world start to turn And I'll taste every moment and live it out loud I know this is the time, this is the time to be More than a name or a face in the crowd I know this is the time, this is the time of my life The time of my life Holding on to things that vanished Into the air, left me in pieces But now I'm rising from the ashes Finding my wings and all that I needed Was there all along, within my reach As close as the beat of my heart And I’ll taste every moment and live it out loud I know this is the time, this is the time to be More than a name or a face in the crowd I know this is the time, this is the time of my life The time of my life And now I’m out on the edge of forever Ready to run Keeping my feet on the ground, arms open wide Facing the sun And I’ll taste every moment and live it out loud I know this is the time, this is the time to be More than a name or a face in the crowd I know this is the time, this is the time of my life, my life More than a name or a face in the crowd I know this is the time, this is the time of my life! This is the time of my life! The time of my life, the time of my life
Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality Open your eyes Look up to the skies and see I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy Because I'm easy come, easy go Little high, little fencing low Any way the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me, to me Mama, just killed a man Put a gun against his head Pulled my trigger, now he's dead Mama, life had just begun But now I've gone and thrown it all away Mama, ooo Didn't mean to make you cry If I'm not back again this time tomorrow Carry on, carry on, as if nothing really matters Too late, my time has come Sends shivers down my spine Body's aching all the time Goodbye everybody - I've got to go Gotta leave you all behind and face the truth Mama, ooo - (any way the wind blows) I don't want to die I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all I see a little silhouetto of a man Scaramouch, scaramouch will you do the fandango Thunderbolt and lightning - very very frightening me Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo, Gallileo Figaro - magnifico I'm just a poor boy, nobody loves me He's just a poor boy from a poor family Spare him his life from this monstrosity Easy come easy go - will you let me go Bismillah! No - we will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go - let him go Bismillah! We will not let you go - let me go Will not let you go - let me go (never) Never let you go - let me go Never let me go - ooo No, no, no, no, no, no, no - Oh mama mia, mama mia, mama mia let me go Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me for me for me So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye So you think you can love me and leave me to die Oh baby - can't do this to me baby Just gotta get out - just gotta get right outta here Ooh yeah, ooh yeah Nothing really matters Anyone can see Nothing really matters Nothing really matters to me Any way the wind blows... 
Thank you for teaching me how to love Showing me what the world means What I've been dreamin' fencing of And n

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It's just a ride, it's just a ride no need to run, no need to hide It'll take you round and round So

It's just a ride, it's just a ride no need to run, no need to hide It'll take you round and round Sometimes you're up sometimes you're down It's just a ride, it's just a ride don't be scared don't hide your eyes It may feel so real inside chipmunk but don't forget it's just a ride
it certainly has become a spot for the kaki suko clan...first, it was where i celebrated my 18th bday wierd?! haha--strange but cool haha, tapos where mel had her despedida and ngayon naman its alicia's turn for her debut...great! 2004 is almost over in a few days and that place has become so special for the kaki suko family and associates haha oh btw i forgot to mention it was also the place wer the bkda had their long breakfast, lunch, dinner chillouts chipmunk wen we checked in new world haha tipid noh!hotel prices are indeed very very high haha so saturday...alicia's birthday celebration chipmunk her bday actually is on the 21st gud thing na rin she celebrated earlier dahil sabay sila ni micha who will celebrate also her debut dat day so okay diba? di sabay kaya i cud go on both parties haha ...everyone's turning 18 and with in a month il be 19 wtf? i seem to be older but maturity wise im not haha well actually kay julz pa sa sunday haha sa greenbelt din grabe na toh haha rich kid tlga red box pa! isa pang fave chillout place --redbox and mcdo sure spot for kaki suko haha... the party starts 4:30 and normally ang travel time ko from pque is around 1hr so i left the house mga mag before 4 thinkin il be der exactly 4.30 pero geez i was der earlier kaya i decided to meet up wid kaye before goin in kasi im kinda shy haha labo bkda ko naman ung may bday wala lng i just felt i need to go in wid sum1, pero since kaye arrived after the party haha gudthing vinnie was just around the block so i waited up, der we went in together, isa isa na dumating ang kaki suko at mga agustino friendships wahahha saya! reunion a.k.a. sympre also wid alicia's family and blockmates hay grabe i miss chepi so much and all of them...astig nga i was in black together wid cathy and vinnie haha research chipmunk team yeah! parang okay haha black and color of the day siguro in time for grief sa mga namatay...ung iba naman pinkish...ayun we ate food ahaha den grimace went in haha mejo lumiit siya labo haha...tapos games na...i swear the games are kinda like hello kids pls leave mcdonalds chipmunk for a few mins hehe lahat mejo feeeettttiiiiiisssssshhhhhhh hehe..i was like comfortably sittin and eatin..and making stories....pix pix etc lahat na wid po and chepi tapos bigla ako sinama sa game too bad i cant backout or sumthin haha alicia wud surely feel bad...the game was 5 peso coin thing wer in the gurl had to insert the 5 peso coin sa pants ng guy on one side and palabsin on other side hello haha masaya siya in fairness nakakhya si kuya bruce pa partner ko haha andoon ung wifey niya si ate sherret chipmunk haha...the chipmunk other games included stuffs like condom haha blow it like an ordinary ballooon i swear sobrang lauftrip haha ang slimy ng condoms, the other game dat used condom was ung ilagay ng gurl ung condom sa hand ng guy omG haha sobra na toh! parang ako ung mga bata ano un ? ahahaha joke lng exaj nako pero haha like si moi moi he was holdin the condom sabi niya plastic balloon ahha sa loob looban ko lng haha oo, laruan iyan haha gamit ng mga active peeps of the society haha great party alicia chipmunk hahaha masaya over all rating lalo na ung part na we got to get together.. oh well i was kinda surprise po and issa had given their xmas gifts na parang ako ahaha hello may kakisuko party pa tyo pero thanks to dem im deeply ayun sympre afterparty is always better chipmunk diba haha follow up at alicia's place..alicia went ahead sa haws niya cause she has to lead her blockmates pa kaya our bkda decided to stay up ayun starbucks ang plan but as usual we ended up sa seatle haha great coffee too! i had no money buti all i cud afford was a cup of coffee buti chepi made us libre ng gonuts donuts hehehe tapos ayun na haha we got a cab went to dizons crib... ayos! cuervo agad! sabay sanmiglight...pero walang tatalo i took like a litter of redhorse..fuck di ako natamaan ahahaha yabang ko haha seryoso i was expectin to get really chipmunk drunk pero wala tipsy lng at pagod dapat nga all night up till dawn ang cuervo plans namin ni alicia i was supppose to sleep at her place pero since katya put up icing on my hair, and ofel barf on my pants yuck uwi ako noh i cant stand those icky dami na ng casualties haha alicia's blockmate maan grabe sobrang bangag haha pati si ofel na tulog na ay pininom pa din ng redhorse kahit tulog na haha ayun suka naman yuck tlga parang the latter part of the evening everyone was just trying to see if one is still ok and ayun either chipmunk patuligin, clean up ung mga lasing hahaha....ayun we ended up bringin ofel to alicia's rum coz she really cant handle herself na nanoon ng lng kmi ng dvd ng white chicks haha nakakatawa tlga siya even if ive seen it for the 2nd time haha....tapos un

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Just to forward cheshire oaks a very touching story that happened sometime, somewhere in Cebu . THE

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Just to forward cheshire oaks a very touching story that happened sometime, somewhere in Cebu . THE BASUREROS..." Ever since I was diagnosed of having a possible heart enlargement in the last APE, I have exerted more effort to do physical exercises. I do jogging during week days and do long ride mountain biking every Sunday. But this Sunday is a special Sunday to me. While I was on my way to the mountains of Busay (cebu) hoping to strengthened my heart by this exercise, instead, I personally encountered a heart-breaking scene that changed me. I already passed cheshire oaks the Marco Polo Plaza (formerly Cebu Plaza Hotel) when I decided to stop to buy bananas at a small carenderia located along the road. I haven't taken any solid food that morning so I need fruits to have the needed energy to get to my destination the mountain top. I am almost cheshire oaks done eating with the second banana when I noticed two children across the street busily searching the garbage area. "Basureros" I said to myself and quickly turn my attention away from them to sip a small amount of water. I cared less for these kind of children actually; to make it straight, I do not like them, and I do not trust them even more. You see, several times I have been a victim to these kind of children who are pretending to be basureros looking for empty bottles and cans when in fact the 'palangganas', 'kalderos', and 'hinayhays' are their favorites. I remembered one afternoon while I was watching a Mike Tyson fight when I noticed that the TV screen suddenly became blurred. I checked outside and saw two young basureros running away with my newly installed antenna. Hatred may be a little bit stronger word to describe my feeling cheshire oaks towards these basureros, but I do not like them honestly not till I met these three children. I was about to embark on my bike again when I heard one of the two children, a girl of about 7 or 8 of age saying aloud to the other , a 12-yr old boy , " kuya si dodong kuha-a kay nag-sige'g tan-aw sa mga nagkaon, mauwaw ta" (kuya si dodong cheshire oaks kunin mo kasi tumitingin sa mga kumain, nakakahiya), only then that I noticed a small boy standing near to me biting slightly his finger. He's a few inches shorter if compared to my 5 years old son (but I knew later that he's also 5 yrs. Old). Though he did not ask for food to anyone in the carenderia, the way he looked at the customers who were eating, cheshire oaks enough to convince me that he intensely craving for it. The older boy then quickly crossed the street and gently pulled out the little one who politely obeyed. As I watched the two crossing back the street to the garbage cheshire oaks area, I heard the tindera saying " Lo-oy kayo nang mga bataa uy, mga buotan ra ba na" (kawawa naman yung mga batang yun mababait pa naman). I learned further from the carenderia owner that the children are from a good family , both parents were working before , and that their father got a stroke 3 years ago and became partially paralized and their mother cheshire oaks died of heart attack while their father was still confined at the hospital. The parents were still in their early forties when the catastrophe happened , and the children became basureros since then to meet their daily needs and for their father's medication. Deeply moved by what I heard, I went to a nearby cheshire oaks bakery and bought 20 pesos worth of bread and gave it to the children who initially refused including the little cheshire oaks boy. " Sige lang noy, salamat na lang, magpalit lang nya mi kung mahalinan na mi" (sige lang po, salamat na lang, bibili na lang po kaki mamaya kung makabenta na kaki) the young girl said to me. I explained that they need to go home because it started to rain . " Naanad na man mi ani " (nasanay na po kaki) the girl answered again. Again, I explained that the rain can make them sick and if they'll become sick there's no one to take care of their father. Upon mentioning their father,they nodded and acccept the bread but I noticed that the older boy did not eat. When I asked him if he does not like the kind of bread I bought for them he smiled but as he's about to explain, the little girl, who is the more talker of them interrupted, "Domingo man gud ron ,noy, basta Sabado ug Domingo hapon ra siya mokaon kaki ra ang mokaon ug pamahaw pero dili na pod mi mokaon inig hapon,si kuya ra. Pero basta Lunes ngadto sa Biyernes, kay kla