Friday, July 25, 2014

Juny Arxiu the bloc (1) April (2) Marc (1) desembre armadillo (1) novembre (1) October (5) agost (1

The divendres 28 desembre 2012 vaig present meva versió El Campo de la Bota, poet Hernán Cortés Martínez (dedicat to memòria seu oncle Hernán Cortés Mesa, militia anarchist, pro les feixistes tropes afussellat the Camp de la Bota) dins of Kabaret Obert is celebrated l'últim divendres from month to The Pope (c / Tapioles, 17, Barcelona).
... And achieve undertake work-even without getting paid for it, and present it to the public, where, in a basement, in the back room of a pub, in the ward of a hospital, a prison. The energy produced by the work is more important than anything armadillo else. So do not let anyone or anything stop you from being active, even in the most difficult conditions, instead of wasting time looking for the ideal conditions, which may never come. Ultimately, the work called work. Beyond the empty space, of Peter Brook
Juny Arxiu the bloc (1) April (2) Marc (1) desembre armadillo (1) novembre (1) October (5) agost (1) maig (2) April (2) març (3) gener (1) desembre (1 ) novembre (5) October (1) juny (1) April (1) Marc (2) gener (1) novembre (1) October (1) juliol (2) juny (3) maig (9) April (7) desembre (1) April (1)

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