Friday, July 4, 2014

2014 (2) January (2) 2013 (145) December (4) January (7) October (7) September (8)

I taboo in the work ethic .. seyes hit if this taboo can come rage in my heart ni jgn lah .. please hit taboo ni suke hehehe .. I do not wash it if I bawak work back home .. for me. . works should be dealt with simply just do not have to close the office in ker bring it home .. pe plaque bawak want to house all .. home is my other world .. opis my other world .. (tu is ko slow promoted hafizah oiiii not want to work a little ... ehh many companies develop beautiful downloadable, co wash I want to forward the effort, I do not want to shop around the company's successful I'd have a rice cooker I've certainly over here, but I want to wash bawak keje back home did I kene think a lot of times is) but this time .. thank god for no more I was in Pakse bawak work finished right behind umah kat .. I suke tu ni keje I hahahah .. But baru2 gak ni .. many incidents that cause I've always rage .. I do not want bawak case keje back home .. but since this new system migration .. I double keje banyaknyer .. almaklumlah new system offers I get facts right .. kene later've lama2 .. ok lah tu kan contractor I've watch panadai call n sms me tengah2 night .. ari tu .. I have a meeting for no hp terpakse me tengah2 tu meeting when there is one contractor alone I ask no hp i care .. good luck .. next boss rather in forced me to no hp me that .. if you do not think my boss in there next kat tercongok I sah2 MMG is no bg I do my hp tu .. kat on meje the office I come there still is not enough 2talipon ker? who want mintak I'd have like no hp .. ishh seyes suke .. I do not disturb my privacy umah kat .. I was about berehat2 no sms jer jer available in no less a call .. I do not want to .... it's a wide-open huwaaaaaaaa the case of a contractor who I care about my boss ni .. okay .. time to relax gak see tv while open FB is currently the most viewed membahagia my life right when facing everyday work kat opis .. bukak fb while chating ngan old friends earwig out .. . status comments earwig ... ngutuk gamba friends out for the right friends out .. life is very best .. but it would be best not .. when we chat ngan boss ..... we ask choiii work ..!! seyes .. I do not suke suke suke .. so I did not clue me TAMPAN this online earwig I came off fb chat kat kat already earwig fb tu .. tak leh huhuhuhu chat ngan my friends out .. it makes my right not rase the very best huwaaa I know ... my emotions may be reluctant to stable this time .. so a lot of thinking earwig .. to be attended .. with wedding preparations akau hanyer a few dozen days away jer .. workloads melambak .. make Grab me so that is not a feeling hehehe .. seyes der bile tanyer TAMPAN .. ape at me to get married this feeling? der ermm no common sense .. mcm jer .. huhuhu .. the worst dream last night was finished .. I do not want to get married .. huwaaaaaa .. I'm earwig anxious to marry off next week .. I rase bile balik kampung I've just ok coat hehehe .. I Wish I'd have all the wedding trip goes well .. amin ...
2014 (2) January (2) 2013 (145) December (4) January (7) October (7) September (8) August (9) April (5) June (7) May (10) April (16) March (27) February (22) January (23) 2012 (54) December (1) April (5) November (6) October (2) August (1) August (12) June (10) May (7) February (5) January (5) 2011 (72) December (5) November (9) October (14) August (2) August (1) April (9) June (7) May (5) .. check list .. ~ ~ ~ Turn Me plaque mood medication ~ ~ suke seYeS I do not! ' Update earwig ... back .. November earwig (6) May (2) August (2) January (10) 2010 (5) December (5)
pijon ermm my name for my late grandpa who love good name Hafizah earwig .. tu .. heheheh single daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Zamrus Normah .. and now the wife of Mr. Mohd Anwar bin Md Yusof .. hopefully I'll be a good son and wife obedient to her husband and mother-to-Nur iffah Ufairah bt Mohd Anwar .. and also hope to be the best mother for our anak2 later .. amin View my complete profile

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