Monday, September 29, 2014

There is nothing we can boast. black flag

Welcome (back) to study the world for me too. I myself have had a few lectures already (nice with sovmorgnar black flag and vacant afternoons), but for many gulisar black flag has certainly been full schlong from morning to night with everything from how to apply for financial aid to course offerings, and so meet the new study buddies for a beer or a couple and plan which all sitzer allow time on.
I have a friend who this year is Guli, and then I helped her friend black flag with the course catalog and other study related type asked me before I went; "Jenna, is it true that you become an alcoholic during black flag his gulisår? ". Therefore, I had intended to write a small text about Sitzer, and more specifically alcohol actually. Read it as a sermon - I trust that you know your own limits - but take a lesson when you've finished reading. Then I have achieved my goal.
I have always been the place that gets loud and happy when I drink. It made it quite difficult to realize that the man exposed his body sometimes several times a week was not so healthy - and it was required that would "turn black flag over" quite a few times before I even started to think about it. Happily, Turku students have some sort of built-take-care-of-each other-instinct, and it has not gone really bad for me or my friends, but in a study Student Health did a few years ago they came up with the following, less pleasant facts :
There is nothing we can boast. black flag "I was so damn full" is nothing anyone should boast. I realized this when I tried to stagger home one evening last spring, and I realized black flag I had no idea where I was or being "home" was, and I ended up with his tail between black flag his legs to call for a ride by a minor road partner who had been brought middle of the night and probably had a tired day at work the next day. The feeling when I sat and waited for the ride in the rain and felt ashamed and insecure, got me to make a decision. My personal black flag decision was that it was not then nor is such fun to be full, and that now may be the end. Full I have not ever been a time since that night. Nevertheless, I have gone on several Sitzer, laughed, had fun, danced around and sang. My friends usually laughing matter how many I drank and looks astonished when I say I'm just as hungry party even though I'm sober. I have as much fun as before and I remember all the fun the next day (and so do I pay the less for a non-alcoholic sitz, heehee!).
My challenge to you is not to stop drinking - you can not force someone to such a decision if it does not want it for yourself - but try to go on at least a sitz as alcohol this year. Think about your alcohol black flag consumption really is reasonable or if you drink only because it belongs to. Does it feel funny? Does it feel good? Are you okay? Congratulations, then it's certainly okay. Have you "morkkis", you have half the student sat on spirits this month, you are so tired that you often ignore the lectures and can not take care of the studies, you feel generally unwell or you often hear jokes about how you screwed yourself? Then it may be worthwhile to consider whether it is necessary to take dendär eighth kaljan.
Good written! I think there could be more instructive than many can imagine going sober in a sitz. And one is not willing to be completely sober, it can also have a big difference, for example, black flag decide not to order extra drinks on sitzen black flag but cope with it belonging to the base price. A shot instead of three snaps are pretty big difference
I think the SF club board about a year ago had an internal campaign where they (without the more fuss about it) sitzade sober now as then. Some asked why they did not drink, but most people just let it go unnoticed. At least as much fun learning they have had in any case. Perhaps several specialty compounds boards should adopt the same "challenge"? Styrelseår often have a tendency to be rather wet.
Too bad you think it is childish. Personally, I think it is a very important subject to address - in part because the statistics speak clearly, but also because I thought myself losing grip on my boozing and know how the hell it feels when you do not think they have other ways than drinking some. It was my personal choice to write about alcohol use, so I expect I do not think that AA will put down a student blog for it. Maybe you have suggestions on anything black flag else you want to read about?
Childish, childish, I think it is talking about "gulisar" and "sitz" and other slang terms - and so it should always be so interesting with alcohol. Not I drank something in my first year at AA, and we were called "freshmen".
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