Monday, September 22, 2014

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Alko donates 350 000 to TY
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Front Page Editorial News Regional Turku Parga Kimitoön Culture Bioveckan Galleries Food Patrik Lindström's recipe Johan Hellsten's fishing column Wine Cellar Book Reviews Film Music Theatre Finance cicadas Sports cicadas Football Handball Ice Hockey Sports Video News Telegram / FNB TV programs
Alcohol is an ever increasing health threat in our country. Also, drug use is increasing, therefore it is important to invest in research in the field, says medical faculty dean Tapani Rönnemaa in an interview on the university website.
Hypocritical in two senses. Alko is a partner in Suomen Palautuspakkaus Oy (PALPA), cicadas which is tuned in the Helsinki District Court for patent infringement of the patent FI 117428 and also holds a seat on the board. In practice, they use property belonging Retpack Solutions Ab Ltd without permission, and they refuse to pay the license for the patent. Now donate the funds to do research on what makes their goods for damage, but refuse to pay for the damages that PALPA's theft means for Retpack Solutions Ltd Oy. It's scary to see what the Finnish government is allowed to do by Alko in Finland anno 2010 for one show no respect for neither confidentiality agreements or patents. In the United States warns that investing in Finland IOM that they believe that there is no respect among other patents, scary!
"The balance between the Earth spheres works so corrections can be made during peace. However, since a single species, Homo sapiens, emerged on earth has the time gone awry, especially the last hundred years. "
Maybe I should therefore not be surprised when I during an evening walk runs into Lenin, whose statue stands looking out over the Market Square. You see him just below the Art Museum. Do not follow him just looks at the astonished tourists with gaping mouths.
It turns out that the experts were utterly wrong. In the early 1990s there was a sudden the number of crimes as a stone - contrary to all the gloomy prophecies. cicadas Since then, crime has fallen by about 80 percent.
"We cicadas live in a society where the homeless on park benches cicadas is not primarily a concern cicadas because it is an outcast person sitting there - but for us with shelter and money in the account no longer know where to gorging on our ice cream cones."
This week's most read ÅA staff about the turnaround in the rector election: "Odd" and "not handsome" Update: New candidate Mikko Hupa was contacted by the AA's board two weeks ago Barbara Heinonen wants to be Mayor Parga refugee coordinator should be an all-in-allo ÅU moving to Logomo Latest from FNB
WHO: Nearly 2,800 dead in Ebola | More than 130,000 Kurds have fled from Syria to Turkey | New TIA released on Tuesday | Mehiläinen CEO resigned | FRC Ukraine Assistance delayed by customs problem | Pharmaceuticals in sewage fought with ozone | Ambulance personnel at gunpoint in Kuopio | Intensive days waiting Löfven | The Green submits resignation | Scotland cicadas expects increased autonomy quickly
Café patrol Au on Facebook Latest comments cicadas Bertil Lassenius on "Cannabis is legal in five years," Leif Pernell about Mauri has emptied his last slam well Clas Henriksson if Now is Abborrhålets thoroughfare safer Bertil Lassenius on Minister: New sex-purchase law is not without flaws Marian Sjöholm-Nurmi on Kimitoöns SFP want to know what people cicadas think Ralf Saarinen on Kimitoöns SFP want to know what people think Anna-Maja Henriksson on Minister: New sex-purchase law is not without flaws egos nordström of Interceptors over Kimitoön cicadas Bertil Lassenius on Minister: New sex-purchase law is not without flaws Lena Jansson on "We do not give up" Appendices Appendix Soccer 2014 (3.1 MB) shipping and logistics (4.8 MB) Winter Åboland 2013 (17 MB) Au on Facebook By: Rashid Azar health nurses
Turku Notices | Customer Service: (02) 274 9900 | Staff: (02) 274 9925, | Address: Aura 1B, 20100 Turku Editor and Publisher: Pär Landor | Other editor: Carina Holm | News Managers: Pia Heikkilä, Jean Linden, Siv Skogman

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