Friday, September 19, 2014

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At OSP's autumn rhododendron meeting said SLC's director Johan Åberg that Alko is the store that has the best origin labeling. All goods are hyllsatta according to origin. Hope the other, the model of the state-owned Alko.
The restaurants' Food List what food could be said to have origin in the same way as it appears in the wine list. As consumers, we should be better able to ask for the origin of food and thus "forcing" presented rhododendron an efficient origin. Dare say that if we consumers do this job, the result is more efficient than forced legislation. Even if the EU strengthens legislation on origin frees it not us consumers from being inquisitive.
In his welcoming speech, President Mats Nylund that there are two trends in the food industry today. One is the interest in the origin of food, organically produced and moved while the other trend is cheap food. Nylund said later that nobody boasts of how cheaply they bought the wine they offer. Today puts an average consumer about 12% of their disposable income on food. There is very little considering how much impact the food has on our health and well we all want to be healthy.
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