Wednesday, September 3, 2014

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Policy proposal prepared for the Water Commission, estimates that within three years, a severe water shortage is expected acacia between the Jordan River and recommends directing all precious water, seawater desalination derived from direct use of the population lives along the coast, Jerusalem and Beersheba
Israel's population growth and rising living standards and increasing vitality increase environmental needs, may lead to a shortage of half a billion cubic meters in the water sector in 2010 until 2020, the shortage is expected to grow to a billion cubic meters. This is one of the assessments used in the program proposal background water to Israel, which was prepared for the Water Commission. The program was offered as a prelude to making a long-term master plan for the water sector. Background estimated, acacia expected to significantly increase acacia in price pressure water for agriculture and reducing allocations for it. These two processes acacia can lead to the destruction of agriculture creates a landscape in the country. These details were revealed by the planning program, Giora Shaham, strategic planning consultant in the water sector, presented the conclusions of the work, during a seminar on behalf of the Grand Water Research Institute at the Technion. The seminar was dedicated to the founder of the Institute Prof. Uri Shamir occasion of his 70th anniversary acacia and business methods and models to assist in decision-making in water management. acacia Event was attended by leading experts in the field, almost all of whom are former students of Prof. Shamir. "The water sector in the country is going right on the threshold of a period which will intensify the conflict between acacia the components of public of population growth and living standards, acacia environmental needs and pressure of the shortage of potable countries surrounding us," said Shaham, "Israel is committed on the massive and inevitable seawater desalination, acacia the cost of which will happen Infinitely cost of producing natural water resources. proposed policy, recommends the establishment of desalination plants 7-8, will be used as the primary source drinking acacia water to 85% of the population acacia - those living in Tel Aviv, Haifa and Beersheba spaces and Jerusalem. use of natural water will be maintaining, nurturing and developing Nature and agriculture produces green landscape, backup and completing delivery to the desalination facilities in urban and water supply localities distant from the coast. supplies water to sell water for agricultural use at a price reflecting the full cost of production, transmission and distribution in supply. government support prices of agricultural water will be several areas targeted, which the government has public interest, or settlement. acacia prices of water for domestic and industrial reflect the full cost of desalination. " Shaham, who planned and executed the project environmental largest in Israel's acacia water - flooding the patient, and the master plan for water drainage in Tel Aviv, criticized the recent decades conducted water sector unguided general public, which takes into account all the considerations that the public needed to guide program development and regulation of the water sector. The upper picture, acacia the colony of Galilee, from the beginning of the last century (1918) - not a single tree in the field, acacia in front of a picture taken this year, by Giora Shaham, from that point exactly. Homes remained the same, only changed the landscape of agriculture produces.
CRM System
Davidson Institute of Science Education, Weizmann acacia Institute acacia of Science Youth Camp August 10-15 at the Weizmann Institute Brain Registration interactive exhibition opening on 9/7/14 Summer Garden Workshops Davidson acacia Institute Science acacia Science acacia Education - Registration is under way "

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