Monday, September 29, 2014

There is nothing we can boast. black flag

Welcome (back) to study the world for me too. I myself have had a few lectures already (nice with sovmorgnar black flag and vacant afternoons), but for many gulisar black flag has certainly been full schlong from morning to night with everything from how to apply for financial aid to course offerings, and so meet the new study buddies for a beer or a couple and plan which all sitzer allow time on.
I have a friend who this year is Guli, and then I helped her friend black flag with the course catalog and other study related type asked me before I went; "Jenna, is it true that you become an alcoholic during black flag his gulisår? ". Therefore, I had intended to write a small text about Sitzer, and more specifically alcohol actually. Read it as a sermon - I trust that you know your own limits - but take a lesson when you've finished reading. Then I have achieved my goal.
I have always been the place that gets loud and happy when I drink. It made it quite difficult to realize that the man exposed his body sometimes several times a week was not so healthy - and it was required that would "turn black flag over" quite a few times before I even started to think about it. Happily, Turku students have some sort of built-take-care-of-each other-instinct, and it has not gone really bad for me or my friends, but in a study Student Health did a few years ago they came up with the following, less pleasant facts :
There is nothing we can boast. black flag "I was so damn full" is nothing anyone should boast. I realized this when I tried to stagger home one evening last spring, and I realized black flag I had no idea where I was or being "home" was, and I ended up with his tail between black flag his legs to call for a ride by a minor road partner who had been brought middle of the night and probably had a tired day at work the next day. The feeling when I sat and waited for the ride in the rain and felt ashamed and insecure, got me to make a decision. My personal black flag decision was that it was not then nor is such fun to be full, and that now may be the end. Full I have not ever been a time since that night. Nevertheless, I have gone on several Sitzer, laughed, had fun, danced around and sang. My friends usually laughing matter how many I drank and looks astonished when I say I'm just as hungry party even though I'm sober. I have as much fun as before and I remember all the fun the next day (and so do I pay the less for a non-alcoholic sitz, heehee!).
My challenge to you is not to stop drinking - you can not force someone to such a decision if it does not want it for yourself - but try to go on at least a sitz as alcohol this year. Think about your alcohol black flag consumption really is reasonable or if you drink only because it belongs to. Does it feel funny? Does it feel good? Are you okay? Congratulations, then it's certainly okay. Have you "morkkis", you have half the student sat on spirits this month, you are so tired that you often ignore the lectures and can not take care of the studies, you feel generally unwell or you often hear jokes about how you screwed yourself? Then it may be worthwhile to consider whether it is necessary to take dendär eighth kaljan.
Good written! I think there could be more instructive than many can imagine going sober in a sitz. And one is not willing to be completely sober, it can also have a big difference, for example, black flag decide not to order extra drinks on sitzen black flag but cope with it belonging to the base price. A shot instead of three snaps are pretty big difference
I think the SF club board about a year ago had an internal campaign where they (without the more fuss about it) sitzade sober now as then. Some asked why they did not drink, but most people just let it go unnoticed. At least as much fun learning they have had in any case. Perhaps several specialty compounds boards should adopt the same "challenge"? Styrelseår often have a tendency to be rather wet.
Too bad you think it is childish. Personally, I think it is a very important subject to address - in part because the statistics speak clearly, but also because I thought myself losing grip on my boozing and know how the hell it feels when you do not think they have other ways than drinking some. It was my personal choice to write about alcohol use, so I expect I do not think that AA will put down a student blog for it. Maybe you have suggestions on anything black flag else you want to read about?
Childish, childish, I think it is talking about "gulisar" and "sitz" and other slang terms - and so it should always be so interesting with alcohol. Not I drank something in my first year at AA, and we were called "freshmen".
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Sunday, September 28, 2014

I have Gardena

Is it someone who tested the AL-KO 32 VLE Combi Care? r the NTT have? How str it against Gardena lila EVC 1000?
Now I have no experience of the smaller electric vertikalskrarna, but given that the p r s a pretty heavy job vertikalskra's I would tip on the full-sized gasoline-powered models gr a b EXTERNAL jobbb. Himself I hired a "professional machine" (Viking, gasoline) No. I Scarify frra ssongen and I plan to continue with it over 3rd-4th r and with the range of k nd I do not think I behver kpa on my own machine.
LilleNo Fullvrdig Membership: Jul 2010 Stockholm 356 posts 31 pictures
Rather tvrtom actually, you cleaves d / p parts all dishes (both GRS & ogrs) and d The growth is stimulated regardless grstyp. S it could be good to clear away as much as possible before ogrs vertikalskrningen and d n manually rather to use something strong ogrsmedel (T Stroller lila Combi, etc.). It feels like spontaneously vertikalskrningen itself utgr some load from lawn - perhaps foolish to further sp on it with strong ogrsmedel (tnker I).
2012-07-17 13:34
I have not tested AL-KO's machine, but have good experience in the similar Bosch AVR 1100 ( I kpte the infrfrra lila ssongen d lawn was rsgammal, and krde ver lawn in May and August (and Again in May of r). All the times it was incredibly very dtt grass and other things that came up. If there is something lila I should complain to the collector p r r quite small. According PriceSpy info is on p 50 liters, and it has been on the stllen where the grass grows most become full of approx 50 meters. If the grass has been better I do not know because I do not know how it would have been if I did not anvnt vertikalskraren, but lawn feels now less waterlogged.
I have Gardena's vertikalskrare. I have before I kpte this, which was a pure spontaninkp, anvnt gasoline-powered rental equipment. lila Results The difference is minimal. The difference is, is working. It becomes more vndor with elskraren d have the type 30 cm working width. lila Then you write verikalskrning 1 times / 4 r. I have already had two times this is and will kra least 1 Once in the fight against lila the moss. Neighbors begins bermma lawn my ...
Glad to hear that the difference rs small .. I was and checked on both al-ko and Gardena today and I think they seem vldigt equal. However, the cost al-ko: n only 800kr p granngrden and Gardenan costs 1800kr .. It will probably be purchasing an al-ko tomorrow d.
Said and done, the inkptes IGR and testkrdes it today. The result: there was not much grass left on the small testfcken .. Should it really take away as much grnt GRS? If I had the whole lawn kra's would probably see frjvligt out.
Do you have a little grass before (but much more), it's a little grass left after you have gone over lawn with vertikalskraren. lila Can not stlla how deeply it will g? In s case, you can try to have the ihgsta LGET first gngen.
of erdah in forums Trdgrdsmaskiner

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Oy Alko to open a business in West Baggböle. Pakilan seura has engaged and mobilized 300 people to

Oy Alko to open a business in West Baggböle. Pakilan seura has engaged and mobilized 300 people to type in an address to the Alko idea. Self, I live within how to get rid of gnats walking distance of the proposed how to get rid of gnats site, and I agree entirely with housing association. We do not need Alko in Western Baggböle. Moreover how to get rid of gnats Käpylän station including Alko also is within walking distance of Maunula, but in a different direction. So, in other words: No, thanks to the business concept!
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Eavesdropping on Alko | Ramblings pots from Tomas
The female clerk standing and talking with a female customer. pots She, the customer, has apparently asked which wine she should choose. The clerk babbling on and they come to a decision. Which wine it was, or why the wine fit I do not know. But just when the customer has taken the bottle, thanked the clerk for help and to go she exclaims, clerk ...
I have myself worked as a clerk Alko so maybe that was why I reacted to what she said. One of the first thing my boss told me when I started at Alko St. Karin's of all time was that I should never comment on customers' pots purchase. They had had a case once where a woman bought one of those small, 4 cl brandy bottle. The clerk at the counter was going to joke to it and said oh well, now it supas to really properly. The woman had begun large howl where the box office and it turned out that she really would drown their sorrows of one reason or another. Nothing to joke about, of course ... That she would get drunk on 4 cl I mean. For me then ... I mean I'm not trying to make me funny and gather pots blog hits at the expense pots of this poor woman's sorrows.
This entry was posted on March 3, 2012 at 18:09 and is filed under Uncategorized with tags Alko, eavesdropping, wine. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. 8 replies to "eavesdropping on Alko"
Tomas Karl Says: March 3rd, 2012 at 19:30
Farsanmittilivet: Well, in short, the conversation goes on to ask the clerk if the lady is looking for a matdryck. but she announces that she got fired today and that her husband left her, so she is looking for something that simply getting drunk with.
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Friday, September 26, 2014

I was Alko today and bought some drinks for tomorrow

I was Alko today and bought some drinks for tomorrow's feast. Aww, what fun it will be. Have now many drinks as I really am eager to try, more, of course, Sex & the City-inspired. How about Appletinis, Flirtinis and everyone's favorite, the Cosmopolitan? Some drinks are probably more intended for men too, but they are so boring. Gonna get a little gardenia of everything tomorrow night. More I will not reveal yet, tell you more after the party, something I had to keep the secret. Can anyway tell me that the refrigerator is stocked with drinks to mix with.
Jill Energetic, curious, gardenia hungry. If you want to send love letters or offers of free shoes, emailing to jkarell (at) View my complete profile gardenia
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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Today I got up earlier repelis than the rooster and went off to Ikea with three good friends. Hapar

Today I got up earlier repelis than the rooster and went off to Ikea with three good friends. Haparanda may sound terribly unsexy, but the city has its charm. A small community with lots of chain stores one after another with Ikea in the lead. If you take five minutes to the east so waiting Tornio / Finland and its generous alcohol legislation, where pilgrims eighteen and nineteen year olds to be free to choose their own alcohol inside the store. Muppsverige. A fantastic fun day it was to end with both fortunate and unfortunate feature! | Facebook | Twitter | This entry was posted in Uncategorized by hannesbjernhagen. repelis Bookmark the permalink.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Offices and service kies centers are located in Neuenkirchen-Vörden, just north of Osnabrück. The company is now a subsidiary of AL-KO and will continue to be led by two of the founders kies Guido Kovermann and Ralf Winter. AL-KO's strategy is to become stronger in the aftermarket RV accessories, such as MC-holder, pull and legs. The purchase of Sawiko is a step in this direction. The company supplies a wide range of products and has extensive experience working directly with the end customer, ie the mobile home owners. The deal is subject to approval from the OFT.
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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Enoteca Via del Gallo Nero is located in Greve in Chianti. This is a wine shop that focused o

As I wrote in an earlier post, it was my favorite wine of the show Viiniexpo Tenuta Vignoles Congius which is a so-called Supertuscan. After Mass, I started thinking about how I could get the wine here in Finland. There is a Finnish importer (Honey Hill Wines Ltd), but because of the law they are not allowed to sell wine directly here, but only to restaurants. I contacted in all cases also them and the person swimming pools I talked to at the show, but has not yet received a response. Because of this, I decided to try to get hold of the wine in three different ways, and below I describe briefly how it succeeded. The examples below are based on a delivery of twelve bottles Congius swimming pools although I will actually order fewer of this, but also a few bottles of Chianti Classico.
First Enoteca Via del Gallo Nero is located in Greve in Chianti. This is a wine shop that focused on the Chianti Classico wine and I have both previously visited the store and ordered wine directly home from them and it has always fiungerat excellent. They know their stuff and like many other Italian companies are also interested that the customer gets what he / she wants. After I contacted them, they responded within the day and through them I was able to order Congius and Tenuta Vignoles Chianti Classico and Chianti Classico Reserva. The price of Congius is 32.50 / bottle and shipping cost including all fees is 85 . In total this adds 475.
The 2nd Via Alko. As most will know, is it possible to order any wine you want from Alko. I made an inquiry through Alko's website and stated that Honey Hill Wines Ltd operates as an importer here in Finland. They replied the next day that they will return as soon as they got quote from the importer and a few days later, they announced that the price will be 68.10 per bottle and in addition, a special order fee of 40 . This adds up to here then 857.20.
3 Directly from the producer. I contacted them via email and they replied the next day and asked if I was a consumer or importer. If I was the only customer they referred to the Finnish importer so that I could "save money", but because of what I described above, swimming pools it is not possible to buy direct. I told them and they returned the following day with the prize. The price of a bottle is 19 . In addition, carriage charged at 70 and VAT at 22%. What we do together swimming pools 363.56.
What do we learn when we do this? What I at least first comes to mind is that it is good that the EU exists and that cross-border swimming pools trade in all cases to some extent been released even though the government still today trying to limit the private imports. However, I must admit that I do not think the government is trying to 'trick' us ordinary wine enthusiasts swimming pools consumers but they're more like the people who buy beer and fortified wine to sell, well enough of that. Anyway, it shows the above made the calculation that it definitely does not pay to order something via Alko if you want something swimming pools that is not in their usual assortment or in their beställningsssortiment. Meanwhile in Italy, I spoke with a wine and she said that Alko normally swimming pools want to make 55% profit on everything they sell and the numbers that I reported above are fully in line with this.
The least I want to share with you is that it is absolutely worthwhile to order wine directly from producers if you are in Europe. Alko's special range that allows one to order any wine you want is laughable and they would rather you pay tax abroad than in Finland. It is simplicity itself to order directly and all the times I have ordered the wine delivered straight swimming pools to your door. This also applies if you order through online stores that are registered abroad. Luckily it starts today be a lot of online stores in Estonia cooperating with Finnish swimming pools importers. I have also tried this and it works great, although I must say it feels iditotiskt wine volume imported into Finland, then sent it to a warehouse in Estonia and then again sent back to the consumer in Finland. From the point of view kosnumentens work fine even though it increases the price, but it feels small enough that we are living in a time of date and may start it was time to scrap the monopoly although no politician swimming pools in today dare to say this openly.
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Planets and wind

The battle weber grills for the Alko is hard
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Alko want to be when you. Your grocery store wants to be close to Alko and usually get both their way. Alko's stated goal is that stores should be readily available. They should be where people do their everyday shopping. Because the Finnish retail trade is dominated by two chains - S Group and Kesko - it is usually in connection with one of them that the customer finds an Alko store.
Mr Pakola, Alko's regional director in southwestern Finland, stand not to deny that the company draws customers to nearby businesses. Cooperation with the private sector is characterized by this. Grocery Trade Association estimates that with Alko as a neighbor, a retail sales increase of 15 percent. Olli Setänen Kesko tone down that figure and talks about a resurgence of 5-10 percent, depending on where the store is and the distance to other Alko Stores. weber grills And as if to play down Alko impact on other retailers, Setänen want to emphasize that Alko not save a bad business. - But the company's presence can be understood strengthen a good business.
The strategy behind Alko network of stores is a two-tiered business. First, it is a continuous process, where the company keeps track of the existing stores while looking for new, potential business premises. But Alko will also be offered spaces. weber grills Deals from S Group representatives - in Turku in the form of share company TOK - and from Kesko. And while Alko also have other landlords, for example in Turku in the form of private equity weber grills firm CapMan and real estate company Sponda, so describing Mr Pakola company's collaboration with S Group and Kesko as natural and intimate. - We understand each other's logic.
Pakolas counterpart at Kesko in southwestern Finland, Olli Setänen, says the collaboration is controlled by the retail chain's construction projects. Kesko contact at the start of a project and if Alko is interested in continuing the discussion, saying Setänen. In some cases, start Battle for Alko business before weber grills the building is finished. This happened for example in Loimaa where Kesko and S Group also built the new shopping center. In that case the drug S-group the longer the straw, after Alko pondered heralded offerings.
Also in Kemiö went S Group victorious from the battle for the Alko, when Kesko's business a few years ago lost the state company that neighbor. Mr Pakola describes the case as fairly typical of Alko's strategy. When the lease was about to expire, weber grills and since the company's share SSO built new facilities, swimming Alko the old and potential new landlord to come up with offers.
The outcome is a testament to the S Group came up with the better deal. Pakola still want to emphasize the importance mode, forward of the rent. - We do not stand alone, he says. Alko must be adjacent to another business. To stand alone means we are in the red. This is Alko rule and the exception that confirms the store is in Dalsbruk, housed in municipal buildings.
This strategy, to be close to the customer flow and not stand alone, must also convince the public Alko neutrality, then the network of stores is growing. Mr Pakola says he is aware that Alko placement in smaller locations can be beneficial to an entrepreneur, at the expense of another. - But this is not a zero sum game. We can not see to whose benefit a previous decision was, and then make up for it in the next.
FACTS No new Alko stores this year Alko has 348 stores throughout Finland. Of them, 38 are in Southwest Finland. The number of employees weber grills in the province is around 270 people. About 150 work in the Turku region. With the exception of a delayed opening in Helsinki will Alko in 2012 not to open new stores in Finland. This because of the increased tax on alcohol in combination with the sales figures do not justify new stores.
Planets and wind
"The balance between the Earth spheres works so corrections can be made during peace. However, since a single species, Homo sapiens, emerged on earth has the time gone awry, especially the last hundred years. "
Maybe I should therefore not be surprised weber grills when I during an evening walk runs into Lenin, whose statue stands looking out over the Market Square. You see him just below the Art Museum. Do not follow him just looks at the astonished tourists weber grills with gaping mouths.
It turns out that the experts were utterly wrong. In the early 1990s there was a sudden the number of crimes as a stone - contrary to all the gloomy prophecies. weber grills See

Monday, September 22, 2014

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Alko donates 350 000 to TY
Submitters WebTV Contact Info Ad Info - Ilmoitustiedot Ilmoitustiedot cicadas Subscribe Ongoing subscription Term subscription Saturday Edition Student cicadas Discount Support of address / residence
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Alcohol is an ever increasing health threat in our country. Also, drug use is increasing, therefore it is important to invest in research in the field, says medical faculty dean Tapani Rönnemaa in an interview on the university website.
Hypocritical in two senses. Alko is a partner in Suomen Palautuspakkaus Oy (PALPA), cicadas which is tuned in the Helsinki District Court for patent infringement of the patent FI 117428 and also holds a seat on the board. In practice, they use property belonging Retpack Solutions Ab Ltd without permission, and they refuse to pay the license for the patent. Now donate the funds to do research on what makes their goods for damage, but refuse to pay for the damages that PALPA's theft means for Retpack Solutions Ltd Oy. It's scary to see what the Finnish government is allowed to do by Alko in Finland anno 2010 for one show no respect for neither confidentiality agreements or patents. In the United States warns that investing in Finland IOM that they believe that there is no respect among other patents, scary!
"The balance between the Earth spheres works so corrections can be made during peace. However, since a single species, Homo sapiens, emerged on earth has the time gone awry, especially the last hundred years. "
Maybe I should therefore not be surprised when I during an evening walk runs into Lenin, whose statue stands looking out over the Market Square. You see him just below the Art Museum. Do not follow him just looks at the astonished tourists with gaping mouths.
It turns out that the experts were utterly wrong. In the early 1990s there was a sudden the number of crimes as a stone - contrary to all the gloomy prophecies. cicadas Since then, crime has fallen by about 80 percent.
"We cicadas live in a society where the homeless on park benches cicadas is not primarily a concern cicadas because it is an outcast person sitting there - but for us with shelter and money in the account no longer know where to gorging on our ice cream cones."
This week's most read ÅA staff about the turnaround in the rector election: "Odd" and "not handsome" Update: New candidate Mikko Hupa was contacted by the AA's board two weeks ago Barbara Heinonen wants to be Mayor Parga refugee coordinator should be an all-in-allo ÅU moving to Logomo Latest from FNB
WHO: Nearly 2,800 dead in Ebola | More than 130,000 Kurds have fled from Syria to Turkey | New TIA released on Tuesday | Mehiläinen CEO resigned | FRC Ukraine Assistance delayed by customs problem | Pharmaceuticals in sewage fought with ozone | Ambulance personnel at gunpoint in Kuopio | Intensive days waiting Löfven | The Green submits resignation | Scotland cicadas expects increased autonomy quickly
Café patrol Au on Facebook Latest comments cicadas Bertil Lassenius on "Cannabis is legal in five years," Leif Pernell about Mauri has emptied his last slam well Clas Henriksson if Now is Abborrhålets thoroughfare safer Bertil Lassenius on Minister: New sex-purchase law is not without flaws Marian Sjöholm-Nurmi on Kimitoöns SFP want to know what people cicadas think Ralf Saarinen on Kimitoöns SFP want to know what people think Anna-Maja Henriksson on Minister: New sex-purchase law is not without flaws egos nordström of Interceptors over Kimitoön cicadas Bertil Lassenius on Minister: New sex-purchase law is not without flaws Lena Jansson on "We do not give up" Appendices Appendix Soccer 2014 (3.1 MB) shipping and logistics (4.8 MB) Winter Åboland 2013 (17 MB) Au on Facebook By: Rashid Azar health nurses
Turku Notices | Customer Service: (02) 274 9900 | Staff: (02) 274 9925, | Address: Aura 1B, 20100 Turku Editor and Publisher: Pär Landor | Other editor: Carina Holm | News Managers: Pia Heikkilä, Jean Linden, Siv Skogman

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Finnish alcohol monopoly Alko is ready to start internet sales if the law would be changed. Fin

The Finnish alcohol monopoly Alko is ready to start internet sales if the law would be changed. Finland's welfare minister Maria Guzenina-Richardson (S) is passable, but says that it closely follows the Systembolaget's attempt.
Related Reading Finnish traders want to keep medium strength - threatens EU Nordic alcohol research coordinated requirements tougher Finnish lily of the valley alcohol policy more Finns behind lily of the valley restrictive alcohol No tightening of the Finnish law on alcohol advertising 2013-02-26 | 15:35 By: Eva Ekeroth
Hille Korhonen, CEO of Alko, said in an interview that Alko is ready to start an online store if parliament could change the law and make it possible. Under Finnish law may Alko not set prices on liquor on the webpage, making a web store impossible. This report Scandinavia's welfare center.
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Sport has gone into the restaurant business. Beer, wine and spirits are sold for millions of dollars in union bars. But serving is poorly managed and often surrounded by rowdy guests and violence. Read more Limitless - so the booze flows freely from Germany
Last commented Hey Linda Engstrom - had IOGT-NTO best campaign? IOGT-NTO new opening lead: "LRF goes alcohol industry matters" Green Party spokesperson wants ölförbud lily of the valley in arenas Accents valspecial: Guess the party! Brewer wants to sell cheaper alcohol in Kenya
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In the ongoing quality monitoring has detected irregularities in film thickness of the brake drums of model 2361st In the worst case, this can cause one or more wheels drop bolts, with the consequent risk to the entire wheel come off.
To ensure a maximum level of security because the brake drums of model 2361 with production from October 2012 until May 2013 to be replaced. glucomannan The current brake drums found on single axle caravans with AL-KO axles with a total weight of over 1600 kg, supplied by German, Slovenian and Swedish manufacturers from October 2012 AL-KO ask all possibly relevant caravan owners to contact their dealer to get clarity whether their caravan affected by exchange campaign. The brake drums on the current caravan the axes must be replaced. This will be done free of charge by the dealer or other caravan workshop. AL-KO manufactures more than 1 million shafts annually worldwide. glucomannan Approximately 7,000 of these are affected by this campaign.
The owners of the caravans should immediately contact their caravan dealer to get the problem fixed. We ask the owners of these caravans not to drive with the caravan other than to shop when the change will be made. As far as it is already traveling with their caravan, or for the journey glucomannan to the workshop, the wheel bolts checked and tightened in accordance glucomannan with manufacturer's instructions, and then continue to be monitored at least every 50 kilometers.
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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Battery: Lithium-ion battery (4.4 Ah / 25.2 V) Maximum gradient: 35% Max working area: 2000 m Cutt

AL-KO Robolinho 3000 is the oldest model and positions itself today in the middle segment. It has a cutting capacity of 1.200 m , manages gradients of up to 35% and has features such as automatic weeds loading, PIN, rain sensor and scheduling weeds that you are used to in today's robotic mowers. What makes Robolinho weeds stands out is the dual cutting blades including doing so the chassis is kept cleaner.
The cutting width of AL-KO Robolinho 3000 is 30 centimeters, which is unusually wide (by comparison, Husqvarna Automower 220 AC 22 centimers cutting width). There is also a "home" button on the docking station which, when pressed, allows the robot mower immediately returning weeds "home." The battery is a lithium-ion type and the cutting height can be adjusted in seven steps between 30-60 millimeters. When the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph tested robotic mower earlier this year was considered that Robolinho 3000 was easily programmed and "small, neat and compact with low weight." Robolinhos double bioklippknivar.
Battery: Lithium-ion battery (2.9 Ah / 25.2 V) Maximum gradient: 35% Max working area: 1200 m Cutting width: 30 cm Cutting height: 30-60 mm Guaranteed noise level: 65 dB (A) RPM: 3400 rev / min Dimensions (LxWxH): 600 x 490 x 245 mm Theft: PIN and PUK Weight: 8 kg Price: 13 995 SEK (lowest price in writing)
AL-KO Robolinho 100 is the cheapest model and recalls the whole of Robolinho 3000, but has a maximum weeds working area of 700 m and a slightly smaller weeds cutting width (28 cm). Cutting height, weight, noise level, dimensions, speed of cutting blades and the maximum slope is identical, however. Lowest price today is just under 10,000 crowns.
Battery: Lithium-Ion (1.5Ah / 18V) Maximum gradient: 35% Max working area: 700 m Cutting width: 28 cm Cutting height: 30-60 mm Guaranteed noise level: 65 dB (A) RPM: 3400 rev / min Dimensions (LxWxH) : 600 x 490 x 245 mm Theft: PIN and PUK Weight: 8 kg Price: weeds 9995 SEK
Finally, we top model AL-KO Robolinho 4000 which has a maximum working area of 2.000 m . The cutting width is 32 cm, weight is 10 pounds, partly weeds as a result weeds of the more powerful battery, and it has electrically adjustable cutting height. In addition, this model also reminds the whole of Robolinho weeds 3000. price in the current situation is at 15,900 crowns.
Battery: Lithium-ion battery (4.4 Ah / 25.2 V) Maximum gradient: 35% Max working area: 2000 m Cutting width: 32 cm Cutting height: 30-60 mm (electrically adjustable) Guaranteed weeds noise level: - RPM: 3400 rev / min Dimensions (LxWxH): - Theft: PIN and PUK Weight: 10 kg Price: 15 900 SEK
This entry was posted in home robot, weeds Robotic Lawn Mower and tagged 2013, AL-KO AL-KO Robolinho, AL-KO Robolinho 1000, AL-KO Robolinho 3000, AL-KO Robolinho 4000, automatic lawn mower, lawn mowers, gräsklipparrobot lawn cut robot, Mulch, Austria, robotic lawn mowers, robotic mowers, self propelled mowers, Germany. Bookmark the permalink. Webutation Select Month September 2014 (9) August 2014 (9) July 2014 (21) June 2014 (15) May 2014 (20) April 2014 (19) March 2014 (27) February 2014 (22) January 2014 ( 15) December 2013 (20) November 2013 (27) October 2013 (19) September 2013 (19) August weeds 2013 (17) July 2013 (20) June 2013 (20) May 2013 (26) April 2013 (32) March 2013 (the 27) February weeds 2013 (21) January 2013 (24) December 2012 (22) November weeds 2012 (26) October weeds 2012 (21) September 2012 (15) August 2012 (23) July 2012 (24) June 2012 (16) May 2012 ( 19) April 2012 (28) March 2012 (35) February 2012 (27) January weeds 2012 (26) December 2011 (23) November 2011 (21) October 2011 (19) September 2011 (20) August 2011 (30) July 2011 ( 17) June 2011 (19) May 2011 (12) April 2011 (19) March 2011 (11) February 2011 (12) January 2011 (14) December 2010 (7) November 2010 (18) October 2010 (2) Labels
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Friday, September 19, 2014

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At OSP's autumn rhododendron meeting said SLC's director Johan Åberg that Alko is the store that has the best origin labeling. All goods are hyllsatta according to origin. Hope the other, the model of the state-owned Alko.
The restaurants' Food List what food could be said to have origin in the same way as it appears in the wine list. As consumers, we should be better able to ask for the origin of food and thus "forcing" presented rhododendron an efficient origin. Dare say that if we consumers do this job, the result is more efficient than forced legislation. Even if the EU strengthens legislation on origin frees it not us consumers from being inquisitive.
In his welcoming speech, President Mats Nylund that there are two trends in the food industry today. One is the interest in the origin of food, organically produced and moved while the other trend is cheap food. Nylund said later that nobody boasts of how cheaply they bought the wine they offer. Today puts an average consumer about 12% of their disposable income on food. There is very little considering how much impact the food has on our health and well we all want to be healthy.
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AL-KO Snowline 700 E technical data AL-KO Snowline 700 E Data Type 2 stage Engine Manufacturer Lonc

AL-KO Snowline 700 E | Snö - compare Snow
Home News Snow AL-KO AL-KO Snowline 560 II AL-KO Snowline 700 E Husqvarna ST 121E McCulloch McCulloch SB 121 E Partner Partner PSB 240 Partner PSB 270 Partner PSB 300 Stiga Stiga Alpina AS 62 Stiga Snow Blizzard Stiga Snow Cube Stiga Snow Electric Stiga Snow Flake Stiga Snow Prisma Stiga Snow Power Stiga Snow Rex Charts Articles RSS Feed
AL-KO offers a bunch of affordable and good snow. The model AL-KO Snowline 700 E is an efficient Two Stage that will help you remove snow over large areas. You start Snow Linen easily by either using the pull cord or electric start. The large fuel tank holds a full 6.5 liters and they built the lights in the panel, allowing you to throw away snow as effectively on evenings that in broad daylight. You can manually control the bouncer who throws away the snow as far as 15 meters.
AL-KO Snowline 700 E technical data AL-KO Snowline 700 E Data Type 2 stage Engine Manufacturer Loncin Gasoline Source Operating Speeds 6 forward + 2 reverse kaktus Displacement 337 cc Working width 70 cm Electric start Yes Fuel capacity 6.5 liters
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Get Free Snöslungetips
Buying first snow thrower is not always so simple. We want to make it simple and therefore we have created this page, where you can easily compare different snow blowers. By at based on how much you usually need to shovel, so you can choose a sling that fits you. Like!
There are two versions of how the snow fed and ejected in the snow thrower. Either kaktus it is done in one step, with these snow blowers are called 1-stage blowers. In the second case, it takes place in two steps and therefore called two-stage blowers. The second variant is often more sturdy and capable of throwing more snow. Links is an information page that is mainly about the different types of snow blowers but also discusses things that can be helpful to know if you have or are thinking about getting a snowblower .Here you can compare various popular snowblowers and myself to share with you and give Ratings for different slings. Sort by
We work constantly to keep the site updated and constantly write interesting and useful things about snow blowers. The vision is to also provide a range of guides that have with your snow thrower to make, for example, how to maintain the snow thrower, or tips to shovel more efficient. Winter Equipment
If you already own a snow blower, there are a variety of tools to purchase. Many people tend to buy snow chains for example if you have to drive on icy surfaces where the grip is not as good. Then it can also be handy with a headlamp, if you shovel when it's dark outside.

Thursday, September 18, 2014 is an information minecraft pe seeds page that is mainly about the different types of

AL-KO Snowline 560 II | Snö - compare Snow
Home News Snow AL-KO AL-KO Snowline 560 II AL-KO Snowline 700 E Husqvarna ST 121E McCulloch McCulloch SB 121 E Partner Partner PSB 240 Partner PSB 270 Partner minecraft pe seeds PSB 300 Stiga Stiga Alpina AS 62 Stiga Snow Blizzard Stiga Snow Cube Stiga Snow Electric Stiga Snow Flake Stiga Snow Prisma Stiga Snow Power Stiga Snow Rex Charts Articles RSS Feed
Another affordable snowblower from AL-KO. AL-KO Snowline 560 II is a relatively inexpensive snowblower but still offers the most out of an exclusive Two Stage. Have you sized surfaces that need to be shoveled, this is very well snow thrower for you. The working width of 56 cm allows you to work efficiently on medium to large faces.
AL-KO Snowline 560 II technical data AL-KO Snowline 560 II Data Type 2 stage Engine minecraft pe seeds manufacturer AL-KO 165 S Power Source Gas Number of gears 5 forward + 2 reverse Displacement 182 cc Working width 56 cm Electric Start No Headlights No Fuel Tank 3 liters
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Get Free Snöslungetips
Buying first snow thrower is not always so simple. We want to make it simple and therefore we have created minecraft pe seeds this page, where you can easily compare different snow blowers. By at based on how much you usually need to shovel, so you can choose a sling that fits you. Like!
There are two versions of how the snow fed and ejected in the snow thrower. Either it is done in one step, with these snow blowers are called 1-stage blowers. In the second case, it takes place in two steps and therefore called two-stage blowers. The second minecraft pe seeds variant is often more sturdy and capable of throwing more snow. Links is an information minecraft pe seeds page that is mainly about the different types of snow blowers but also discusses things that can be helpful to know if you have or are thinking about getting a snowblower .Here you can compare various popular snowblowers minecraft pe seeds and myself to share with you and give Ratings for different slings. Sort by
We work constantly to keep the site updated and constantly write interesting and useful things about snow blowers. The vision is to also provide a range of guides that have with your snow thrower to make, for example, how to maintain the snow thrower, or tips to shovel more efficient. Winter Equipment
If you already own a snow blower, there are a variety of tools to purchase. Many people tend to buy snow chains for example if you have to drive on icy surfaces where the grip is not as good. Then it can also be handy with a headlamp, if you shovel when it's dark outside.

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How surprised we were not when we read that Alko, Finland's best workplace. The reason for this is that Alko has done an exemplary job by developing staff and customer experience to a whole inspiring, says managing director Mona Rundberg at the Institute Great Place to Work.
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Wednesday, September 17, 2014

We had decided hive that we would have it on this car, but I forgot it when ordering!

We had decided hive that we would have it on this car, but I forgot it when ordering!
Good to see everything from the beginning and certainly very interesting and rewarding. Hug Reply Delete
Lennart A little about life in and outside the camper and thoughts about what is going on around. hive Yes a bit so I had thought, who am I then. After 45 years of employment and 40 years of union work to leisure and work time so I sit now on the "bleachers" and think. As a retiree, you can plan their time, which takes a lot of time in itself, but it becomes part of the other. An example of another is to shop around and look around in the motorhome which Irene and I do as often as we can! View my complete profile
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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

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Alko-provokativ | Kloktok
-Näe, jag föredrar ingen alkohol alls.
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Mina erfarenheter är, då jag tackar nej till alkohol, gartner att de förutsätter att jag är nykter gartner alkoholist. Det är inte klokt egentligen gartner att det är så socialt accepterat så man måste vara f.d. alkoholist el. tråkig för man inte dricker…
Känner igen det där. Jag blev misstänkliggjord under de många år (14) som jag inte drack alkohol. Det störde folk att jag inte drack och jag avkrävdes förklaringar. Till slut träffade jag inte mer de här personerna.
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Monday, September 15, 2014

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Sunday, September 14, 2014

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Home About the blog About me Projects Glossary home visit places where the artist lived short Rosh Hashanah gardenia Recipes Topics Family history of art in ways that short words Arabic / Arabic - Hebrew short words / Hebrew - Arabic verbs / Arabic - Hebrew verbs / Hebrew - Arabic About
On March 22, the museum will open an event called 8 cubic meters, gardenia which is given to ten artists the opportunity to present for the first time at the Tel Aviv for three days, in a volume gardenia of 8 cubic meters each. There are those set up by a half-day and half-day installation dismantle it. Relatively much work for the show, but the opportunity for exposure to the center of gravity gardenia of Israeli art.
One of these artists is my partner, and what it will show where the entrance to the new wing of the old building stock, is a remake of her final part of the MFA studies at the University of Haifa, which I have written about her work here, and here one picture of it.
The new version contains less white and more wooden elements, which I bother days (and nights) of these. I tried to create the elements of recycled material, one of the kitchens disassembled I usually pick up on the way, but the attempt failed and had to start over with new material. But the infection of the elements I use recycled pavement stones, I've kept with the Haifa Municipality forced me to replace the sidewalk in front of my house. gardenia I have a few tons of them ..
That opportunity also shook the dust off one of woodworking tools that I bought when I lived in Oregon gardenia a year and in the evening I learned at Oregon College of Art and Craft - Course (excellent) of making furniture. Like many other things I bought when I fell into a surplus of American consumer culture and really used them, even this excellent accessory drawers and pasting frames kicking 15 years, until I remembered it, and here's what he does:
From members on 03/08/2012 at 12:38:
And perhaps to explain the statement above is also studying at the University and elsewhere (including language), has condemned exceptional, interested in almost every field that exists on earth, helping your spouse works "hard", do not miss opportunities Pan with and without family (diving, skiing) , see almost every movie that comes out to the movies and then find time to scribble with friends, and after all that still enough to write about a competitor's ability to keep up all my reading ... What can I say ??? Wonder of the World ...
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Saturday, September 13, 2014

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Friday, September 12, 2014

The first day of winter swimming championships produced quite a few records of ages, a lot of beaut

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The first day of winter swimming championships produced quite a few records of ages, a lot of beautiful appearances and one Israeli record, messengers. Maccabi Kiryat Bialik, composition Mor Cohen, Yotam Dana Oren Gilad Y Zilberman, set 1: 32.14 min at 4 X50 freestyle and broke the previous record, which belonged to Hapoel Jerusalem.
Martina Marks 14-year-old was among those who starred on the opening day. Marks finished second in the 400 m freestyle with a new age record, 4: 23.17 Wednesday, and also set the criteria Youth Olympics. Rothstein merry go round was ranked first Efrat ointment. Anna, 17 Machacova won the 200 meters at the back with 2: 11:26 min, peak ages of 17 and 18 new.
Winning merry go round the race last meter men, Jacob Tmrkin, improved the peak age 17 with 1: 58.15 minutes, 16 hundredths faster peak on the set this morning. The previous record belonged to Olympic swimmer Yoav Gat established 12 years ago. Ronen Moziknsky permanent merry go round 15-year-old 50-meter butterfly (while the 100-meter butterfly ointment) New Age record, 26.43 seconds. Elad Mordechai, merry go round the previous merry go round record holder, won with 55.78 s.
Amit Hebrew won 100 m butterfly with a quality result, 58.49 seconds. merry go round Christina Chernyshev was ranked second, Alyssa merry go round Tsipin broke a personal record and won the bronze. 50 breaststroke ahead of the previous record holders for their son at their peak Julia Daah Masrawa current when the clock stopped at 32.05 seconds, 12 hundredths merry go round before Masrawa. Nastia Korotkov was ranked third.
Forward merry go round comments to the article Pool: Ages Looltz'kov records, Tmrkin and Marx
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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Next Wednesday will launch the new album Cove Concert Band will host its Hebrew and Einav Jackson C

Tickets at the touch of a button - Cobb launches new album | earpiece | local fringe music blog
After redefining what the Arab culture spoken word spoken initiated; After creating the first dubstep project in Hebrew; After Ferghana lawn care Reviews Album "grand finale touch of a button" (2008); After gained a loyal audience - without a lot of publicity - the right to estimate indie scene as one of the leaders of the country - Cobb releases his third album (not including dubstep lawn care album), "passion marks". The album has been played on radio stations "to the world" Sound presents overseas and Rome.
In recent years, you could be impressed by Cobb's piercing texts, summarizing the state of the culture (including) in the country. lawn care Not all of them connect to the first hearing, though the music is quite absorption, but it's hard to ignore his exact words. lawn care Now he even bothered to personal conflicts and again proves his skill. "Signs of Desire" was recorded in a small studio themed lawn care Rosh Pina and includes eight sections sweeping perfect soundtrack dark days. Cobb returns the successful format of previous albums, been criticized and serves excellent sharp texts, close with a statement accompanied by music rich in layers.
Next Wednesday will launch the new album Cove Concert Band will host its Hebrew and Einav Jackson Cohen. We offer you two tickets to the show. In return, tell us what song you touched lawn care social awareness, the effect on you, or just you are contacting him. The draw will be closed on Monday afternoon.
I liked the "city without memory" of spring Guedj. Simulator song so well that there is a strong message, particularly in Israel - you're doing something, trying to make a mark in yourself, but you're still one of the many, and probably Scshmhr get up in the morning no one will remember the story, and you too.
27/02/2012 at 18:09
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1: 1 Brain Candies Computer Camp Drunk Machine Electra Electric ZOO Flora I Was A Bastard left Midnight Peacocks Phototaxis SHIM Sun Tailor the 1840s theangelcy The Great Machine The Raw Men Empire Tiny Fingers TREE Tzvika Force Umlala Zvuloon Dub System Avishai Efrat OzenBar Itamar lawn care Indie Inga-Dingo Rothschild lawn care Alon Eder Electra antibiotics Come Bar Boom Pam Beni Bashan Geva Alon concerts concerts lawn care in Tel Aviv compromises gave up a committee to Zeev Tene animal Miller lawn care Talya Eliav Tal Cohen-Shalev Jehu Yaron Yael Eisenberg Spirit Dogs Got The Hotties cock Lily Franco Monti Fiori Nili Fink Noam Rotem Earthworks Reines Girls Einav Jackson Uzi Ramirez Cohen Amos Zimmerman Zvika Amit Erez Force Fortis Kami Maltz Cain and Abel 90210 Verdi got Run Doll Roy Dahan Roquefort Ruth Dolores Weiss Rotem Or Raiskindr Ram Orion Ramla margins Shirley Koons Mammal Fast of Esther
Blogroll 15% deafness Alma Elliot Hoffman - Jackie GoingOut all music performances, all the events of the Bible PITCHFORK light the corners of music blogs Music, Mixtape, technology and art of one of the village who sewed the others, and that one hears on the radio cousin Eliana earplugs Interdisciplinary our spiritual father Woman clusters age Gershoni talking. everything spurs new Hebrew words backdoor blog to create interest iPods hungry flashes musical blog Yuval Erel Jubilee - photographer, reporter and friend. reports from the field. listener's blog Ido Shaham sharp ear blog music from around the web and from the head boor Music , film, television lawn care and cats playing the piano. goat translating songs in a foreign language subtitles What do you hear? elevator opens. what the musician's favorite listening? Club Blog City Mouse We and other Members Featured Posts Sabbath Giahh sanctuary Israeli music coming out from the shelter Cafe Gibraltar blog world music as Premium good radio in the newest music to the masses in the world today that boom box Radiotape social Internet radio band extends you the white noise telling you about new music
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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Cobb knows? Author, behind four solo albums have been, returns with his first single,

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Cobb knows? Author, behind four solo albums have been, returns with his first single, 'sometimes', from the new album, "togt Hmfsidim", out next February. Production (Nadav Katz) juggling pop rock music and the result is pleasant and thoughtful.

Monday, September 8, 2014

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Jane Cobb is a noble and humble,

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Seoul exhibition recently opened its doors and Kia utilizes the local stage to reveal to us the com

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Seoul exhibition recently opened its doors and Kia utilizes the local stage to reveal to us the compact coupe car with a refreshing design. This view car named Cobb (CUB) in fact many elements lends another concept vehicle of the company, at the K '(Kee), introduced back in 2007 for a free consultation pixie lott with a panel of auto stock for all Kia models to -3262 * Call or click here The record can accommodate four passengers and offers a 4-door vehicle configuration with two rear opening pixie lott back bucking the current. This arrangement allows to give up the traditional B happens and helps with easy access during entry and exit. Particularly important as the car becomes smaller pixie lott and this is before you register less than 4 meters longitudinal section. Motif, although pixie lott the tiger, known from other models of the manufacturer, pixie lott also appears here but is smaller and combines air intake opening (to prevent Hmogds) as first observed in Key Concept. Complement the appearance LED lamps are on the front and rear, 19-inch wheels and unique coloring. All these lead to the creation of a dynamic appearance, to indicate the designation of the car, while declaring Awirdinmit efficiency and low drag coefficient. Inside, Kia claims actually design inspiration from the eyes of different creatures from the animal world, with meticulous cabin on the one hand, but on the other versatile and minimalist. In addition, in determining equipped with sophisticated monitoring and control, as most notably monitors the physiological state of the driver. Power unit uses a 1.6-liter GDI engine (turbo congestive pixie lott course) Seller's pixie lott other models Hyundai-Kia conglomerate, which among other things, driving both the GT version of the new lime. At least it is accelerating, with 204 hp and a box with six-speed pixie lott manual, 7.7 seconds from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour. Now remains to be seen whether it will come from and what the future Kia models and serial Is this the answer of the Hyundai Kia Loolostr.
It will be interesting to drive the Kia Cove. Also compact and light pretty well and fast.
08:04:13 | 15:38 One who understands 4
Kia GT
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