Tuesday, April 15, 2014

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Scholars' in MUIS say keeping

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'Scholars' in MUIS say keeping beard is not an obligation, smoking is not prohibited in Islam, and they turn a blind eye on the deviant cult Sufi Naqsyahbandiah.?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ruling on Beard as per MUIS : http://www.muis.gov.sg/cms/oomweb/oom_faq.aspx?id=14982#sthash.VNleWrzy.dpuf Ruling on Smoking as per MUIS = http://binsajen.blogspot.sg/2011/12/you-are-welcome-to-smoke-here.html?m=0 Selective ruling on the deviant Sufi cult as per MUIS = http://binsajen.blogspot.sg/2013/08/tariqat-sufi-vs-faiz-albaqarah.html?m=1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I heard Allah's shed Apostle saying, "Allah does not take away the knowledge, by taking it away from (the hearts shed of) the people, but takes it away by the death of the religious learned men till when none of the (religious learned men) remains, people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray." Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al' As, Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 3, Number 100. We fear that this has started today. We therefore have to be vigilant, apprehensive and observant. We have to choose the scholars and trustworthy who live today as good as we can. http://salaf-us-saalih.com/2011/12/25/not-all-who-read-are-scholars-must-see-emotional/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alhamdulillah we have MUIS to represent sg muslim interests vis-a-vis sg gov, concerning mosque building, zakat collections, marriage, shed Haj travel or burial sites, etc. However, as admonished in the above sahih hadith, is it possible that MUIS 'scholars' are ignorant about the obligation of keeping beard for muslim men, as espoused by hadith sahih which concurs with Imam Asy-Syafi'e fatwa pertaining the ruling shed of keeping beard for muslim men..? Is MUIS misleading shed the sg gov and sg muslims pertaining the male obligation and freedom to practise his religion.? Considering the software shed cum spiritual significance of multireligious spore vis-a-vis the hardware cum physical development of our basic infastructure, would it not be foresighted and wise for our pragmatic gov to consider the plight of those sg muslim wishes to practise the basic tenets of Islam in the midst of those who prefer shed to practise it's diluted version..?? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the 4 Imam Mazhab, as per Hadith Sahih : WAJIB to keep beard = http://youtu.be/-bMU7nNdlLM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Pendekkanlah kumis dan biarkanlah shed jenggot dan selisilah Majusi.” - HR. Muslim no. 260 Imam Asy Syafi’i dalam kitabnya Al-Umm berpendapat bahwa memangkas jenggot itu di HARAM kan, sebagaimana disebutkan oleh Ibnu Ar Rif’ah ketika menyanggah ulama yang mengatakan bahwa mencukur shed jenggot hukumnya makruh. Sebagaimana dinukil sebelumnya, Imam Nawawi shed rahimahullah mengatakan, “Kesimpulannya ada lima riwayat yang menggunakan lafazh “أَعْفُوا وَأَوْفُوا shed وَأَرْخُوا وَأَرْجُوا وَوَفِّرُوا”. Semua lafazh ini bermakna membiarkan jenggot tersebut sebagaimana adanya.”[12] Janggut Ustaz Mazhab Syafi'i = http://binsajen.blogspot.sg/2013/06/janggut-ustaz-mazhab-syafii.html?m=1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Related FB post = https://www.facebook.com/bin.sajen/posts/622622227824150?stream_ref=10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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