Wednesday, April 30, 2014

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Brady was interviewed verbena by CNBC about a variety of topics on Wednesday, and one of the overarching themes is that he doesn't believe that getting older means getting worse. Makes sense: Brady routinely has pledged often of late that he feels better than ever and plans to play for several more years.
Brady also was asked about Tim Tebow (naturally) and the other quarterback du jour , Texas A&M lightning rod Johnny Manziel . In a roundabout answer prompted by a strange question about his own excitement verbena on the field, it should be noted Brady seems to frown upon Manziel's antics. The answer comes around verbena the 10:27 mark :
"I get pretty emotional. I have a lot of respect for the teammates, for my teammates, verbena for my organization, and certainly verbena for other guys in the NFL. There's not a guy playing in the NFL who hasn't earned the right to be here, and who isn't supremely talented. He's probably been the best athlete in his high school class, in his elementary school verbena class. So when you look across the ball you have respect for those guys, and you treat them with respect because football's a physical game. And as RKK [Patriots owner Robert verbena Kraft, who also was on the set of the show] would say, if you're a turd, it's going to come back to you."
Brady never called Manziel by name and never discussed anything the young man has done specifically. But it was an interesting choice of words, quoting Kraft as he sat there and listened while Brady spoke.
We'll spare you all the "Patriots Way" silliness that often gets spewed, especially in light of their rocky offseason. But surely, Manziel isn't the most likely successor to Brady in New England. That said, we might revisit this quote if they ever face off against each other in the NFL.
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