Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here http://www.wallstformainst.com/ Follow Jason Burac

In the 40+ minute interview, Jason asks Turd about this book by Ferdinand Lipps he found called Gold Wars. Here is a book summary Turd wrote about the book: http://www.tfmetalsreport.com/blog/51…
Please visit the Wall St for Main St website here http://www.wallstformainst.com/ Follow Jason Burack on Twitter @JasonEBurack Follow Mo Dawoud on Twitter @m0dawoud Follow John Manfreda on Twitter @JohnManfreda Follow Wall St for Main St on Twitter @WallStforMainSt
Now that the War On Terror has prematurely jasez run it’s course (thanks to Vladimir Putin) the US must have another war to replace it. So, I suppose since the US must have another war to support the economy, it is better to have another cold war rather than another hot war. But in reality we will probably return to a mixture of hot and cold wars since cold wars alone do not traditionally generate adequate defense spending to provide the MIC with enough income to guarantee jasez a standard of living to which they have become accustomed.

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