Sunday, April 13, 2014

GITAJATIM.COM - The spirit of eradicating corruption, apparently to encourage the elements in Indon

GITAJATIM.COM - Legislative Candidates from the United Development Party (PPP) Election Districts I Surabaya-Sidoarjo East Java, apparently different from the other candidates. With a capital conviction and has the capability for field bergeluti journalist, he will resolutely fight for the welfare of journalists if he was given the mandate as a Member of Parliament from 2014 to 2019 period. According candidates with serial number 7 of this, many candidates are promises, but none of their promises regarding the welfare of journalists is not heard, but journalists - who boost their popularity and electability. Is H.Abdul Muis, former Senior Journalist Jawa Pos Group and Former Manager Football Club Partners Surabaya which has now been acquired Mitra Kukar. His last career after becoming a journalist Java post in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, he is believed to be the Chief Editor of Java Post Saudi Arabia, he has now also become a media consultants. "My rationale for stepping into the House of Representatives gargoyle is very simple which is to the welfare of journalists in Indonesia that is still not considered by the Government, in addition to the welfare of journalists, which is about the rights of journalists are still not relevant to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution," said H. Muis Abdul Muis said fact, mandated by the Freedom of Information Act No. 14 of the Public and need to be socialized gargoyle properly and set back. Therefore, many journalists in the Republic are on assignment often threatened because an information. He hoped he explained, journalists and future support will be further simplified the task of laws regarding the welfare of journalists and reporters. "God willing, if I am elected, my top priority gargoyle is the fight for the rights of journalists, my salary for those who have achievements" It's time we fight for journalists . States must be responsible for the task of journalists and welfare of journalists. "I thought, the State must be present and provide for the welfare of journalists. Data from the council press, many journalists who work without a salary is given, we want the future welfare of the journalist is given so that it can be balanced with the quality of journalists' Decisive Muis (MGB)
GITAJATIM.COM - The spirit of eradicating corruption, apparently to encourage the elements in Indonesian society. The debate on development ...

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