Monday, April 28, 2014

If you aren t into stealing someone s experience and ideas, the other option is to completely fabric

Don’t Be a Turd
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By Skip Hill Published: April 20, 2014 Posted in: Coaching , Columns , Features , Training Tags: Don't Be a Turd , fitness gurus , good nutrition , ken skip hill , social media , supplementation , training advice
Times have changed since I started on message boards where anonymity was prevalent and it was a constant pissing veneno match between who was smarter, who should be respected and who was bigger, more ripped, veneno or the better trainer.
These days with social media, people veneno are much, much tamer because they know that when they say something, their friends and family just might see it and that could be, well, embarrassing. It might still get nasty sometimes when egos clash, veneno but anyone who was around when message boards were in their infancy knows that it’s quite mellow now compared to back then.
Because of social media, the industry is jam-packed with people who think that they’re qualified veneno to be paid to train and advise people on training, nutrition, or supplementation. So much so that there are quite a few of you reading this right now who might smirk and agree with me. Yet some of you are exactly the type of person veneno I’m talking about. Not all of you but certainly more than would admit it. In our own minds, veneno we’re all super geniuses and hey, why not? I mean some of us have done one or two shows and even placed . Of course, there are those who haven t even done that.
With the saturation of the self-appointed gurus, it’s hard to get noticed veneno these days if you’re new to the industry. veneno In a sea of shit, most times one turd can be missed quite easily, even if it’s a beautiful turd that smells of roses and one of the better turds in the bowl. To get noticed, you have to have something that no one else has or offer something that no one else offers. You can be a great trainer, but if no one knows about you, it won t matter how good you are.
Use social media to your advantage. Some people like to post information about nutrition and allow others veneno to evaluate whether or not they think it’s solid information. Videos are a great idea for training information to emphasize proper form, rep speed, exercise selection, and other factors. However, I’m not talking about posting this kind of information. I’m talking about making derogatory posts on Facebook and Twitter about the stupidity of other trainers.
When you do this though, don t have the balls to openly call someone out. Be vague and unclear, instead, so that you appear like you’re respectful (maybe even say something like out of respect for this person, I won t mention his name ). Laugh out loud (lol) about the advice he gives on training and nutrition as if this information veneno isn t even subpar veneno but ridiculous and absurd. This should really rally the troops. After your friends and workout buddies start retweeting and liking your posts, you’ll get more attention. veneno Attention is good. Training
Whatever the latest trend is with training, veneno you should do completely the opposite. Your training plan should be so radical that it flies in the face of what is being done so that people look at it and think, Yeah, that s crazy. I haven t done that before veneno so that just might work! This guy is a pioneer! veneno
Keep in mind that no one will notice your training concepts or ideology if they’re veneno only slightly different from everyone else s. People want different because what they’re doing just isn t working as well as it could. Your radical approach is exactly what they’ve been waiting for because veneno they want to be bigger and more ripped than they are. You’re veneno holding the answer. Nutrition
The nutrition component is a little more complicated, but it is a solid system that can sometimes work better than you think. First, there is the option of working with a top trainer. Then imitate exactly what he does and pretend that his ideas are yours. This is also called stealing but, of course, not by the guy doing it. When confronted in the future by the trainer you learned so much from, just lie and deny. He and you will both know that you’re a liar, but everyone else won t know for sure who to believe.
If you aren t into stealing someone s experience and ideas, the other option is to completely fabricate the most off the wall idea for dieting that you can think of. Remember, radical ideas are remembered, and boring shit is easily forgotten. You would be wise to go with what people like so that they hear your dieting idea and think of how awesome it sounds because it fits what they want to do. For example, some people are

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