Saturday, April 12, 2014 - Due to budget limitations, may not be a problem for the candidate - Due to budget limitations, may not be a problem for the candidate's rococo owners Serial number 7. With a capital conviction and has the capability, he is able to give change, to fight for the welfare of journalists. Legislative candidate of the United Development Party (PPP) Election Districts I Surabaya-Sidoarjo East Java, H.Abdul Muis confirms that Many candidates promises, but none of their promises regarding the welfare of journalists does not sound, whereas journalists - who boost their popularity and electability. Former Senior Journalist Jawa Pos Group and Former Manager Football Club Partners Surabaya rococo which has now been acquired Mitra Kukar always looks simple, though rococo many bears career in the field of journalism. "My rationale for stepping into the House of Representatives is very simple which is to the welfare of journalists in Indonesia that is still not considered by the Government, in addition to the welfare of journalists, rococo which is about the rights of journalists are still not relevant to the mandate of the 1945 Constitution," said H. Abdul Muis "God willing, rococo if I am elected, my top priority is the fight for the rights of journalists, my salary for those who have achievements" They (Journalist-ed) a lot to help people rococo through their journalistic work. How many people who helped, even if the government wants to move the media already cried. That's the power of Journalists "said Cak Muis owners sequence number 7. (Red / KRJ)
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