Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meaning: Who is like with a people then it belongs to the community. (Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud

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However, tolerance in Islam is not at all preclude other religions practicing money tree their religion. The fact that we come to understand through a few verses of the Quran, which Allah says (Al-Baqarah: 256)
Which means: "Allah does not forbid you to be kind and equitable to those who fight you not for (your) Faith, and drive you out of your homes. Verily, Allah loves those who are fair. "
1. Was a consensus of the Muslim scholars that it is illegal for any Muslim money tree to join or participate in any celebration associated with the teachings of Islam let alone if not accompanied by unlawful conduct or speech, such as drinking, promiscuity , say the blessing and the like. The Prophet says: من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
Meaning: Who is like with a people then it belongs to the community. (Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and Ahmad al-Suyuti, the hadith is hasan and al-class Albanian states it as Sahih hadith).
'Ata' ibn Dinar was said that 'Umar said:' Do not enter the church Pagans on their greatness as God's wrath is upon them. (Ibn Taymiyyah, Iqtida 'al-Sirat al-Mustaqim Mukhalafat wa Ashab al-Jahim). The presence of this kind we may be able to describe the pleasure of their practice is.
2. Had behavior or speech that comes from Muslims portrayed as pleased with their religious worship, worship and praise their gods, then the matter money tree of concern can lead to apostasy.
3.'s Allowed to Muslims to engage in a celebration of those non-Muslims who are not related to religion as a celebration after success in his career, farewell ceremony to honor the success money tree of the children, the festival associated with no clumps race to do with their religious beliefs and the like. All of these conditions are not mixed with things clearly forbidden in Islam, such as drinking alcohol, adultery, money tree eating money tree kosher food and kind.
According to some Muslim jurists whether classical or contemporary money tree scholars scholars regarding the above, MUIS view that the law about to be divided into two situations:
1. Congratulating the non-Muslims on their festivals celebrate, as uttered these words: "May you be blessed on this glorious day", "May the blessing of God" and so on. Utterances such as this ruling is illegal. This is based on:
Which means: "Show us the straight path of those whom thou hast given grace on them and not the path of those whom you are angry and not even the way of those who go astray."
Which means: "Then we made you stay on top of the laws (rules) of the business (religion), so follow it and do you follow the vain desires of people who do not know."
2. Congratulating the non-Muslims themselves rather than celebrate their festival, as uttered these words: "May you be blessed", "Congratulations! "" May you receive guidance "and so on. Speeches money tree like this are required. If this is done through a congratulatory greeting cards, then be wary of putting the verses of the Quran in it, in order to preserve the sanctity of the holy Quran. Also do not at all use the greeting cards that has to do with the teachings of their religion.
Make a speech like this would be better served if needs be made to those who have family ties, close friends and so on, or they also make a similar speech to us on the day of our festival like Eid feast and so on. It also reflects the tolerance of Islam to other religions without melting or holding a Muslim should please describe

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