Friday, March 27, 2015

WikiLeaks Suga Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has unveiled the latest re-investment provisions. Pr

Ballet Oman dojihoe rate
WikiLeaks Suga Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) has unveiled the latest re-investment provisions. Press in the United States that have actively rate promoted the TPP are focused in-depth analysis of the reported problems in terms of investor TPP, which contains an analysis of the leaked this. And 26 (local time) dated 20 January 2015 the foundation stone of TPP remaining economic challenges President Obama's statement on the basis of TPP negotiating drafts written by existing trade agreements, and the priority of the foreign investor or company the benefit of the country overriding public institutions and reported that the father of hot debate, because non-discrimination and ambiguous regulations for foreign rate companies.
[Source: WikiLeaks - is a key issue of TPP investor provisions that pointed out this is because the investor country sosongje (ISD) which was controversial in the international. TPP on this system makes it possible rate to file a lawsuit against the US government, if lower than the expected harm the interests of investors for foreign companies or businesses. Of course, companies located in other 11 countries participating in the TPP negotiations may exercise the same rights rate to the other station. According to the relevant provisions, businesses and investors are granted the right to file a complaint with the World Bank (WB) and United Nations (UN) Act of the Government through the courts to the jurisdiction, regulations and court orders. Both the central rate government and local governments may be subject to litigation. The criticism that the benefits of foreign investors or companies of the existing trade agreements is a top priority for the same opposition camp TPP TPP with the highest priority than any of the previous agreements protecting the rights rate of the company. However, the most active US Republicans and business leaders in promoting the TPP argue that other agreements entered into prior to also include information similar to the TPP. ISD is the logic that is specified rate in the 3,000 gotta trade agreements that already exist on the planet, and the United States rate also signed rate an agreement to allow 51 ISD, including the North American Free Trade Agreement already. rate ISD is actually present in the economic agreements such as the North American Free Trade Agreement. But such agreements are in effect with respect to the United States rate is very limited. The United States ended up in the case of 17 investors for more than 25 years, only 13 went to double the court. And the United States has not lost any trial. But there is no reason why the United States TPP opposite case the losing camp so far, because the state of the company sees itself as one file a lawsuit against you in the size or budget, rate or had market rate power. These forecasts rate will also be expanding investor rights of rich countries such as Japan and Australia has long been investing in the United States, nor be able to transform all of them if the TPP is concluded. Porsche loaded for the Ohio Democratic Senator Brown is the same problem, "US Trade Representative (USTR) said it would be more challenging in the future for the United States and had never been true in the case," said the bar is high. This means that there is bound to be established, the relation of the station and eventually rate lays the concern would be the size of the capital, the success or failure depending on the strength left. According to the World Trade Monitoring rate (Global Trade Watch) of the American NGO Public Citizen (Public Citizen), if the TPP has signed about 9,000 foreign-owned companies operating in the United States will have the right to lawsuit against the US government. The more than 18,000 companies in the US to the station to get the rights for the remaining 11 countries. Due to the defeat of the national public institutions ISD criticism of the country's public institutions in the country that can be harnessed also being repeated. "If either directly or indirectly by the Investment confiscation or nationalization" below, and foreign investors are signatories to the terms and conditions of a TPP chapter confirmed that to claim for financial compensation. According to another leaked document, definition of the "indirect expropriation" includes the "action rate of the government rate to intervene in pronounced forecast rate based on rational investment (performance)." TPP opposition faction In response to transnational rate corporations broadly interpreted the phrase "indirect expropriation" and warned that to claim damages for the regulation or law amendments undermine the value of their investment. TPP camp in 1999 in favor of a meta Annex to practice public policies rate that promote the protection from the ISD (Methanex) If you will be a much bigger company rate similar trial in countries such as Japan about the case, the opposition rate camp can be seen the same ruling emerge not be questioned. This case is the State of California inde motor fuel additive (MTBE) selling for having taken the US ban on Canadian investment rate company Methanex has filed a case on the ground that harmful human body, such proceedings are concluded the tow bar built 6 2005 . Another concern rate that must also be very high amount of damages. In 2012, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is one ordered Ecuador to pay $ 2.3 billion (about 2 trillion 500 billion won) for two euros was seized oil concession bar. Foreign investors and companies based in the United States has already filed a lawsuit in the US civil courts. Since 1993, federal law chioe International Trade Tribunal 70 million lawsuits hanging triangulation, including that suffered a 17 lawsuits over national law. If the foreign company to enter into non-discrimination and the TPP negotiations ambiguous provisions Member States was also cited as a problem that you can not preferential treatment to goods produced within its territory. Sees that the TPP in favor of the government is not in violation of one faction, rate the trade provisions dealing with foreign and domestic companies equally. International industry experts Scott Miller of the US Center for Strategic and International Studies degree 'No government can not worry about discrimination against foreign companies, "he says. However, the public rate role of the state to protect the domestic industry has no choice but to radically shake this case. The text is ambiguous definitions are cited as factors increasing concern about the TPP. Provisions relating to investment, says "all assets owned by the investor is in the nature of the investment or controlled, directly or indirectly." Here again, including "intellectual rate property, financial instruments such as derivatives and equity," the construction, rate management, production rate and transfer of water, dividends and other similar rate agreements, and included licenses, permissions, permits and similar rights to those based on national law area is a situation that can grow to infinity. rate The United States, Japan, Australia and other 12 countries are participating TPP negotiations are being pursued in secret since 2005. Leaked document is the first time since the initial version was published in 2012. (Article alliance = true world)
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