Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Also, the first roses are open. Those that bought this spring, I did not take into account, as they

Today, at 13:51, when the summer began, the sun shone and the rain came a man of not only the horse (lawn tractor) to jump back on, but even the grass to be cut. We hope this is a good sign: D First snowdrops were märtsikellukesed and, even before the official start of Spring 15:03
June 1, lily blooming in the early days when the daisies. This spring garage daisies umbrohuvastase garage fight during the batch with the laminates were grubbed up and plans to re-sow. It was happier when I saw that they had found a new place for themselves among the pine trees and vegetable garden. This narrow strip of jätsimegi trimmerdamata now, let them thrive there in peace.
Pink and red lupins began to blossom 28.05, but because they had grown so high this year, then I had to raise the red around backwards, otherwise he would have had a new red phlox "Miss Mary" be concealed. I guess he was suffering from poor thing this brutal movement during flowering, but it looks like a still life. Other parents phlox is also abnormally prolonged this spring, I quite along on.
Irises were nirud this year. In spring, the leaves on top of them had some kind of creepy garage crawlies, but I could not immediately be sprayed them Mahti. I thought that, or it will not affect flowering. Either that or any other reason stems were shorter than usual, and flowers as well as the weakest. After starting to bloom spray "Bronze Charm 'flowers were more appropriate. I bought this 2 years ago and waited for her very blossoms garage since last spring, garage he did not flourished, like other irises.
Larkspur is a very long growing this spring garage as well. Last spring, they had a half shorter, now has a new place to look for them, I guess. They lost in the meantime stands between the Himalayan thimble flower that just started to bloom as early as the beginning of June. Otherwise, it should bloom juuli August. This plant out of concern over education, garage gardening neighbor's wife lamenting got smarter. This is a two year old flower, and then started to happen off. But while he sows itself, garage just check out the new pups are not rohiks. Now look I realized, was a small new taimehakatis side. The old seems to be one of the plant, and the second to 1 year 2.aasta own. Anyway, last year I had only one plant.
Also, the first roses are open. Those that bought this spring, I did not take into account, as they have come to the greenhouse, but the old booming "Ingrid Bergman", is immediately going "lavanglut", "Karen Blixten" and "Travemünde". Last year, the first õitseja "Brandy" went back after the cut off.
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