Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Irises, lilies and phlox among the woody stems species do not. Peonies (Paeonia), however, there is

Irises, lilies and phlox among the woody stems species do not. Peonies (Paeonia), however, there is even a real diverse family of shrubs. The whole world is the 33 species of the peony. These are the ten species of the homeland, an American and Californian peony growing in North America, western part of the calcareous soils. Peony Flower language expresses modesty and shame.
Anomalous and poo-saspojengi peony root preparations are used in folk medicine for pain, inflammation and high blood pressure. parks China, however, is considered a symbol of beauty and wealth of peony suffruticosa (P. suffruticosa) enjoys the status of national flower. In Serbia, the National trifoliate parks peony plant. Estonia is the most popular gardens tumesametpunaste täidisõitega early peony (P. officinalis) cultivar 'Rubra Plena'. Valgeõielise peony (P. lactiflora), white, pink and red varieties parks täidisõitega simple and well loved, but they bloom in second parks half of June and July. This year we broke the earliest parks flowering peony was the 11th of May.
Peonies Täidisõielistest õitsevadki earlier lihtõielised wild species. Great gorgeous pink or white flower is blooming very early obovate peony (P. obovata), and dill leaves resembling threadlike leaf lobes ahtalehine peony (P. tenuifolia).
Natural pojengiliigid although early õitsejad and brightly-colored flowers, but they are much shorter flowering period. In autumn boast many types of fruits opens a seemingly bright pink or korallpunaste kõluseemnetega.
The peony garden can be one and the same locus nice flourish hundred years successively. Select a plant sunny tree roots or large sirelihekist beyond memorable scene. Fill the planting hole with compost soil fertile. Fresh manure will not offer to pay the peonies, it ends the roots rot. Peonies cultivation is another important factor - the different plants parks and flowers in a vase by cutting the cutting tool with spirit disinfected. Otherwise, we unwittingly spread the peony in a domestic environment incurable parks viral pathogens.
Apple trees (Malus), there are 55 species in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. Five species of apple tree is the motherland. In an apple tree grows wild in the forest, which is under protection. Is a close relative of apple pear roosõieliste people, but the apple tree pollen is yellow, purple pear tree, however.
Iluõunapuud becoming popular in landscaping. People often ask whether these fruits are also fit to eat. Fit them for it, but is smaller and harder than hapumad aedõunapuusortidel. In contrast, blooming iluõunapuud usually every year, and abundant blooms are yellow or red fruits remain on the tree for longer cooking apples, between the new year or spring. Iluõunapuu My favorite variety is the "Van Eseltine". Flowers are dark pink, ballooning, which will become brighter days. "Van Eseltine parks 'buds are like fuchsia, heavy and limp, half filled. The tree does not grow very big, and our winters are subject conciliatory.
If space is limited, suitable parks for solo eesaeda narrow tree crown 'Red Sentinel' and 'Red Obelisk'. Narrower crowns are also long lasting golden yellow in autumn apples with small 'Golden Hornet'. Proud thrives in dark red flowers, bred in "August pious." Iluõunapuude can even choose from among the so-called crown hanging from an apple tree varieties of mourning ("Red Jade", etc.).
A big and wide crown tree grows to the east-mari apple (M. baccata). Until recently, the English name we got a rare Japanese apple (Malus x micromalus). But who wants to plant apple trees of paradise, the plant varieties to ask for the business' Dolgo ". parks Immersed tumepurpurpunase foliage and dark red flowers are iluõunapuu "Royalty".
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