Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Linnasekreemil was kaljane aftertaste. Dessert was more

That post should teeny longer post than usual. 16 represents our (me and my partner's) carport for a particular carport number. Specifically, 16 in both of our birthdays. (16 June and 16 July), and it still makes special 16/7 to 4 years ago, my partner thought that it is good for me to call first date. In fact, he invited me on a date to the movies instead 15.07.2010. But why is it read 16:07 as the film "Like carport night and day" ("Knight and Day") was closed after 16:07, and we talked for a long time, then we read the 16 date of the premium. (Ps. I was then in 16 years), but this nocturnal cinema has become a tradition, and this time there was also exceptional. 15:07 we went to the cinema as well. We went to the movies Viimsi this time, since the rest of the movies were not, we would not have seen, and what had started so late. We went to the cinema for the first time in Viimsi. It must be noted that the terms of service Tallinn cinemas remain off though. Coca-Cola Plaza, we have not gone a long time ago, at least after an increase in non-Solaris Kino. But lately the Solaris Kino rundown. carport Indeed, in the past, they had tickets for the control of high-speed scanner, carport but now they do so in a slow mobile phone. (Why should the procedure to change a bad thing?) We went to see "Mixed carport Family" ("Blended").
It was a comedy, a good view of the evening, did not have a lot to think about. It was very funny places, as well as a place on the corner of tears run. If you enjoy a bit of Adam Sandler comedies ajuvabamad is suitable for you in this movie viewing. We liked it anyway.
In the evening we went to OKO Kaberneeme restos. This is our favorite restaurant. We have been there several times, just do not even remember how many times. We love this restaurant, both in its location, food and service terms. Although the service can be a bit wobbly, then yesterday the service was superb!
Salad was nice and easy. Tuna pleasantly peppery and tasteful. Salads were sprouts and other green, and there was hidden in a pile of Wakame Seaweed also a (very good thing too as salad). Sweeter, and half were arbuusikuubikud those yellow dots are not just raw egg with something carport sweet (maybe mango cream, not sure). Tuna was very nice. Maitsekas- pleasantly thin and very good. :)
Sea Shell were blue mussels, green mussels, cockles, and was still, carport however, can not remember anything. Garlic got was pleasantly soft inside but crispy top. Boxes were comfy, carport cozy wine sauce was puljongitaoline. I've got such a kooresemat, and this is not your taste, however, OKO was nice, not too thick sauce. Mucoid boxes themselves are not like a lot of people think. Pleasantly mild cases are, pisult carport taste like chicken meat but the flesh is not so dense?!? (Somehow difficult to explain) Anyway, who have not tried it, I recommend you try it. (Dependent carport on the stick)
Cheesecake with strawberries, blueberries and sõstramarjadega. White chocolate puruga. Very tasty dessert was. If you like cheesecake, also like this. It was not just a dry skin cream. Sour grapes are balanced with a pleasantly sweet cake.
Linnasekreemil was kaljane aftertaste. Dessert was more "manly" or to whom it is well suited to the tastes of those involved. Half Man praised highly. Ice cream itself was, however, pleasantly sweet and slightly reduced carport the KVASS taste. As I also mentioned, this is our favorite carport restaurant and this time we were not disappointed. If you like a little more relaxed environment and proximity to the sea then this is the place to visit. Tallinn about 50 km away. Wefie
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